Independence Day Box Art
Independence Day Box Art
Independence Day Box Art


Independence Day

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Estimated Value: $9.07 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Fox Interactive
Developer(s): Radical Entertainment
Platform: Sega Saturn [NA]
Also on Platforms: PC [NA] PS1 [NA] R-Zone Tiger LCD UMD Video [JP]
Genre: Flight Simulator
Rating: ESRB - K-A (US / Canada)
Item Number: T-16104H
Barcode: 086162018152
Release Date: February 28 1997
Description: NA
You're in the cockpit against Earth's deadliest menace in this high-tech flight-based game with blazing arcade thrills. Battle alien attack fighters as you obliterate the City Destroyers deployed by the massive Alien Mothership. As your mission progresses from city to city, you fly faster and more heavily armed planes, from the F-18 Hornet to the captured alien fighter from Area 51, building to a death-defying climax in a whiplash-paced assault inside the Mothership.
Date User Field Value
05-06-2012 scott Cart/Disc/Media Art new
05-06-2012 scott Box Text THE FATE OF THE WORLD IS IN YOUR HANDS! You're in the cockpit against Earth's deadliest menace in this high-tech flight-based game with blazing arcade thrills. Battle alien attack fighters as you obliterate the City Destroyers deployed by the massive Alien Mothership. As your mission progresses from city to city, you fly faster and more heavily armed planes, from the F-18 Hornet to the captured alien fighter from Area 51, building to a death-defying climax in a whiplash-paced assault inside the Mothership. DONT CHOKE... THE WORLD IS COUNTING ON YOU!
05-06-2012 scott Rating 8
08-06-2011 scott Back Box Art new
08-06-2011 scott Front Box Art new
08-06-2011 scott Barcode 086162018152
08-06-2011 scott Rating 2
08-06-2011 scott Genre 23
08-06-2011 scott Publisher 1417
08-06-2011 scott Developer 715
NA NA Created

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