City Connection Box Art
City Connection Box Art
City Connection Box Art


City Connection

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Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Jaleco Entertainment
Developer(s): Axes Art Amuse
Platform: Famicom [JP]
Also on Platforms: 3DS eShop [EU] 3DS eShop [NA] MSX [JP] NES [US] Wii Shop [NA] Wii U eShop [NA]
Genre: Action
Rating: NA
Item Number: JF-05
Barcode: 4907859101055
Release Date: September 27 1985
Description: NA
Box Text: NA
Date User Field Value
02-01-2021 jeffmandm Barcode 4907859101055
02-01-2021 jeffmandm Publisher 615
02-01-2021 jeffmandm Developer 2034
02-01-2021 jeffmandm Back Box Art new
01-06-2015 badATchaos Front Box Art new
01-06-2015 badATchaos Release Date - Year 1985
01-06-2015 badATchaos Item Number JF-05
01-06-2015 badATchaos Release Date - Month 9
01-06-2015 badATchaos Release Date - Day 27
10-16-2014 kaplitov Created

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