Start the Party! Box Art


Start the Party!

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Estimated Value: $3.12 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Developer(s): Supermassive Games
Platform: PlayStation 3 [NA]
Also on Platforms: PS3 [EU]
Genre: Party
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: BCUS-98220
Barcode: 711719822028
Release Date: September 17 2010
Description: PlayStation Move Required.
Over 20 frantic mini-games and challenges put you at the center of the action on your own TV! Hold on to your PlayStation® Move motion controller as it magically transforms into a racquet a paintbrush or a mallet and get your friends and family to join the fun

Swat the insects as they swarm across your screen

It's a close shave - can you chop off the hair in time?

Scrub the croc's teeth clean but don't get bitten!
Date User Field Value
08-13-2017 Flashback2012 Description PlayStation Move Required.
08-13-2017 Flashback2012 Box Text GET TOGETHER AND MOVE! Over 20 frantic mini-games and challenges put you at the center of the action on your own TV! Hold on to your PlayStation® Move motion controller as it magically transforms into a racquet a paintbrush or a mallet and get your friends and family to join the fun BUG BASHIN' Swat the insects as they swarm across your screen CUT 'N' COLOR It's a close shave - can you chop off the hair in time? BRUSH IT Scrub the croc's teeth clean but don't get bitten!
08-13-2017 Flashback2012 Item Number BCUS-98220
12-16-2016 justinius Name Start the Party!
07-06-2015 argyle Front Box Art new
07-30-2012 topspot123 Created

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