International Track & Field (jewel case) Box Art


International Track & Field (jewel case)

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Konami
Developer(s): Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya
Platform: PlayStation [NA]
Genre: Sports
Rating: ESRB - K-A (US / Canada)
Item Number: SLUS-00238
Barcode: 083717170105
Release Date: 1996
Description: NA
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
09-06-2021 dhaabi Name International Track & Field (jewel case)
01-22-2013 foxhack Name International Track & Field (Jewel Case)
01-22-2013 foxhack Front Box Art new
01-22-2013 foxhack Barcode 083717170105
01-22-2013 foxhack Release Date - Year 1996
01-22-2013 foxhack Developer 1992
07-05-2012 theflea Front Box Art new
07-05-2012 theflea Rating 8
07-05-2012 theflea Genre 14
07-05-2012 theflea Publisher 4
NA NA Created

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