Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 81699 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2016, 01:39:14 pm »
My challenge list! I'm still going to do my little reviews of each game I beat in a separate post like last year, but this post will be the running list without all the clutter. Only games that I picked up or beat for the first time this year will be on this list. Very excited to fully tackle this challenge since I was a latecomer last year.

New Games Played in 2016:

1. Solar Jetman: The Hunt for the Golden Warpship (XbOne) 
2. Fire Shark (Gen)
3. Bust-a-Move '99 (N64)
4. Pokemon Shuffle (3DS)
5. Resident Evil (GC)
6. Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits (PS2)
7. Time Crisis 3 (PS2) - Is awful without a GunCon, so I will definitely need to pick up one of those before playing again.
8. Mark of Kri (PS2)
9. Splashdown (PS2)
10. Gauntlet: Dark Legacy (GC)
11. Mario Party 7 (GC)
12. Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue Version (GBA)
13. Metal Slug X (PS2)
14. Perfect Dark (Xbox One)
15. Jetpack (Xbox One)
16. Rocket League (Xbox One)

+ New Games Beat in 2016: (Click the link to see each post I made about the game!)

17. (1). Super Smash Bros. For 3DS (3DS) - 1.15
18. Donkey Kong Country (SNES) - 1.17
19. Ace Combat: Infinity (PS3) - 1.30
20. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS) - 2.6
21. (5). Ace Combat Zero (PS2) - 2.22
22. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3) - 3.26
23. The Thing (PS2) - 3.30
24. Suikoden (PS1) - 4.5
25.  The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) - 4.24
26. (10). Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (PS3) - 5.6
27. R.C. Pro AM II (XbOne) - 5.12
28. Mega Man 4 (PS2) - 5.16
29. We Love Katamari (PS2)  - 6.4
30. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy (3DS)   - 6.11
31. (15). Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (PS2) - 6.22
32. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon (PS3) - 6.25
33. Luigi's Mansion (GC) - 6.27
34. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (PS1) - 7.10
35. Golden Sun (GBA) - 7.17
36. (20.) Ratchet & Clank (PS2) - 7.19
37. Metal Gear Solid (PS1) - 7.28
38. Super Monkey Ball 2 (GC) - 7.31
39. Batman: Arkham Asylum (PS3) - 8.9
40. Spectrobes: Beyond the Portals (DS) - 8.18
41. (25.)Wipeout XL (PS1) - 9.2
42. Sly 2: Band of Thieves (PS2)  - 9.9
43. Super Mario World (SNES) - 9.18
44. Pokemon Picross (3DS) - 10.28
45. Medal of Honor: Frontline (PS2) - 11.15
46. (30.) Conker's Bad Fur Day (XbOne) - 11.24
47. Ori and the Blind Forest (XbOne) - 12.23
48. Pokemon Moon (3DS) - 12.25

TOTAL PLAYED: 48/52 - Argh, I was so close! Next year :)

« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 10:03:39 am by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

My music collection | My Backloggery


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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2016, 03:11:58 pm »
Ace Combat 04 - ps2

Sniper Elite 3 - ps4
Far Cry 4 - ps4
Assassin Creed  Unity - ps4
NES Remix Pack - Wii U
VGCs Unofficial Podcast! Be sure to sub and listen in.

Add Me: fighterpilot562 (PSN, XBL, WiiU, Steam, Origin, Steam, Twitch)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2016, 03:43:07 pm »
2 - Blue Estate (PC) - 2 Hours FINISHED - Goofy on rails shooter.  Very much like House of the Dead, but kinda like Shadow Warriors humor to me.  Very over the top, but entertaining.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 10:31:17 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2016, 07:21:04 pm »
Reviews in purple are for games that I replayed. Reviews in teal are for games that I did not finish.

1. The Evil Within

2. Fatal Frame

3. Until Dawn

4. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

5. Kirby Super Star Ultra

6. Stella Glow

7. Devil Kings

8. Jikandia: The Timeless Land

9. Demon's Souls

10. Castlevania 64

11. Kirby Air Ride

12. Indigo Prophecy

13. Heavenly Sword

14. Mega Man X

15. Mega Man X2

16. Mega Man X3

17. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance

18. Klonoa: Empire of Dreams

19. DDR MAX2: Dance Dance Revolution

20. Valkyria Chronicles 3: Extra Edition

21. Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII

22. Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament

23. Kirby: Squeak Squad

24. Kirby: Canvas Curse

25. Tobal No. 1

26. Glover

27. Folklore

28. Shenmue

29. Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble

30. Kirby's Epic Yarn

31. Resonance of Fate

32. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land

33. Kirby's Pinball Land

34. Project X Zone 2

35. Nightshade

36. Muramasa Rebirth: Fishy Tales of the Nekmoata

37. Muramasa Rebirth: A Cause to Daikon For

38. Muramasa Rebirth: A Spirited Seven Nights' Haunting

39. Muramasa Rebirth: Hell's Where the Heart Is

40. Mega Man X4

41. Kirby: Triple Deluxe

42. Panzer Dragoon Saga

43. Galerians

44. Nights of Azure

45. Kirby's Avalanche

46. Snatcher

47. The Bouncer

48. Lufia: The Ruins of Lore

49. Onimusha: Warlords

50. Mega Man, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection

51. Mega Man 2, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection

53. Final Fantasy XIII

54. Akiba's Trip

55. Onimusha 2: Samurai's Destiny

56. Mega Man 3, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection

57. Kirby's Block Ball

58. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

59. Time Stalkers

60. Onimusha 3: Demon Siege

61. Kirby: Planet Robobot

62. Zero Time Dilemma

63. Seven Samurai 20XX

64. Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness

65. The World Ends with You

66. PaRappa the Rapper

67. EOE: Eve of Extinction

68. Kirby's Dream Course

69. Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth

70. Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars

71. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X

72. Baten Kaitos Origins

73. 7th Dragon III: Code VFD

74. Mega Man Xtreme

75. Mega Man 4, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection

76. Mega Man 5, as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection

77. Kirby's Star Stacker

78. Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book

79. Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA

80. Fatal Frame III: The Tormented

81. Azure Striker Gunvolt

82. The Getaway

83. Shantae and the Pirate's Curse

84. Magic Knight Rayearth

85. Aragami

86. Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls

87. Shovel Knight

88. Quest 64

89. Gravity Rush

90. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

91. Mega Man Xtreme 2

92. Shadow Complex Remastered

93. Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 04:44:09 pm by kashell »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2016, 02:29:56 pm »
Added 2 more games to my list on page 1 :)

Maybe I will be able to finish this challenge this year!
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2016, 04:33:57 pm »
Main List

Bold are beaten games or games that are otherwise unbeatable

I'm not a fan of "scores", you know 9/10, 93%, 4/5, etc.  I'm going to give my personal rating of the games.

1. Thomas Was Alone (PS4)
Fairly short puzzle platformer game, it's the context and narrative that make this game interesting and worth a playthrough.
Rating: Definitely worth a play, if you got the game with PS+ check it out, if not, wait for a sale, it's a short game, but definitely amusing

2. Infamous: First Light (PS4)
Probably about the same amount of content as the full game of Second Son, better narrative than Second Son from what I recall.  Really enjoyed playing this, it doesn't hurt that I'd probably play any game with Laura Bailey as a lead.
Rating: If you are a fan of Infamous, definitely check this out.  Otherwise, my opinion is that it is a great game and definitely worth playing if you got the game with PS+, if goes on sale, or is somehow included in a bundle with Second Son.

3. Rise of the Tomb Raider (XB1)
I beat this game on New Year's eve, but I played quite a bit after New Year's getting collectibles and stuff.  Really good game, not much connectivity from the previous game aside from minor references to characters in the previous game.  The game didn't feel like the "survivor" game like the last game.  I suppose it's supposed to show that she has grown and knows how to handle herself now, but my understanding is that this game does pick up shortly after the last game, I might be wrong.  A lot of the
trailers for this game showed her talking with a therapist and dealing with her PTSD from surviving the first game, so I was expecting PTSD and narrative that would delve into that aspect of her character, but it never occurred.  My understanding was the theme of the game was rising above and surviving, but the game very strongly showed that she had no trouble surviving and didn't need to "rise above" anything.  Still a great game, 9/10 in my book.
Rating: Buy, definitely buy this game, if you haven't played the first game in the reboot series, play it first.  Both are highly recommended in my book.

4. Chibi-Robo! (GCN)
Having read very little about this game, I went into it expecting exactly what I got, plus a little more.  The humor is fairly childish, but who am I kidding, that stuff is the best.  Quite a bit of humor mostly a child would laugh at, and quite a bit of humor only an adult would laugh at.  So I was laughing quite often with this game.  The last 2 "chapters" of the game kind of confused me and caught me off guard, but everything made sense once they started explaining things.  They showed these pictures or drawings that I felt were supposed to mean something and I didn't get what was going on until they explained it, maybe that was the point, but I liked it.  I'm going to try to get my hands on a copy of Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol.  I had a chance at a copy for $5, but I would've had to drive pretty far and I think it's not quite worth that + gas.  I'll have to go put it on my wishlist now.  Might be my first handheld game for the year, unless I go play Izuna.  I really wanna play Okaeri! Chibi-Robo! Happy Richie Ōsōji!, but it being Japan exclusive complicates things, but there is a fan translation in the works.
Rating: Really fun game, it is a chore game, but there are always things to do and you are rewarded for everything.  If any game in the chibi-robo series is worth playing, it is this one.  I definitely can't recommend paying over $50 for the game, but it is a game I recommend nonetheless.  More on this in the Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol review.

5. The Stanley Parable (PC)
Really short game.  Short enough that it wouldn't take an hour or two to get through every single ending openly known.  The narrative and story is what makes this game worth the play.
Rating: Fun intriguing game, but definitely not worth the money it costs to play.  If you can get it in a steam sale for under $1, I'd say go for it, you'll get more out of it than a bottle of water... unless you live in Michigan.

6. Castlevania (NES)
Decided to start playing the Castlevania series, going to try to burst through a bunch of the games.  I tried playing this on the retron5, but my retron5 wireless controller doesn't hold a charge for very long and is pretty much a shitty controller in general.  I tried using an NES controller, but to be quite frank, I think NES controllers are shit as well, maybe all of my controllers suck, but I the amount of force required for the controller to register a button press and the inability to press the d-pad quickly or the d-pad reading that you held down left for 5 seconds even though you just tapped it, very very frustrating.  I hooked up a SNES controller, because I like the SNES controller... sometimes... but this is the retron5, in order to use a SNES controller for an NES game, you have to go to the OS settings and make it so, well, without the retron5 controller I have no way of getting back to the main OS screen without restarting.  So, I gave up and loaded up my hacked wii, loaded up mednafen, and loaded up Castlevania.  Relatively short game, I think 6 levels, broken down into 3 sections.  I think this is honestly my first time knowingly playing a castlevania game, not my first metroidvania game though.  I might have played Castlevania 64 when I was younger, but I really don't remember.  Really enjoyed it, I loaded up Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest next, played it for like 15 seconds and decided I didn't feel like playing Castlevania anymore, so I started messing with WiiWare/DS stuff.
Rating: This is a great game, and it's not too expensive, so I would definitely recommend checking this game out, it's the only Castlevania game I've ever played and I liked it, the controls are fairly solid and is only frustrating at certain parts, definitely worth your time if you like side scrolling adventure games.

7. Yard Sale Hidden Tresures: Sunnyvillle (NDS)
I expected this game to be a yard sale game, like you go through a neighborhood of yard sales to buy random stuff to furnish your home, which kind of is basically what you are doing, but I thought there would be some choice in it.  I think I was expecting a Sims like game.  Turns out, it's just a hidden object game... and a weird one at that.  Doesn't seem too long and I've already played through what seems to be half of the game, so I might as well see it through.  Fairly short, my wife would love this game, pure I-Spy stuff.
Rating: Pass on this game, it's short, stupid, and boring.  I got relatively nothing out of it other than an idea for a hidden object/life simulation game.

8. Chibi Robo: Park Patrol (NDS)
Similar to the Gamecube game, but you are revitalizing a park.  Fairly good so far, but the controls are slightly frustrating.  The smoglings murderballing my flowers is super frustrating, but I think I'm getting used to slapping them right in the mouth before they can kill a flower or two.  Might actually finish this game in a few days at this rate.  I hit a point, where as soon as I woke up my PC exploded, so I can't buy anything, and I walked outside to go find a new control panel, and the bad guys sent 3 Smoglobs at my park and blew away all of my items and vehicles... and the water gun landed in a stream, and I don't currently own the waterproof spray.  So I had to go to town and find a control panel, fix the control panel and buy the waterproof spray, go pick up my water gun, go find a vehicle conveniently located at the furthest point on the map, all while 3 smoglobs are wreaking havoc on my park.  Very frustrating, but by the end of the day, I regrew enough plants that I only lost 25 flowers... mostly a waste of a day and I was still set back by the end.  I beat the game and felt compelled enough to continue playing until I made the entire park green, I received basically nothing at that point... so I saved and quit.
Rating: Really good game, if you liked Chibi-Robo, it's definitely worth the play.  If you have never played Chibi-Robo, this game is significantly cheaper and will give you an idea of how Chibi-Robo plays, so I would recommend this before spending the big bucks on Chibi-Robo for GCN.

9. Gone Home (PC)
I started playing this the other night, I had heard good things about this game, but I also heard that the developers are kind of dicks and don't accept criticism and delete/ban negative reviews of the game.  I have a personal problem with that.  So I explicitly did not pay for this game and played it on a friend's computer who does own it.  It's a really great game, I would recommend the game to tons of people if the developers weren't explicitly going out of their way to hide and destroy negative reviews.  But I also don't think this game is worth the asking price, definitely wouldn't pay over $5, I'd personally wait for a sale where it is Stanley Parable cheap.
Rating: My issue with the developer aside, and how much I actually really liked this game, I still can't recommend paying money for this game.  It's too short and too expensive.  I don't think even at 70% off it would be cheap enough.

10. Biker Mice from Mars (NDS)
I have no clue why I decided to play this game, but I'm relatively glad I did.  I don't know how well this game saves your data, as I played the game in its entirety without shutting off the system.  The game is split into 2 different genres, half of the game is a slightly frustrating Twisted metal esque racer (I say frustrating because my "L" button doesn't work, so I can't use the alternate weapon, which I assume is heatseeker missiles.  The other half is a beat em up arcade game.  Some parts are frustrating, mostly fighting the guys with guns.
Rating:I actually recommend this game, the racing parts are fun if you have a fully working DS, the fighting levels can be challenging, but mostly easy.

11. Grand Theft Auto III (PS2 on PS4) (Platinum)
The GTA Trilogy is on sale on PSN for PS2 on PS4, so I decided to buy it.  I haven't played GTA 3 since Vice City released, and I haven't played Vice City since San Andreas released.  I played Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories when they came out for PS2, but I didn't spend much time in those small short games, though I do wish those 2 titles had been included in the pack.  I have however played San Andreas several times over and over since release.  Beat it tons of times before 4 came out, beat it once more before 4 came out, beat it again after finishing 4 because San andreas was better, played it again sometime between 4 and 5, played it again before 5 was released, and played it again when it was released on 360 Games on Demand (Not Xbox originals version).  San Andreas, as you can tell, is my favorite entry in the franchise, but this time around, since I bought the trilogy, I decided I would not touch San Andreas until I finish 3 and Vice City.  The controls for GTA3 so far are very frustrating.  I don't fully understand what was done for this release, my understanding is that they have to physically modify the game to allow trophy support, which was their reason for not doing trophies for PS1 and PS2 classics.  As part of this "theory" since they lost licenses and such, they have stripped several songs from all of the games, GTA3 may not be included in that as the soundtrack was fairly indie all around.  If this is the case, I don't understand why they didn't update the control schemes to match later entries in the series, it is painful to play.  I mean, I am dying within 2-4 seconds in any single gunfight because I get flustered with the controls and wind up switching weapons instead of firing among other things.  I just need to get used to the controls, but I'm remembering why I never went back and played GTA 3 and I'm sure the same will apply to Vice city... but I will attempt to prevail and finish this title.  I doubt I will 100% this game, but I may try, I do have the old PS2 strategy guides, so I may be able to rely on that.  So my wife has family over, so I'm playing this Remote Play from PS4 to PSTV, at first it was working fairly well, I was impressed, but now her dad is streaming movies and youtube and her cousins are both playing computer games online, so the connection keeps dropping so I have to stop playing frequently.  We have 300Mbps internet, and a router that will transfer over 1Gbps, I would assume that remote play only uses local bandwidth, but it appears to be using actual internet or something, it gets frustrating.  I've had the game paused for most of the weekend in the middle of the final mission, family finally left, getting ready to play, I unpause the game, my car immediately explodes... yay.  Took me about 15 tries, but I finally beat it, I truly don't remember GTA 3 being as difficult, hopefully I don't have nearly as much trouble with Vice City, though I recall having a terrible time with some missions.  I'm going to attempt to Platinum this game, it will be my very first platinum trophy.  Ugh, these last 42% are going to be really painful.  Down to the last 8%, the 4x4 mission is going to be my bane... maybe that Flatbed.  Gripped! took me forever to beat, after I beat Gripped! and Rumble, I drove to Staunton Island and immediately saw a flatbed.  100% complete.  But my trophy progress is at 96% because I have 2 trophies left: 2000 cars exploded and busted 20 times.  Busted is cake, I'll probably get that trying to blow up the remaining cars.  I managed to sit down for about 30 minutes and blew up 250ish cars, so it should hopefully only take me an hour and a half to get the rest.  So close to that platinum.  Woot, done.  First platinum.
Rating:$15 for a $5 PS2 game that you can do remote play and trophies and such... if you've never played GTA 3 before, now's the time to jump in.  If you've played it before, you probably want to pass.  If you care about trophies and want the nostalgia, jump right in.  I bought it during a sale and I don't regret it, but I paid about $5 a game for the trilogy.  (This review applies to all games in the trilogy)

12. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future (NDS)
I already have save data that has 22 minutes logged.  With this information, I presume I have beaten Curious Village and Diabolical Box, I remember beating Curious Village, and I do remember starting and not continuing Unwound future, and I'm a stickler, so I don't think I would've just plum skipped Diabolical, plus I remember the intro to Diabolical, so I must have played it through.  Puzzle, Puzzle, Puzzle, you're a hero Professor Layton.  That ending, got me right in the heart.  Seeing a gentleman cry, it's heartbreaking.
Rating: If you are into puzzle games of any kind, then look no further than the Professor Layton franchise.  Great puzzles, admirable story, fun and interesting characters, what more could you ask for.

13. Portal (PC)
Portal, always a great game.  Fairly short, but fun puzzles and only takes about an hour or two to beat.  Game is on sale right now for $1.99, so if you don't have it go grab it.  I really don't know what else to say about this game, it's a staple game, everyone should play it.
Rating: SPAAAAAAAACE!!! What's that? Wrong game?  Oh.  Okay.  This game is great, play it, love it, and then go play Portal 2.

14. Pony Island (PC)
I've been on a PC binge lately, and it will probably continue.  This game is interesting, basically you are playing what I presume to be a kids game, that is possessed by a demon, or the devil himself.  Half puzzle game, half action/platformer?.  I don't know, you are side scrolling bullet hell/shmup style, I don't want to spoil anything, it's a really fun game, and I'm enjoying it so far.  You will definitely get your $5 out of the game.
Rating: Fun little half puzzle, half action game.  Fairly short, but plenty entertaining.  Not much in the way of replay value, but for $5 you won't be disappointed.

15. Road Rash Jailbreak (GBA)
Story tiem.  I had no intent of playing this, and this review is going to be very long for having nothing to do with the game.  Our neighbor's dog is kind of an asshole.  Most nights he will just bark intermittently.  He is a pretty big dog with one of those really piercing barks, loud, and piercing.  And he absolutely loves to stand right at the fence outside of our window and bark in our direction, it's fantastic.  Our neighbors don't speak english, and we live in an unincorporated area, so best case, we can get county sheriffs out here, but they don't respond to noise complaints.  We try noise makers (white noise machines, box fans, etc.), we try ear plugs, headphones/earbuds playing music.  Most nights, something works.  But last night, my wife woke up and went to our guest bedroom.  I woke up, realized she was gone and I couldn't sleep, so I went to find her.  We both tried to sleep in the guest bedroom, didn't help, dog is loud as fuck.  So she woke up and went to our loft and just sat in a corner and played with her phone.  I woke up not too much later, went and asked if she wanted to just be awake and watch a movie or play a game.  So I went and grabbed pillows and blankets so we could veg out on the floor and watch Netflix or play something on the Gamecube/GBPlayer.  She decided that since we can actually not hear the dog, or he stopped barking now that we gave up, she would try to nap and that I would just play games on mute until I need to get up for work in about 30 minutes.  Mind you all of this occurred between the hours of 1am and 5am, the dog was continuously barking from 1am to 5am, for no reason mind you.  I looking, he was just standing out there, barking, occasionally, he would stop standing and he would sit and bark in my direction.  So I go and look at the GBA games and try to pick a game to play, after playing Road Redemption at PAX South, my interest in Road Rash games has returned, so I decided to play Road Rash Jailbreak.  GBA is kind of the handheld equivalent of a SNES, so graphics are about that.  I beat the basic story mode in about 30 minutes, played cop mode for about 5 minutes, and then decided to get up and get ready for work.  I didn't play long enough to get a grasp of how the difficulty changes when you upgrade your character, or if it changes at all.  But this game was very frustrating, I found that if you are behind a guy, he can hit you and you can't hit him, and if you are ahead of a guy and he is behind you he can hit you and you can't hit him.  You have to be just perfect to make contact, they don't.  No breaking to help with the really tight turns.  Cops only attack you.  Game has rubber band mechanics, which has it's own pros and cons.  Cops have a special rubber band mechanic where you can never outrun them, and they will never outrun you, almost always right next to you, unless you hit them, then they slow down for a few seconds.  Game gives you 3 boosts per race, they serve almost no purpose, if you boost next to a racer or cop, they automatically boost with you.  I found that 7/9 times, when you get a weapon pickup, as soon as you activate it, all enemies immediately boost and rubber band away from you until your weapon expires.  Overall, this game is a solid pass, don't bother.  Mind you, this review is for the GBA version and does not reflect my opinion on the PSX version... which I also own and might play to compare.
Rating: Ugh, pass on this, seriously, just pass on this.  It is so inferior to other Road Rash games, the only good this I have to say about this is that the graphics are fairly smooth.

Continued down the page,6762.15.html#msg106471
« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 02:30:50 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #21 on: January 11, 2016, 07:18:55 pm »
Updated my log on the 1st page, 5 completed so far.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #22 on: January 11, 2016, 09:19:02 pm »
I gave up on this early last year but I'll stick with it again this year and try it out

Currently playing in 2016
Witch 3: The Hunt
Walking Dead Season 1
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
Persona Q

Game Beat in 2016
Fallout 4 - 01/11/2016


PRO Supporter

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2016, 10:32:12 am »
So I'm still sitting at 0 completed, however I have a list of games that I started in 2015 with intentions to finish soon. I also just completed a FE9 + 10 draft so I'm currently plowing through FE9...


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2016, 05:38:43 pm »

1. Undertale- Neutral Route, Genocide Route (ATM), Pacifist Route

2. Borderland 2 - Normal Mode, True Vault Hunter (ATM), Ultimate Vault Hunter

3. Borderland 1 - Normal Mode (ATM)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 07:03:35 pm by davifus »
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2016, 09:06:06 am »
Game 1 - Super Smash Bros. for 3DS ~ 40 Hours

 + Finally can count this game as finished after getting the last character, Bowser Jr. There's not much to say about Smash Bros. that hasn't been said already. It's a great game series and this iteration is very good. Plays great, looks great, playing online is fun (though laggy at times). Tons of stuff to do in the meantime as well! Really don't have much else to say, and had very little gripes with it.

Back to my list
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 08:36:42 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2016, 12:09:43 am »
Main List

bold are games that I have beaten, beaten previously, or are unbeatable.

16. Human Resource Machine (PC)
Progress: Year 35
This is a really interesting "programming" game.  You play a meaningless office stooge.  Your goal is to transfer items from an inbox to an outbox programmaticly using the commands given to you.   It starts off pretty simple, and you think to yourself "Oh, this is programming?  I can do this" and then you get a few levels in and you think to yourself "Oh my gord, what in the hell, get the shit out of here."  to which I actually think "Ah, this is why I got a degree in computer science, to make things more efficient than little office peons".  It's a fun game that makes you think really hard, and then you realize you were thinking 64 steps too hard for what was actually necessary.  Definitely worth checking out for $9.99.  I'm a little more than halfway through the game and the puzzles are getting pretty harsh, and I am a programmer.  Out of nowhere this game went from Year 33 with me doing a puzzle in like 1 minute, destroying all optimization challenges in the first run, to a level where I as a programmer can't even comprehend how I'm supposed to solve the problem in under 100 steps let alone in 17 steps.  Gosh, that last level kicked my butt.  Took me double everything to beat it, I was just plum tired of the game and wanted to be done though.  I do this for a living kind of, so it's hard to do this at work and then come home and do a similar thing.
Rating: It's a really good game if you have interest in what programming is like.  Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard, and a lot of times there are more efficient ways to do things, especially if you have a limited tool set.

17. Party Hard (PC)
One of the games I played at PAX South.  They gave out 50% off steam coupons so I decided to get it.  I can relate to a game where you want to murder your neighbors for playing music really loud all hours of the night.  I mean, my wife and I have been playing this game since like 5pm, it's now 9pm.  The neighbor has been blaring Tejano music since noon, he is still blaring his music and our bedroom is right next to his backyard, but that doesn't matter, the computer room is on the far end of the house completely opposite of his house and the backyards and I can still hear his music over my typing.  So, it's kind of therapeutic to murder loud party goers.  Now if only my neighbor spoke English and were kind enough to lower his music if I asked.  I find it so baffling that a person can be gainfully employed and own a home and not speak English in the slightest.  All that ranting aside, it's a pretty fun stealth murder simulator with a little bit of a story to it.  It seems like the story is a police officer telling the story of a serial killer to someone.  There seems to be a giant bug with the Boat level where there is a missing file that causes the game to repeatedly report this information to the log file over and over, causing the log file to reach over 20MB.  I powered through and it was one of the most painful experiences I have had playing a game, but I did it.
Rating: This game's art style reminds me of Hotline Miami, it's not top down like the game, just that pixel art and 80's vibe.  The game is a stealth murder sim, kill everyone you can without getting caught.  I wanna say there is another game like this, but it escapes me.  Naughty Bear?  I bet I'm thinking of Naughty Bear.  Naughty Bear isn't a fantastic game, it's not even a serious game, but it can be fun... this game however, is great, is serious (most of the time), and I could replay this game over and over just because you can play it in so many different ways.

18. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2 on PS4)
Current Progress: 48% complete
After playing GTA 3 for the past week, I am sooo glad to be playing this game.  I don't remember much of this game, I don't believe I played it nearly as much as I played GTA 3.  But all of that aside, the physics are so much better, you can turn off the trails so you don't get that annoying video blur, which sometimes causes some annoying graphical issues, and the trophies seem to be less time consuming.  I'm going to attempt to platinum this game as well, the one thing that seems to be an issue is doing a wheelie for 30 seconds, but I'll give it a try, I'll try to do it earlier than later.  So having played quite a bit now, I'm realizing that the steering in this game is slightly different, slightly difficult, cars steer too fast and motorcycles either steer too far or not at all, with seemingly no reason for the difference.  I did a little research on the trophies, and it sounds like there is a trophy that requires a criminal rating of 1,000,000, it took forever to get a criminal rating of 5,000 in GTA3, I will likely not go for a platinum as I have no interest in grinding for 1,000 hours.  So I may go for most trophies I can, or I may just beat the story and move on to San Andreas.  Might take a break after this one and jump into -KLAUS- or Amplitude.  Progress is relatively slow for me right now, I've been getting home late from work because I'm trying to cover my hours since I'm taking off of work to go to PAX South.  I've already unlocked the other island, and taken over the Vercetti Mansion, and bought a few properties.  Managed to fast track it to the end so I could be done, I plan on coming back to this to get some of the trophies, still don't think I'm gonna go for the plat on this one.
Rating:$15 for a $5 PS2 game that you can do remote play and trophies and such... if you've never played GTA Vice City before, now's the time to jump in.  If you've played it before, you probably want to pass.  If you care about trophies and want the nostalgia, jump right in.  I bought it during a sale and I don't regret it, but I paid about $5 a game for the trilogy. (This review applies to all games in the trilogy)

19. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS)
I actually beat most of this game last year, or was it the year before, I don't know.  I'm a noob to the Fire Emblem franchise, it was the first game I bought in the franchise, and the first game I played... and I played it in casual mode.  I knew what I was choosing when I picked casual mode, I'm not familiar with the franchise, but I wanted my first experience to be forgiving.  Honestly, it was too forgiving, there was no challenge whatsoever, as long as I had a single strong character, I could make it through any chapter.  My wife watched me finish the game and kept complaining that she thought I was playing Final Fantasy because of the music... so now that I beat it, she is going to play through the game.  I think she is more aware of the franchise than I was, because she was talking like she knew the characters were dead forever if they died, and I had to explain casual mode to her.  Finished this just in time for Fates.  I think I didn't do everything I wanted to in the game, I certainly didn't finish all of the paralogues.  I don't know if the children from the future can get married, but I never did much of their support situations.
Rating: This game is fantastic, I don't know if this game has the most content of the Fire Emblem franchise, but it is definitely the most forgiving with its casual mode, so if you are thinking about starting the Fire Emblem franchise, I would definitely recommend this game as a starter.

20. Amplitude (PS4)
Growing up, I loved playing Amplitude and Frequency, as such I was one of the backers for the Kickstarter for this.  I preferred Frequency's tunnel layout over the flat track of Amplitude, but we'll come back to this.  At some point Harmonix released the track listings for the game along with the artists.  To my surprise, Noelle Leblanc did a lot of the vocals for Harmonix's original tracks for the game.  Most of you won't know who Noelle Leblanc is, and that's no big deal because I don't think she was widely known at all, let alone as a solo artist.  But I digress, Noelle Leblanc was the lead singer of the band Damone, which was and is one of my favorite bands, but they disbanded after the drummer passed away.  She has still been active in the music scene, and seeing her listed in most of the original tracks really hyped me for this game.  Certain backers got early copies, not me, I just wanted the game, none of the special stuff, so I had to wait until release date to play, I almost wish I had done the special tiers that got early access.  On January 2nd, my eardrum ruptured and I was deaf out of my right ear for about a month and a half.  Game released on January 6th I believe.  So I downloaded it day one, but I decided not to play it until my ear was better so I could enjoy the game.  My hearing came back about a week ago, but I've been having earaches and headaches so I haven't wanted to touch it until I could enjoy the music and not be pained by it.  So Sunday morning I was feeling fine, so I decided to finally play it, and I loved every minute of it.
Rating: If you ever played Amplitude and Frequency and liked the game, you owe it to yourself to give this game a go, you'll love it too.  The soundtrack is very electro techno rave dance music, but it does also have some music (read as like 2 songs) from other games such as Minecraft and Necrodancer.  So if you can't stand techno music, you might want to pass on this.

21. Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky's Big Adventure (PSX)
I played this game in my youth, and I also played this game when I was testing the tissue and straw trick on my PSOne.  This game is basically an escape game, collect items, use/trade items, meet your goal, win.  Beginning of the game gives you a brief explanation of how to play, but they leave out things like using 2 items at the same time.  The game is really short, like an hour or so.  I enjoy this game because it's easy to amuse yourself just cursing at Max and Elmyra, escape games are pretty menial, and I love Tiny Toon Adventures.  Basic premise is, Plucky forgot to do his homework, so instead of doing his homework with what time he has, he chooses to build a time machine to go back in time and do his homework, flawless plan.
Rating: Honestly, this game is a solid pass unless you love escape games or you love Tiny Toon Adventures enough to play an escape game.  It's a fairly solid escape game, though some things aren't very intuitive.

22. Tiny Toon Adventures - The Great Beanstalk (PSX)
I've owned this game for quite some time, for the most of that time, I thought it was Plucky's Big Adventure, then I realized it wasn't and quickly went out and purchased said game.  But since I just played the previous game, I decided to play this as well.  This game plays like a CD-i game, it's pretty damned bad, like everything about this game screams bad CD-i game.  I believe originally this game was a PC point and click game, but then someone decided to port it to PSX.  The problem is that it really should be a PC game, or a really bad CD-i game.  There are times when the characters make comments that make it seem like the game wasn't official licensed and that they can't use certain things, such as the Tiny Toon Adventures theme song.  Game is short, took me less than an hour to beat.  This game is one of those games that are so bad, I really really wish I had streaming equipment so that I could stream how bad this game is.
Rating: Pass, pass so hard on this game.  It's really bad, and really not worth anyone's time.

I backed this game on Kickstarter and took part in the beta, I've been patiently awaiting this game's release.  I was not disappointed, this game is fantastic.  It's almost like a puzzle having to figure out the order of what to do and figuring out where everyone will be, and the addition of endless mode after you finish the story is pretty great.  The story gets a little confusing because you have to do some meta stuff... but it's all part of the game.  There are also some neat little extra features like a fake IRC channel with people that you can watch interact with one another and people who join the channel.  Story mode is fairly short, 40ish levels, but endless mode is the selling point in my opinion.  Plus your replays can be uploaded to their website killstagram, which is cool and kind of funny.
Rating: For the steep price of $24.99, I'd probably pass on this.  For the sale price of 22.49, I'd still probably pass.  Getting it for under $20 with the current sale plus the game owner discount (the code you get from someone who owns the game), I'd suggest getting it.  If you are like me, and generally do story mode and walk away from a game, you might feel empty afterward with a $25 purchse... but I paid $40 (I think) for a beta copy that I've had for almost a year at this point, and I don't regret it.  Definitely a game to check out.

24. Luminosity (PC)
I think I got this in a bundle, and noticed it was like Jezzball back in the old days, so I sat down and played through the campaign, took a few hours.  Game isn't that great, not even a little bit, but given that I got it with a bunch of other games that I wanted, I won't complain.  But I really only cared because I loved playing Jezzball when I was younger.  The game throws a little thing here and there to differ the gameplay.  Sometimes the laser shooting things behave differently, sometimes the enemies move at different speeds and directions, and stuff.  I'm actually really really tired right now.
Rating: It sucks, but if you like jezzball, can get this for next to nothing, and are willing to waste a few hours of your life; go for it.  But otherwise, solid pass.

25. Capsule Force (PS4)
Another one of those games I played at PAX.  My wife really enjoyed this game and insisted that I purchase it the next time it goes on sale, so I obliged.  We had her cousin over, so we played multiplayer in it for a while, and then I decided to do the mission mode and beat the game.  It didn't actually take more than an hour or two, I think.  Unlocked everything in the game short of some concept art which requires an "A" and/or "S" rank in all missions.
Rating: If you have the opportunity to take advantage of local multiplayer and play parties games, this game is a must have.  I played this game with a small group of folks who don't generally care for 2-d side scrolling shooters, but they absolutely loved playing this game.  It's rounds are relatively short, simple, and very addicting.  If you are like me, and rarely have the opportunity to play party games, you might want to consider passing on this game, but this game does play fairly well with 2 player, so my wife and I can play this any time.

26. Fallout 4 (X1)
I actually beat this game last year, but I'm still kind of planning on beating it one last time playing through the Minutemen route.  For some reason, no clue why, I decided to get back into Fallout.  I'm sitting at 25 games beat already, and once I get into this my high margin of completes is going to drop because this game is going to eat up my time.  Fun story, my power went out last week and I started playing Fallout 4 the other day, I kept doing saves and quicksaves and finally after several hours of playing I died because I wasn't sure what would happen when I did something, guess what, I died.  I went to reload and I couldn't find any of my saves from that day, I was freaking out and unhappy, then I decided to scroll down and check the bottom of my list.  Turns out when the power went out, the Xbone reset it's clock back to launch date.
Rating:  What?  You want a rating?  No.  Go buy and play this game.  Seriously though, this game is kind of a let down compared to the varied content and difficulty brought on by Obsidian with New Vegas, but it's an absolutely solid game worth playing.

26.1 Fallout 4: Automatron (X1)
Given that this isn't a stand alone experience, I don't believe it deserves its own number, but I do believe it deserves its own bullet.  I don't know what's going on with this DLC, I'm level 53 or 54, pretty high up there, and I went into the first fight of this DLC, and died... several times.  It was consistently one thing or another... generally 1 robot with lasers so fast and so strong that it would tear through my armor and health in a second or two... or something would explode, fatman style, and kill me regardless of health and armor.  I got through that and eventually got to the second fight of the game, I died several more times until I decided to go get big guns and badass power armor, that did pretty well.  I eventually made it to the third fight of the DLC, badass armor, upgraded companion, and I got demolished.  <-- This last one was weird actually, I pulled out my weapon, but it wouldn't fire, so I just stood there until I died... made me mad enough that I stopped playing altogether.  Part of that anger was the fact that the autosave system (which is supposed to auto save every 5 minutes or so) wasn't working and the game hadn't saved in about an hour.  Jumped back into this after a few days to chill out, the difficulty seemed much lower after using Power Armor and some powerful weapons, I think it may have been my own stubborn choices that made it so hard.
Rating: For $10, you get a questline (with multiple quests), 1 new companion, the ability to build many robot companions, several new characters to interact with, 1 new "settlement", 1 new radiant quest, several new and unique weapons and outfits, and new workshop items.  I can't recall if the FO3/NV DLC were $5 or $10, but this is significantly less content than any previous Fallout DLC we have seen, given that there is no new "world" like most DLC gives you.  My personal opinion is that it is worth having, but not having it won't lessen your experience with Fallout 4, though building robots is pretty cool.

27. Child of Light (X1)
This game has been in my backlog for a while, bought it for my wife and she played it for all of five minutes.  I had been interested in this game for some time when it first came out, but a while back I found out that one of my favorite musicians, Beatrice Martin aka Cœur de Pirate, composed the music for the game, I just knew I had to play it.  We were babysitting all weekend, so I decided to play it while my wife was taking care of the baby.  To my surprise, the game is written and told very much like a child's storybook, art style kind of matches too.  This game actually has very little battles compared to most RPGs, but the battles can be fairly long and require constant attention, which generally comes with a generous amount of XP.  In my playthrough, I never found Tristis and I never used Robert or Gen.  Pretty much rotated between Norah, Aurora, Finn, Óengus, and Rubella.  Generally depended on the type of battle.  It may have been my trying to rush through the game towards the end because I was so tired of the battles, but the climax towards the end of the game didn't feel too built up, but I was also tired so maybe I can't remember well.
Rating: Definitely a must play, might make you feel like you need to talk in rhymes, but a great game with a great story and great gameplay.

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« Last Edit: June 02, 2016, 02:40:54 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2016, 11:59:41 am »
Updated my review list with my replaying of Kirby Super Star Ultra.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2016, 02:03:24 pm »
Game 2 - Donkey Kong Country - 4 game hours recorded, probably actually played 8 or so.

+Quite the fun platformer,and definitely a classic. The soundtrack and graphics are fantastic, and the gameplay is really fun. I like being able to switch between the Kongs to tackle different obstacles, and the secret areas are fun to explore. The game also has the perfect length and difficulty. It's definitely a great game with a lot of personality.

- Like many platformers I've played, sometimes you have to play the level once before you can actually try to beat it, because you often die from sudden enemies or traps you can't predict the first time. It's why I personally don't like Sonic and prefer platformers like Mega Man or even Mario: they typically shy away from this more.

Back to my list
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 08:37:04 pm by telly »
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2016, 04:55:12 pm »
Wew boy we are already on week 3 are we? I'm still at 0. Need to make that change this week for sure.