Streets of Rage 3 Box Art


Streets of Rage 3

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): Sega
Developer(s): Sega
Platform: Steam
Also on Platforms: Genesis Mega Drive [AU] Mega Drive [BR] Mega Drive [EU] Mega Drive [KR] Wii Shop [NA]
Genre: Action
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: NA
Release Date: May 2 2012
Description: NA
Box Text: The mysterious crime boss Mr. X has enlisted the help of Dr. Dahm in creating lifelike robots to replace key city officials, and soon will be able to run the entire city by remote control.

Strategically placed bombs are being used to distract the city police while Mr. X deals with the city leaders one by one. Now it’s up to our four heroes, Blaze, Axel, Skate and Zan to prevent a catastrophe from unfolding.
Date User Field Value
10-19-2012 foxhack Created

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