Chase H.Q. Box Art
Chase H.Q. Box Art
Chase H.Q. Box Art


Chase H.Q.

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Estimated Value: $7.44 [via]
Alt-Name NA
Release Type: Official Release
Publisher(s): Taito Corporation
Developer(s): Taito Corporation
Platform: Sega Game Gear [NA]
Also on Platforms: Amiga [EU] Amstrad CPC Arcade Atari ST [EU] C64 [EU] GB [EU] SMS [AU] SMS [EU] TG-16 Wii Shop [NA] ZX Spectrum
Genre: Racing
Rating: NA
Item Number: NA
Barcode: NA
Release Date: 1991
Description: NA
Box Text: New York has become a haven for drug dealers, murderers, and petty criminals of all sorts. The New York City Police Department has established a special task force to help clean up the city. Based in Manhattan, the Chase task force is responsible for handling dangerous, high-speed car chase operations to apprehend escaping criminals.
Date User Field Value
02-06-2019 tripredacus Cart/Disc/Media Art new
07-22-2012 unibonger Back Box Art new
07-22-2012 unibonger Box Text New York has become a haven for drug dealers, murderers, and petty criminals of all sorts. The New York City Police Department has established a special task force to help clean up the city. Based in Manhattan, the Chase task force is responsible for handling dangerous, high-speed car chase operations to apprehend escaping criminals.
07-21-2012 retromangia Front Box Art new
07-21-2012 retromangia Release Date - Year 1991
07-21-2012 retromangia Genre 10
07-21-2012 retromangia Publisher 666
07-21-2012 retromangia Developer 328
04-02-2012 atariboy Name Chase H.Q.
NA NA Created

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