Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived Box Art


Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Genre: Adventure
Rating: NA
Item Number: 1016770
Release Date: December 5 2019
Description: NA
Box Text: As a police detective tasked with bringing down a dangerous terrorist group, you fight on two fronts: interrogating suspects & managing your team and its reputation. With time running out, how far will you go to stop these criminals? Manipulation, threats or even torture? Does the end justify the means?
Date User Field Value
04-07-2023 dhaabi Description
04-07-2023 dhaabi Box Text As a police detective tasked with bringing down a dangerous terrorist group, you fight on two fronts: interrogating suspects & managing your team and its reputation. With time running out, how far will you go to stop these criminals? Manipulation, threats or even torture? Does the end justify the means?
04-07-2023 dhaabi Name Interrogation: You Will Be Deceived
04-07-2023 dhaabi Item Number 1016770
04-07-2023 xandowsk Created

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