Invisible Apartment Zero Box Art


Invisible Apartment Zero

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Alt-Name NA
Publisher(s): NA
Developer(s): NA
Platform: Steam
Also on Platforms: PC - Digital
Genre: Adventure
Rating: None
Item Number: 369120
Release Date: January 1 2015
Description: NA
Box Text: Teenage girl hacker stumbles upon a secret that changes her life forever.

This is a cyberpunk visual novel about the growing up of a girl from the suburbs who dreams of a life in the big city. It's also about a conspiracy, hacking, surveillance, but most importantly about friendship.

Invisible Apartment Zero is part of a series and is a prequel to Invisible Apartment which you can also find on Steam.
Date User Field Value
07-01-2016 puddingm Item Number 369120
07-01-2016 puddingm Release Date - Day 1
07-01-2016 puddingm Release Date - Month 1
06-15-2015 foxhack Created

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