Starvoid Box Art



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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Paradox Interactive
Developer(s): Zeal Game Studios
Platform: Steam
Genre: Strategy
Rating: None
Item Number: NA
Release Date: August 30 2012
Description: NA
Box Text: Starvoid is a multiplayer real time strategy game, wrapped in the easy-to-pick-up and easy-to-play structure of a first person shooter.

The player takes the role of a mercenary commander in the outer rims of the galaxy, fighting for control over the rare spaceship fuel, Starvoid. On the battlefield, the player has an arsenal of combat robots, vehicles and ingenious abilities ranging from deployable machine gun turrets and minefields to repair nanoids and orbital rocket strikes. Everything is constantly refilled as the commander instantly is allowed to re-enter the battlefield after being eliminated.
Date User Field Value
08-30-2012 foxhack Created

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