Bowling (1-4 Players) Box Art
Bowling (1-4 Players) Box Art
Bowling (1-4 Players) Box Art


Bowling (1-4 Players)

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Estimated Value: $2.95 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Agetec
Developer(s): Tamsoft
Platform: PlayStation [NA]
Genre: Sports
Rating: ESRB - E (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-01288
Barcode: 093992071103
Release Date: May 14 2001
Description: "1-4 Players" on back cover
Box Text: Add a Bowling Alley to Your Home.

Three Great Games in One!
• Standard games: The Classic game is played under the same rules as its real life counterpart.
• Quest games: Different 3-pin combinations are set up on the lane.
• Completing a 3-pin set up moves you onto the next 3-pin set up and provides you with an extra chance!
• Special game: 45 pins are set up on the lane. The player is given three chances (balls) per frame to knock down all the pins. Each game is seven frames long.
Date User Field Value
08-17-2022 tripredacus Front Box Art new
08-17-2022 tripredacus Description "1-4 Players" on back cover
08-17-2022 tripredacus Box Text Add a Bowling Alley to Your Home. Three Great Games in One! • Standard games: The Classic game is played under the same rules as its real life counterpart. • Quest games: Different 3-pin combinations are set up on the lane. • Completing a 3-pin set up moves you onto the next 3-pin set up and provides you with an extra chance! • Special game: 45 pins are set up on the lane. The player is given three chances (balls) per frame to knock down all the pins. Each game is seven frames long.
08-17-2022 tripredacus Name Bowling (1-4 Players)
08-06-2022 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
08-06-2022 Back Box Art new
08-06-2022 Front Box Art new
08-06-2022 Release Date - Day 14
08-06-2022 Release Date - Month 5
03-02-2022 nathan776 Cart/Disc/Media Art new
03-02-2022 nathan776 Back Box Art new
03-02-2022 nathan776 Box Text Add a Bowling Alley to Your Home. Three Great Games in One! •Standard games: The Classic game is played under the same rules as its real life counterpart. •Quest games: Different 3-pin combinations are set up on the lane. •Completing a 3-pin set up moves you onto the next 3-pin set up and provides you with an extra chance! •Special game: 45 pins are set up on the lane. The player is given three chances (balls) per frame to knock down all the pins. Each game is seven frames long.
03-18-2013 atariboy Barcode 093992071103
03-18-2013 atariboy Release Date - Year 2001
03-18-2013 atariboy Publisher 1376
03-18-2013 atariboy Release Date - Month 1
03-18-2013 atariboy Developer 1196
05-22-2012 mungular Rating 2
05-22-2012 mungular Front Box Art new
05-22-2012 mungular Genre 14
NA NA Created

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