Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge *2016*  (Read 81735 times)


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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #45 on: January 28, 2016, 09:58:39 am »
Just beat my first game of the year too!

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - GCN

It was a replay so not too much to say but I did do a draft so that was fun! Used some characters I haven't really used heavily before so not too bad. Gonna update with more once I build my PC this week!


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #46 on: January 28, 2016, 10:13:29 am »
Thanks for the review of Kirby Superstar Ultra! I just read it.

Anytime! It's a great Kirby title.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #47 on: January 28, 2016, 09:40:20 pm »
I've mostly played 3 games so far this year:

Cities: Skylines- I pretty much stopped playing once I got the City to the largest "achievement size"
Super Mario Maker - You can't really beat this I suppose, but I've finished Expert mode several times over now.
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!! - I've recent set up my office where I can stream my retro consoles to Twitch (or where ever), and this was my pilot run.  Just beat Tyson this morning.

Tomb Raider (2013)
Alien: Isolation
Mega Man X2
LEGO Marvel's Avengers
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
Halo 3: ODST
« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 09:52:32 am by Cartagia »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #48 on: January 29, 2016, 03:53:09 am »
6 - Rocket League (PS4) - 1 Hour FINISHED - This was bought mostly as a multiplayer thing for local game meetups I take part in, but I did a short season and it's pretty fun.  There's really no campaign or anything and I don't really want to play anymore seasons.  Pretty entertaining though.  It's very intuitive with its controls and it doesn't take too long to figure things out.


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2016, 09:40:49 am »
Two more games finished! Reviews have been posted.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2016, 08:18:55 pm by kashell »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #50 on: January 29, 2016, 11:53:12 pm »
1. Portal Stories: Mel (Steam) Completed The closest thing we're gonna get to Portal 3! Amazing mod! Achievement Progress 100%
2. Emily is Away (Steam) Completed I have no idea why I played this Achievement Progress 100%
3. The Walking Dead (PS4) Completed I played the series in reverse but this game is overall better than Season 2 Trophy Progress 100%
4. Teslagrad (PS4) Completed Would recommend to anyone who is interested in Metroid-esque games. Trophy Progress 100%
5. LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4) Completed Great game, but ruined but numerous glitches and bugs. Trophy Progress 100%

*Added Teslagrad and LittleBIGPlanet 3 (PS4)
« Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 07:55:38 pm by retroone »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #51 on: January 30, 2016, 12:19:21 pm »
Game 3 - Ace Combat Infinity (PS3) - 64 Hours
Final beat the last campaign mission that was included in the original release. They've since put out additional missions with updates, but for me those count as DLC.

+ I know a lot of people hate on this game, but I love it. It plays really well - kind of like a modern version of the PS2 classics. It's really fun to level up your plane and show it off to other people as you compete in lots of different missions and special raids. Namco also adds a lot of bonuses and promotions to spice up the game and keep you wanting to play it. The soundtrack features a ton of classics from old AC games which really helps make it exciting too.

- The campaign is really really bad in my opinion, it's boring and takes a ton of credits to unlock each mission; (Maybe 2,000,000 or so unless you buy an unlock with real money). Overall the story doesn't live up to the games on the PS2. Also since the game is free to play, you have to wait and play a little bit everyday; you can't binge and level up the things you need. You have to be patient and slowly work your way up which sucks (again, you can buy your way up with real money if you want to go faster).

But... since the game is completely free, I can really look past all the flaws in the campaign and the grinding pace of the multiplayer. I didn't pay anything for the game, so I really don't feel offended by what it does wrong. For me I got 60+ hours of entertainment without paying a single dime! I'll take that any day.  :D

Back to my list
« Last Edit: March 26, 2016, 08:37:16 pm by telly »
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2016, 11:59:09 am »
A few more games will be added to my list once the reviews are finished!

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2016, 12:10:27 pm »
Main List

More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.

80. Star Fox 2 (SNES)
That one guy posted that he got a boxed Star Fox 2 repro from some guy and it made me really want to play this.  I've never played Star Fox 2 before, and I've been wanting to play this game for years.  I wanna say every time I went to play it it wouldn't load, so I finally got to play it.  It's such a good game, but it did crash once and it is very short.  I would've loved to see more of this game.  Would've been nice as a small inclusion into Star Fox 64 since the game was mostly done at that point.
Rating: Short and Fun Star Fox game with rather unique mechanics of having to defend Corneria from the enemy's assault.

81. Demon's Souls (PS3)
I wasn't really planning on putting this on my list, but I spent a good portion of 2 days playing this game, swapping back and forth between myself and my wife's cousin.  I also don't know quite sure how to track the progress, since you can kind of play it in any order.  So I decided to list what levels we have started but haven't beaten.  I don't know for sure if we did anything on 2-2, but we made it to the bosses for 1-2 and 3-1.  This game really seems like it wants you to use Bow and Arrows for the bosses a lot.  Went and beat the boss for 1-2, which was pretty simple once I had some arrows.  Can't move to 1-3/1-Boss until I beat an Archdemon, not sure what that is.  Went and beat the boss for 3-1, wasn't too hard.  Went to the boss of 4-1 and proceeded to get my ass handed to me, not sure what exactly it wants me to do, Boss hits you no matter where you are.  I'm leveling up my Vitality in preparation to go at that again.  Went pretty far in 2-2 and decided to leave to go spend my souls before dying.  Got to the boss of 5-1 but had no arrows so I left.  Pretty much just stocking up on arrows, grinding for souls, ore, and grass at this point.  Going to try and stick to not playing this game without my wife's cousin because it's slightly more fun that way.  Grinded quite a bit whilst waiting for my wife's cousin to come over again.  Absolutely wrecked the few bosses we went at.  A quick run through 4-2 nets so many souls, it's gonna be cake to grind some more if necessary.  I'm fairly certain that all we have left is the first world.  We beat all the final bosses of all of the other worlds.  The Penetrator kicked my ass like 8 times before I gave up and looked up how to beat him easier.  I knew beating him my way would work eventually, but it was just getting too tedious.  So next time my wife's cousin comes over, we will probably beat the game and move onto Dark Souls.
Rating: This game is fantastic, very skill based though.  Highly recommend this over Dark Souls so far.

82. Super Boss Gaiden (SNES-CD)
A video popped up in my feed about the first game for the SNES-CD, or atleast the first homebrew game.  Apparently the owner of the Nintendo Playstation released the BIOS, and someone modified their SNES emulator to be compatible with the SNES-CD BIOS.  Then someone made a game for it.  So I decided to put it all together and play the game.  It's a fairly short game, if you are good you can probably beat it in under 30 minutes.  It's a really fun game.  A beat 'em up game, but you gain "heart rate" (read as health) by beating up enemies in rapid succession.  The game tells the story of a Sony exec who finds out that the Nintendo Playstation got leaked... then proceeds to destroy tons of stuff and kill tons of people.  The emulator that was released to work as a SNES-CD emulator (no$sns) pops up as a trojan in my anti-virus software, so I ran it inside of an enclosed VM, so be vigilant if you are going to mess with it.
Rating: Pretty fun, really short, definitely at least check out the SNES version.  Read above if you want to read the issue with the SNES-CD version.

83. Mega Man & Bass (SNES)
I'm playing the translated SNES version, I really don't know why I'm playing this one over the GBA version, but I am.  I'm playing through as Bass.  The usual Mega Man frustrations.  Don't really understand which items are good or not, but I don't get enough screws to consider buying anything.
Rating: Really good Mega Man game, I really have no clue why we didn't get it back then.

84. Cave Story 3D (3DS)
I started playing this Sunday, but I hadn't decided if I was going to stick with it.  At this point, I'm probably pretty far along in the story, so I guess I'll stick with it.  I only really started playing this because I brought my little case of 3DS games with me and my wife's cousin and I were stuck sitting in the car for an hour or so.  He was playing Cave Story (The 3DS eShop version), and he always talks about how it's his favorite game of all time.  So I decided I'd finally play my copy that's been sitting in my 3DS case for who knows how long.  It's a pretty fun 2.5D platformer/shooter.  I think I remember playing the PC version back in the day.  I got to the point where I'm asked if I want to leave.  I decided to kind of spoil it for myself and see, because I figured that would trigger an ending.  I know that I missed some things and can't get the best ending, but at least I can get the good/neutral ending.
Rating: Really good, but there are cheaper versions that play just as well.  But I like this one.

85. Blacksite: Area 51 (360)
I dropped this game back in 2008, I don't know why, it's not a horrible game, just kind of bland.  I decided to pick it back up and finish it because I thought I was near the end.  Turns out I was near the beginning.  Game is really short though, finished it in about 6 hours total probably.
Rating: Meh, easy pass.

86. Hexcells (PC)
This game seems to be a different take on the minesweeper style of gameplay.  It's kind of interesting, but for a minesweeper player, the controls are backwards and are really easy to get wrong.  I changed the controls to the other way around to match minesweeper.  That seemed to help some, but I still got confused on occasion.  The game is partly based on patterns and designs, so kind of like Picross you can kind of tell what it should look like to help you out when you get stuck.  Pretty quick game, took about an hour.
Rating: I really enjoyed this game, I bought the HB Indie 17 bundle mostly for this game and its sequels.

87. Hexcells Plus (PC)
Same basic concept as the previous game, but with a higher difficulty.  Some of these puzzles were painfully long and very difficult to grasp.  I'm still having the problem that I some times forget which button does which action.
Rating: I enjoyed this game slightly less give the extreme jump in difficulty.  Kind of concerned about the 3rd game.

88. Hexcells Infinite (PC)
Again, same concept as before, but the difficulty seems a little lower than Plus, but I did have the problem that I didn't have enough points for the last "world", so I had to go back and redo a lot of puzzles to get better scores, so this game had to have been harder.
Rating: Overall I'd skip this franchise and just play minesweeper, it's interesting, but I would rather play minesweeper.

89. Regency Solitaire (PC)
Got this in a humble bundle, same as the previous games.  I vaguely recalled hearing really good things about this game, I could be wrong and it was another solitaire game, but I like solitaire regardless, so no brainer to play it.  It plays like Golf or Tri-peaks, where you have an active card and you can play any cards that are one below or above that number, suit doesn't matter.  You also have wild cards and jokers.
Rating: I probably could've done without this, but the story was vaguely interesting.  Yes, there was a story.

90. Ace Combat 2 (PS1)
After rearranging some furniture, I finally decided to continue playing the Ace Combat games.  I can't honestly tell if the graphics are much better in this one, but they definitely use darker tones and have more night missions.  This causes a lot of issues if you are playing during the day time or have color perception issues.  When having support on missions you only ever have 2 choices, I don't know if there is truly a difference between the choices and the pilots seem to level up, but they are just as useless as the rookie pilots in Air Combat, never nearly as useful as the veteran pilots.  If you destroy a plane, you don't seem to lose it forever like in Air Combat, which is nice when you screw up on those night missions maneuvering through canyons.  A lot of creative missions compared to the previous game though.  Some improvements, some set backs, but definitely a great game.  While Air Combat could use the neG-con controller, this game fully supports it with its own set of options when it detects the neG-con controller.  I think with Air Combat I had to manually set up the neG-con, but I didn't with this game.
Rating: Great game, plays great, much fun.  See Air Combat.

91. Forza Horizon 2 (X1)
I've actually already beat this game, but I started playing it again after my wife made me buy her the Logitech G920 Steering Wheel and Shifter.  Through the process of replaying the game, I popped the credits again, so I actually "beat" this game again.  This is mostly going to be about my experience with the G920 than Forza, as I already played it before.  The controller takes a little getting used to after playing with a standard controller your whole life.  It also doesn't quite feel the same as actually driving a car.  Of course, you can only simulate so much, but the more you use it the easier it is to use.  I definitely have to drive with the in car camera view otherwise I just can't control the car.  Precision driving is much easier using the steering wheel, and using the foot peddles to control how much gas or brake you use is fantastic as the triggers on a controller aren't as easy to apply different pressures.  So I can drive pretty fast through a forest without hitting trees, great.  But too many times I'm finding that the car will spin out using the wheel, whereas that usually never happens with the controller.  This may be due to my unfamiliarity with the wheel.
Rating: Obviously a fantastic racing experience with tons of content and unlockables.

92.  Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (PS1)
The first thing I noticed about this game is that, and this is totally based on my usage of the Namco neG-con controller, when you rotate the controller to rotate the plane, it doesn't turn the plane back when you turn the controller back to a neutral position.  This took a lot of getting used to and in turn it makes it much more difficult to stabilize the plane when you need to.  This is a minor complaint, and I'm certain this only affects the neG-con controller.  This game removes the standard AC feature of earning money from missions to be spent on planes, planes are just unlocked as you progress through the game, rather than be unlocked for purchase.  A new feature, I believe, is the ability to choose which weapons you equip on your plane (if eligible).  Another new feature, which is welcomed, is the introduction of storylines.  From what I recall of playing AC and AC2, there wasn't much of a story to the games.  Of course, now that I'm reading, it sounds like the Japanese version of Electrosphere has a more in depth story and characters than the US version.
Rating: So far, my least favorite entry.  Many features removed.  neG-con controls are significantly different.

93. Catlateral Damage (PS4)
Bought this to play with the PSVR, but it doesn't play very well, so I decided to play through the objective mode with the dualshock 4 controller like normal.  I don't think this game is really a game you can "beat", but I did complete objective mode, so I consider this beaten.  You get to play as a cat who has been wronged in some cat manner.  So you must knock as much as you can to the floor within the time limit.  Pretty fun game.
Rating: If you want to be a cat and knock things over, it doesn't get much better than this.

94. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS4)
This series was on my list of series I wanted to play through this year, but I thought I wouldn't get around to the Uncharted series.  Partly because I don't expect myself to go out and buy Uncharted 4 this year, but that may change.  I had tried to play through this game a few years back on the PS3, but the graphics and controls felt pretty aged compared to the recent Tomb Raider games, so it was sort of painful for me, so I gave up shortly after the intro chapters.  So I decided to give it another try on the PS4 version, played through a little further than I had before and quit playing for the night.  Decided to go play it some the next day and wound up playing it almost all day.  Some of the controls are fairly frustrating, and I'm noticing that it doesn't matter what PS4 controller I use, eventually it gets some interference from something and acts up.  No joke, I'll be cursing and yelling because I'm not touching the controller and Drake will go run off a cliff and the camera will turn, or I will press forward to run and he'll just stand still, then run but not stop, and then jump off a cliff. Really good story, good gameplay, good cinematics.
Rating: Well recommended, play the PS4 version over the PS3 version.

95. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS4)
Immediately jumped into the second game after I beat the first, well after playing around with Doughnut Drake for a few minutes.  Played through several chapters, I'm probably around Chapter 9 at this point.  I stayed up later than I had wanted to, on a work night, because I was enjoying the game so much.  I actually stopped playing only because the PS4 controller was acting up like crazy.  I think my Uncharted controller is bad or something, it keeps acting up, same with my Crystal PS4 controller.  I resynced the Uncharted one and it worked for a while, acted up once or twice.  I bought the Uncharted controller Refurbished and the Crystal controller was imported from Japan.  So maybe that's the whole deal.  Anyway, had a 3 day weekend and beat this game.  Great story again.  I'm realizing that there isn't much special about this franchise except a fun story, fun characters, and it tries to keep you guessing.  But other than that, it's pretty frustrating.  New Tomb Raider > Uncharted > Old Tomb Raider.
Rating: Great story, worth playing through.  Great addition to the franchise.

96. Haunting Ground (PS2)
I started playing this at the request of Kashell.  Depending on how much I enjoy this game, I may jump into more survival horror games before the end of the year, probably Fatal Frame.  I haven't tracked my progress with this game so far, and it doesn't seem so easy to keep track of where I am at in the game.  I had some trouble with hiding and getting Huey to listen to commands.  I am following a walkthrough, mostly because I'm finding it terribly difficult to remember where things are and the map doesn't particularly help.  Danielle just went psycho on a window (mirror?) and I stomped her ass until she curled into a ball and started crying or something.  I'm pretty much only playing this game during dark hours when my wife is willing to sit and watch me play, so very infrequently.  This game will likely never be marked as an active game on here, it'll just go from inactive to completed.  Just like that, went from inactive to completed.  Finally decided to sit down and finish this game.  Such a good, creepy game.  This game went from freaking me the crap out (Deb), to mildly turning me on/largely weirding me out (Daniella), to becoming dastardly difficult (Riccardo), to just being completely WTF (Old Man).  I ended with the "A" ending, so great experience.  Not sure if I'll ever play again.  My wife wants to play through on Hard to unlock the rest of the outfits.
Rating: Great, fun, creepy, scary game.  Probably not worth the cost of entry, but definitely a fun, kind of campy game.

97. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS4)
I beat this game in under 24 hours, it was a relatively short game, but it just was so great and packed in so much story and action.  Some of the fights were just down right frustrating and seemingly impossible.  You can die pretty quickly in a lot of situations, and a lot of fights have you fighting guys coming at you from all directions with little to no cover and very limited ammo.  There was more than a handful of fights where I died repeatedly within a second or two of spawning.  This game did a lot more of the running towards the screen whilst some threat is chasing you down.  These are frustrating because you'll be at the end of the chase scene with no obvious exit route and just have to die and try over and over until you figure out which direction you are supposed to jump.  This franchise really reminds me of Far Cry.  Just magically you are a guy who can take down a giant army single handedly.
Rating: Definitely the best story and characters of the franchise, felt like the biggest and longest of the games.

98. Dark Souls (360)
Started playing this pretty much right after finishing Demon's Souls.  Did a little bit in NG+ in Demon's souls and decided to just start up Dark Souls instead.  This game feels clunkier compared to Demon's Souls.  I've had several instances where I press the button to roll and my character won't roll until 2-3 seconds later.  I just need to figure out the timing difference between Demon's souls and Dark souls.  I wasn't made aware of invasions and such until it was too late.  I stopped before one of the first bosses to go eat, came back and I was at the last bonfire with no souls and bacon face.  Turns out if you are human, people can and will invade you and kill you.  So either I will continually play with bacon face or I will shut off Xbox Live during gameplay.  I intend on playing through this game without invading, being invaded, nor summoning other players.  My only option for now is to quit when I stop playing for any period of time.  I'm following my wife's cousin's instructions and we have skipped through 3-5 areas entirely, so now I'm at Sen's Fortress, but I'm only level 27, so I'm way underpowered for the enemies here.  I'm trying to decide if I want to play this one without his help or not.  Demon's souls I made sure to only play when he was around because he had never played Demon's Souls, but he's played and beaten Dark Souls 1 and 2.  So no loss for him if I play without him, but he does know all of the little secrets.  Also, when I got to Blighttown, I noticed the game was lagging quite noticeably, so I'm going to take advantage of BC on X1 and try to play this on X1 from now on.  Then I'll buy DS2 and DS3 for X1.  I think I'm level 50 at this point and I think I only have 3-5 bosses left to beat.  Still playing this on and off when my wife's cousin comes over.  We beat a few more bosses and I've been playing on X1 and he has been bringing his 360 and being summoned into my game so we can work together.  I got my butt wrecked by the 4 Kings, so we are going to go do some other stuff and I'm going to try and level up my faith so I can use Iron Skin or whatever.  I think we are planning on going after Seath the Scaleless next.  Took some time, but we finally finished the game.  Failed fighting Gwyn so many times until eventually the game let us summon two people.
Rating: Such a good game, but requires skill.

Continued below,6762.msg108338.html#msg108338
« Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 09:34:47 pm by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2016, 08:35:25 am »
Strange thread!? I tend to pick a game (typically PvP MMORPG) and play it for years. They had to shut down the last one (Warhammer Online) to stop me from playing it.

Till death do us part...=)
Not in the head!


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #55 on: February 04, 2016, 01:12:04 am »
Here we go again!

1. 1/30 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Steam)
2. 2/5 Alter Ego (Steam)
3. 2/14 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn (Steam)
4. 3/9 Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury (Steam)
5. 3/20 Saturday Morning RPG (Steam)
6. 3/20 Project Rub (DS)
7. 4/10 WarioWare: Touched! (3DSDL)
8. 4/18 Condemned: Criminal Origins (Steam)
9. 4/23 Binary Domain (Steam)
10. 4/28 Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (PS3)
11. 5/2 The Legend of Dark Witch (3DSDL)
12. 5/4 Fairune (3DSDL)
13. 5/29 Fallout 4 - Automatron (Steam)
14. 6/2 Fallout 4 (Steam)
15. 6/5 Fallout 4 - Far Harbor (Steam)
16. 7/1 Shovel Knight - Plague of Shadows (3DSDL)
17. 7/2 LIMBO (Steam)
18. 7/29 Renegade Ops (Steam)
19. 7/30 Renegade Ops - Coldstrike (Steam)
20. 8/31 Fallout 4 - Nuka-World (Steam)
21. 9/18 The Blackwell Legacy (Steam)
22. 9/19 DEADBOLT (Steam)
23. 9/27 Max Payne (Steam)
24. 10/2 Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Steam)
25. 10/9 Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt (Steam)
26. 10/16 Shadow Warrior 2 (Steam)
27. 10/17 Burgers (Steam)
28. 10/19 Just Cause 2 (Steam)
30. 11/15 Double Dragon Neon (Steam)
31. 11/19 Bulb Boy (Steam)
32. 11/28 Pokémon Moon (3DS)
33. 12/7 Magicka (Steam)
34. 12/29 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 03:36:22 pm by kevininja »


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Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #56 on: February 04, 2016, 09:59:21 pm »
I'm having a hard time focusing. Since the new year I have started quite a few games and get unbelievably bored just before beating them.
So here is a list of games I have ALMOST finished this year.

Dark Cloud (PS2)
Croc: Legend of the Gobbos (PS1)
Resident Evil Remake (PS4)
Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)

I've just been alternating between them all. I hope to finish them by the end of Feb.

(I have beaten Dark Cloud and Croc in the past, but it's been too long to even remember the endings.)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2016, 10:00:58 pm by baseycillings »

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #57 on: February 05, 2016, 02:32:28 am »
I got spread out myself.  I started Wind Waker, haven't gone back yet, though I want to before Twilight Princess HD.  Still deep into Xenoblade Chronicles X, haven't played in awhile, but that's actually cause the game is fairly boring.  Been going through Bloodborne which is amazing and has taken most of my time lately, though once I beat the DLC, I'll just have the very last bit of the game to beat.

Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #58 on: February 05, 2016, 09:07:04 am »
Main List

More in progress games
bold games are games that have been beaten, previously beaten, or are unbeatable.
italicized games are in progress.
standard games are games I am not currently trying to beat.

99. Everybody's Gone To The Rapture (PS4)
I really had a hard time following this game.  I didn't really get that I was supposed to follow the lights.  I thought I could go where I want and hear the stories, but you kind of have to do them in order.  I had a lot of back tracking to do because of how I played.  I literally got 1 trophy, for beating the game.  Didn't manage to hit any other trophy, probably won't go back to this game solely because of how painfully slow you walk around.
Rating: Interesting story, painful gameplay.  I'd say pass.

100. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
This came in the mail a day early, so I loaded it up and started playing it.  Some first notes about the game.  The fighting mechanics are significantly different than the previous games, I would say not for the best.  Only 5-6 chapters in, the majority of the game is cinematics and cutscenes.  I definitely thought it was funny when Drake sat down and played Crash Bandicoot, so you are playing Drake... playing Crash Bandicoot.
Rating: So good, definitely the best entry in the franchise.

101. Aragami (PS4)
I read some reviews prior to purchasing this game, most reviews said that it plays like the Tenchu games, but the Tenchu games are better.  I've never played a Tenchu game, but if they play BETTER than this, I'm definitely going to jump into those games soon.  I really really like this game, I'm even planning on playing through it twice, because it basically makes it a new game altogether playing it a different way.  The game was absolutely fantastic until the last 2 levels.  A lot of running and hiding.  I wound up taking advantage of some poor level design to skip through a good chunk of the second to last level.  Overall a great game and I'm currently going through it a second time to pick up collectibles and get the Oni medals.
Rating: Great game, a little buggy at times, fairly short, but definitely fun.

102. Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (X1)
Mostly just played through the new levels and stuff because I've beaten the game before, but again, I've beaten the game before.  Pretty fun, the levels feel like they fit well.  I'd love to see some of the original expansions and stuff get released, that definitely would've made this is better buy.
Rating: Even at $20, I'd pass, wait for it to hit the bargain bin at under $10.

103. Stikbold (X1)
A dodgeball game... with a story.  Actually kind of fun and tough.  Played through this one with my wife.  Mostly a painful experience, but then we calmed down, mostly me, and it was much more pleasant.
Rating: Would make for a fun party game, a la Capsule Force, Videoball, etc.

104. Rise of the Tomb Raider: Blood Ties (X1)
Another one of those stand alone, separate of story mode, run at the main menu DLC story things.  Sat down and played this and got a lot of backstory on Lara's character and family.  Pretty fun experience, no combat whatsoever, straight puzzles and exploration.
Rating: Actually this is a great add-on to the game and well worth your time.

Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
See Game Challenge 2017

Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (X1)
See Game Challenge 2017

Pokemon: Fire Red Version (GBA)
See Game Challenge 2017

Lococycle (PC)
See Game Challenge 2018

107. Tales from the Borderlands (X1)
Current Progress: Episode 1 Chapter 6
Progress on this game is slow because I'm playing through this with my wife kind of, she half pays attention, but wants to at least hear whats going on, so she wants to physically be there while I play the game.  This game is going to be the game that is going to take me months to finish.  Another Laura Bailey game.  :)

109. Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (X1)
Current Progress: Memory Sequence 2
This and Russia are the last 2 Assassin's Creed games in the franchise to play.  I was kind of expecting, given that this released the same year as Syndicate, that this game would be directly related to Syndicate.  So far it's its own story, takes place within 100 years of Syndicate, before the events of Syndicate, but I have yet to see if it is in any way related.  I expect it will have some events that might have been referenced in Syndicate.  I really don't know if I'm going to come back to this game and I only put in a short period of time, so I may remove this game altogether and just abandon it.

110. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (PS2)
My wife and I decided that we would not be playing any games on Valentine's Day unless we were playing them together, so I asked about playing Gamecube games, since we have a Gamecube hooked up in the loft (for the GameBoy Player).  No dice, couldn't agree on a game.  So I thought about it and went and grabbed a PS2 and a handful of games for her to pick from.  Again, no dice as she didn't want to pick.  So I picked Fallout and she obliged.  We played for a few hours and got to level 3, still haven't left the main area of Carbon, but I intend on continuing playing this game because I'm quite enjoying it.

111. Dungelot: Shattered Lands (PC)
Progress: Dungeon 14/18
So this game I got a free steam key from one of the streams that was taking part in the Dungelot 100 level challenge (Thanks RT_LoZelda).  This game was explained to me as minesweeper meets roguelike?, it's very confusing and I barely see it... but the game is pretty good.  I'm either 1/3 of the way through, or like 1/12 of the way through, I'm not sure yet.  A few dungeons left, and as expected, they get pretty tough as you go along.  The game is mostly luck, a lot of situations, just like minesweeper, you'd fail due to dumb eff-ing luck.  I'm towards the end of the game with the last 4 dungeons and sometimes I fail and die within the first 10 levels of the dungeon and sometimes I make it a little further, but it does seem to be very much down to luck.  Sometimes you get lucky and get no horrible mobs, sometimes you get the scorpion who gets free attacks if you make any moves instead of attacking it, but you can't attack it because it has 6 defense and you have 5 attack, so you just die.  I got that scorpion on Level 1 first mob to pop on the first tile checked.  I made it to level 2 of the dungeon with 5 health and no armor and no items... honestly I should've just quit and start over at that point.

112. Risk of Rain (PC)
I thought about not adding this game, because I wasn't sure if this game was a beatable game, so I had to do some research.  It appears there are minimally 4 levels in the game and the faster you beat it, the easier it is.  I got to the final stage, but I got bum rushed so fast and so hard.  This game is pretty fun, but it is definitely one of those arcade-ish games where you start from scratch every time you play.  I think I would've liked a mode where you can keep your stats and such, but I guess that isn't the purpose of the game, is it?  Gah man, this game is so hard.  I'm not playing on drizzle because I want to unlock a couple of artifacts.

113. Dokapon Kingdom (Wii)
Current Progress: Chapter 8
This game, man.  This game.  There is a lot of fun to be had with this RPG board game.  But there is a lot of frustration too.  Like an RPG, it is LONG AS FUCK.  Like longer than any game rightfully should be.  Early on, you'll attack each other, and try to slow each other down.  But then you'll realize that about every 4 weeks you have the opportunity to set everyone back to ZERO basically.  The goal of the game is to have the most money at the end.  Well, if someone goes Darkling, basically super evil, super powerful, unstoppable, at the cost of all of your money and items, they will have the power (and very easily too) to take away all of your money.  4 weeks is a short period of time in game, I'm currently around week 150.  If you play against each other and go Darkling frequently, it will take you several hundred weeks to beat the game.  But if you work together, always together, regardless of who is winning, you can get to Chapter 8 fairly quickly.  Once you get to chapter 8, feel free to fight among yourselves on your way to the end game, Heck.  Taking forever does have the advantage of leveling up your character and jobs, but that's up to you, I guess.  We got all the way to Chapter 7, with a lot of fighting each other, and eventually made a truce because the boss in 7 is ridiculous and we were going to work together to unlock the Hero job.  I'm holding 3 Hero's Licenses, so we don't want me to die, and I've been trying to work together the whole game.  We agreed that once we unlock Hero and Robo-Knight it's back to war, which for me means, let her do all the damage she wants while I go activate end game.  If this game were less board game (basically the random dice movement) and more free roam, this game could make for an absolutely awesome Co-op/anti-co-op RPG.  So I have the mindset of designing a friendly Co-op/PVP RPG video game, and my wife has the mindset of designing a true board game version of this game.

115. Yoshi's Woolly World (Wii U)
Current Progress: World 2-4
I love Nintendo, and I love the Mario/Yoshi games, but I always have trouble finishing the 2-D games.  After getting 2 or 3 worlds in, I just stop playing.  The 3-D Mario games, I'll sit there and 100% them, but the 2-D games I lose interest too quickly.  Super Mario World being the one exception, I could play that game for hours.  I'm going to make it my goal this year to play through and beat all the Mario/Yoshi games I haven't finished.  Finally used an amiibo with the game, because my wife wanted to take part in the game and wanted to be the pink yoshi which requires you use your pink yarn yoshi amiibo in single player mode first.  Single Player mode with an amiibo double is one of the most frustrating experiences I have had playing a Nintendo game.  I think I wasn't prepared for what they threw at me.  Co-op mode can be frustrating as well, accidentally eating each other or ricocheting eggs at each other.

116. Tokyo Mirage Sessions: #FE (Wii U)
Current Progress: Chapter 1
I was really enjoying this game yesterday when I started playing it.  But then it got to being around 8pm and I decided to start playing some more, played for about an hour.  Generally fighting people my level, about 8 or so.  Then I went in to a door and was immediately thrown into a fight with 2 level 10s and 1 level 13.  Needless to say I got my ass handed to me hardcore.  All three enemies one-hit killed all of my people on the first turn, game over, go back to the beginning of chapter 1.  Very very discouraging, and now I must remind myself to go through the system menu and save before opening any door.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 01:56:16 pm by ignition365 »


Re: 52 Games Challenge *2016*
« Reply #59 on: February 05, 2016, 09:38:52 am »
Added two more games to the list. Indigo Prophecy and Heavenly Sword.