Talos Principle, The: Public Test Box Art


Talos Principle, The: Public Test

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Genre: Puzzle
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Release Date: November 6 2014
Description: NA
Box Text: The Public Test for The Talos Principle consists of four increasingly difficult complete puzzle levels, where players will be able to test the range of puzzle mechanics, as well as run a benchmarking AI bot for their PC.

The Public Test is meant to serve as additional stress and compatibility testing before The Talos Principle launches later this year and is now available on Steam for a limited time prior to the game's release.
Date User Field Value
09-08-2020 tripredacus Release Type 0
09-08-2020 tripredacus Name Talos Principle, The: Public Test
06-28-2015 Name Talos Principle Public Test, The
11-15-2014 amunjazz Created

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