Got a few things in lately, most of it being stuff I've had pre-ordered for abit. Cutting down on my toy buying for abit, so not much else planned for a little while, but here's what I got recently
Star Wars stuff has been good, I got the Electrostaff Purge Trooper, which I'm all for a black armored trooper, though the effects for the staff are terribly designed. They don't actually attach anywhere, they sorta just have to sit carefully, which is really annoying. Got my Armorer and Beskar Mandalorian, probably the last of the Mandalorian stuff I'll buy for awhile until they release something from the new season I really want. And today I got the long pre-ordered Super Commando Mandalorian figure. Honestly, it's not a good figure, visually it's a cool design, but it's on the old Jango Fett body and is kinda shit for posing and I think its leg is slightly short on one side, but the paint and helmet look cool, so I'll probably keep it.

And then I picked up the Blue Variant for the Starboost Iron Man from the Avengers game. I don't really want variants, but I think its such a cool suit and color, I figured why not.

And then I got myself the Retro Wave Snake Eyes they just put out. I don't really collect much GIJOE, but I had the 25th Anniversary one and I thought I'd get this one to to go with that as I have a very small selection of Snake Eyes stuff...