Joust (oval seal) Box Art
Joust (oval seal) Box Art
Joust (oval seal) Box Art


Joust (oval seal)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Nintendo Entertainment System [US]
Genre: Platformer
Rating: NA
Item Number: NES-JU-USA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: October 1988
Description: NA
Box Text: In the medieval age, knights were proving their skills and bravery by playing the game called JOUST. In the future well beyond our knowledge, the knights of hyperspace are playing their version of JOUST. They saddle up the space ostrich, and fight with aliens. You must adjust yourself to this unknown environment called hyperspace. You are not fighting for fame or glory, you are fighting for your own life. Knock the aliens off before they get to you. It is not an easy task, but somebody must do it. Can you be the survivor of this space flight? Good luck! Believe me, you will need it!
Date User Field Value
02-21-2022 dhaabi Cart/Disc/Media Art new
02-22-2019 aliensstudios Name Joust (oval seal)
08-01-2017 megabomberman Name Joust (Oval Seal)
09-10-2015 nefarious Front Box Art new
09-10-2015 nefarious Back Box Art new
08-08-2014 critter7405 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
08-08-2014 critter7405 Box Text In the medieval age, knights were proving their skills and bravery by playing the game called JOUST. In the future well beyond our knowledge, the knights of hyperspace are playing their version of JOUST. They saddle up the space ostrich, and fight with aliens. You must adjust yourself to this unknown environment called hyperspace. You are not fighting for fame or glory, you are fighting for your own life. Knock the aliens off before they get to you. It is not an easy task, but somebody must do it. Can you be the survivor of this space flight? Good luck! Believe me, you will need it!
08-08-2014 critter7405 Item Number NES-JU-USA
08-08-2014 critter7405 Release Date - Year 1988
08-08-2014 critter7405 Release Date - Month 10
08-08-2014 critter7405 Genre 17
12-07-2013 Dav1d Created

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Castle Message
cdimatt Message
cdimatt Message
chairmanmeow Message
chaosiv Message
crgx82 Message
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critter7405 Message
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Dav1d Message
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emagen303 Message
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