In Rays of the Light Box Art
In Rays of the Light Box Art
In Rays of the Light Box Art


In Rays of the Light

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Red Art Games
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation 4 [EU]
Also on Platforms: PS5 [EU] PSN (PS4) [EU] PSN (PS4) [NA] PSN (PS5) [EU] Switch eShop [EU] Xbox Live (Xbox Series X) [EU] Xbox One Digital [EU]
Genre: Action-Adventure
Rating: PEGI - 12 (Europe)
Item Number: CUSA-23645
Barcode: 3760328370458
Release Date: January 10 2022
Description: “In rays of the Light” is an atmospheric author’s parable about our place in this world, life and death. Explore a mysterious territory filled with a variety of details that reveal the story. Solve logic puzzles and study text messages along the way.


- First-person meditative quest

- A metaphorical philosophical story revealed in the study of details and surroundings

- Beautiful visuals and melodic soundtrack (composed by Dmitry Nikolaev)

- Two endings

- Remake of "The Light" (2012) game
Box Text: There is only you, the abandoned remains of a former life and the flourishing nature that feels great in the absence of man.
Date User Field Value
06-24-2022 koemo1 Front Box Art new
05-07-2022 price5474 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
02-26-2022 bobi Back Box Art new
02-26-2022 bobi Front Box Art new
02-14-2022 dagazconcept Item Number CUSA-23645
01-14-2022 dhaabi Genre 26
01-14-2022 dhaabi Name In Rays of the Light
01-14-2022 truekobayashi Created

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