Agetec Bass Landing fishing controller Box Art


Agetec Bass Landing fishing controller

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: PlayStation Accessory
Genre: NA
Rating: NA
Item Number: 8870
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 1999
Description: originally bundled as part of the Bass Landing fishing controller boxed release (SLUH-00063)
released in North America
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
09-13-2021 dhaabi Description originally bundled as part of the Bass Landing fishing controller boxed release (SLUH-00063) released in North America
09-13-2021 dhaabi Item Number 8870
09-13-2021 dhaabi Release Date - Year 1999
09-13-2021 dhaabi Name Agetec Bass Landing fishing controller
01-26-2013 hexen Created

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coliver80 Message
cratermania Message
dangerdolan Message
galagamaster Message
hexen Message
hipp1e Message
jaklyra Message
jmtatari19 Message
metika Message
multiarcadejr Message
TheDreadGazeebo Message
toiletduck Message

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