Happy Feet Box Art
Happy Feet Box Art
Happy Feet Box Art


Happy Feet

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Estimated Value: $3.76 [via PriceCharting.com]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Developer(s): Artificial Mind and Movement
Platform: PlayStation 2 [NA]
Also on Platforms: DS [EU] DS [NA] GBA [EU] GBA [NA] GC [NA] PC [EU] PS2 [AU] PS2 [EU] UMD Video [JP] Wii [EU] Wii [NA]
Genre: Rhythm
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-21455
Barcode: 031719269396
Release Date: November 14 2006
Description: Tap into the adventure and fun!
step into mumble's happy feet as you belly-sled, dance, and swim through Antarctica on an amazing adventure
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
12-05-2019 bigbossman Cart/Disc/Media Art new
02-28-2017 crystaldan Description Tap into the adventure and fun! step into mumble's happy feet as you belly-sled, dance, and swim through Antarctica on an amazing adventure
02-28-2017 crystaldan Barcode 031719269396
10-29-2012 darko Back Box Art new
10-29-2012 darko Front Box Art new
10-29-2012 darko Item Number SLUS-21455
10-29-2012 darko Release Date - Year 2006
10-29-2012 darko Release Date - Month 11
10-29-2012 darko Release Date - Day 14
10-29-2012 darko Rating 2
10-29-2012 darko Genre 11
10-29-2012 darko Developer 684
10-29-2012 darko Publisher 1823
10-02-2012 sacredpoptart Created

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