Author Topic: The Toy Collectors  (Read 51771 times)


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #120 on: November 16, 2020, 08:54:57 am »
More pick ups from Walmart (pictures are taken from the Net):

I still dislike Funko Pops, but this one looks rather cool, and my genwunner side really couldn't say no—I was actually considering getting this one from Walmart's website, so I'm glad I didn't because I got it at a better price.

The original MOTU figures were one of the many toys I grew up with, so when I went to the toy aisle and saw these two, I picked them up on a whim. They also had Battle Cat, but the price was a bit more than I'm willing to pay for it, although I'd like to get it eventually. In all honesty, though, I'm dreading now going on a frenzy and wanting to collect the rest of the series...and any other that comes after.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 01:35:54 am by pzeke »

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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #121 on: November 19, 2020, 06:58:24 pm »
Got a few things in lately, most of it being stuff I've had pre-ordered for abit.  Cutting down on my toy buying for abit, so not much else planned for a little while, but here's what I got recently

Star Wars stuff has been good, I got the Electrostaff Purge Trooper, which I'm all for a black armored trooper, though the effects for the staff are terribly designed. They don't actually attach anywhere, they sorta just have to sit carefully, which is really annoying.  Got my Armorer and Beskar Mandalorian, probably the last of the Mandalorian stuff I'll buy for awhile until they release something from the new season I really want.  And today I got the long pre-ordered Super Commando Mandalorian figure.  Honestly, it's not a good figure, visually it's a cool design, but it's on the old Jango Fett body and is kinda shit for posing and I think its leg is slightly short on one side, but the paint and helmet look cool, so I'll probably keep it.

And then I picked up the Blue Variant for the Starboost Iron Man from the Avengers game.  I don't really want variants, but I think its such a cool suit and color, I figured why not.

And then I got myself the Retro Wave Snake Eyes they just put out.  I don't really collect much GIJOE, but I had the 25th Anniversary one and I thought I'd get this one to to go with that as I have a very small selection of Snake Eyes stuff...


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #122 on: November 20, 2020, 10:01:12 am »
Damn! That Super Commando Mandalorian figure looks awful. The other three look slick, though.

The Iron Man does look cool, but in all honesty I want to get that Marvel Legends wave just for the Mr. Fixit BAF—the best Hulk. Walmart stocked on them recently, but when I got there all they had left was a Captain America.

Speaking of Walmart, they had the Kenner Classics line for The Real Ghostbusters, which are actually exclusive to the store. Just like with MOTU, these were also a series I grew up with as a kid, so I didn't hesitate picking them up. I love having these, they recreated everything to a T, it's like a trip down memory lane. I hope I can find Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man and Green Ghost (aka Slimer) to complete the set.

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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #123 on: November 20, 2020, 03:21:32 pm »
Added a little bit of everything over the past few weeks.

Grabbed some more vintage figures to the collection, namely some Episode III stuff.

Also got a few of the bigger, more posable stuff. These ones won't stay in the box once I figure out a good spot for them.

And I got some more Lego sets for that backlog. I honestly like the Ninjago lineup as it's like 80% giant robots, which are great for lining the shelves with.

Finally, I've snagged up a fair amount of board games on sale to add to that collection. Only had a chance to play Fallout Shelter and Pandemic Hot Zone out of those so far. With some epic bad luck, we managed to lose one game of Pandemic in 3 turns.

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #124 on: November 21, 2020, 10:38:05 am »
Speaking of Walmart, they had the Kenner Classics line for The Real Ghostbusters, which are actually exclusive to the store. Just like with MOTU, these were also a series I grew up with as a kid, so I didn't hesitate picking them up. I love having these, they recreated everything to a T, it's like a trip down memory lane. I hope I can find Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man and Green Ghost (aka Slimer) to complete the set.

I have... a mighty need.  I had so much GB stuff when I was little.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #125 on: November 21, 2020, 01:20:39 pm »
Dunno if this helps anyone but saw the Shredder/Ras al Ghul 2-pack on clearance at GS. I'm pretty sure it said it was GS exclusive.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #126 on: November 21, 2020, 08:54:06 pm »
I have... a mighty need.  I had so much GB stuff when I was little.

Me too. Ghostbusters were a big deal for me as a kid, just like the Turtles, and still are a big deal. I missed out on the re-release of the classic TMNT figures, so I sort of feel redeemed by getting these.

Dunno if this helps anyone but saw the Shredder/Ras al Ghul 2-pack on clearance at GS. I'm pretty sure it said it was GS exclusive.

Not particularly interested in that, but I've been trying to get other stuff from their website for weeks now and I just can't. Their website is just utter trash.

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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #127 on: December 04, 2020, 03:08:10 pm »
Last Walmart "Black Weekend" pick ups from November:

The collectibles area in the electronics section was flooded with too many freaking Funko Pops!; however, they also had a bunch of NECA figures, but this was the only one that caught my eye...especially given it was the last one. so I picked it up without hesitation.

Captain America and Thunderstrike I actually got on December 2nd. No Iron Man in sight, unfortunately, which means Mr. Fixit is missing his left right arm. I must say in all honesty, though, this wave leaves a lot to be desired—even the BAF itself is hit or miss given its various inconsistencies. Of the whole set, the BAF aside, Falcon and Kang are the only that stand out the most, and actually happen to be the only two I'm actually considering keeping alongside Mr. Fixit.

« Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 08:16:19 am by pzeke »

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #128 on: December 08, 2020, 03:08:43 am »
Continuing to get some more vintage toys:

With the 3PO & R2, I'm down to just one concept figure left (Concept Luke Skywalker, another convention exclusive), then I've got the entire Mcquarrie line of figures. I'm also laughing at how pathetic that Thomas Riker figure is, especially with him being one of the rarer figures of the Star Trek line. The reason is that, as he's a clone of Will Riker, it's pretty obvious that they'd do the easy route and just repaint one of the Will Rikers, which they did. However, they chose the one with the battle damage on his uniform, and when doing the repaint, didn't paint the battle damage. So, it looks like his shirt is torn open to reveal that he's wearing an identical shirt underneath that. He at least has different accessories as Will, but nothing actually unique to the figure. I can't harp on Thomas too badly though, as he was a catalyst in me becoming the collector I am today by the virtue of being the very first rare card I got in a pack of collectible cards.

Also added more to the board game collection. My Shelves dedicated to Risk and it's variants are well over capacity now.

And finally more stuff for the Lego backlog. I hate that I have a Lego backlog, moreso now that it's now at 50 sets. But, I need more shelves. So for now, many wait until I can do a full remodel of my game room area.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #129 on: December 09, 2020, 02:58:30 pm »
Some unexpected "pick ups" courtesy of an eBay seller that threw them in a recent lot I bought. They're loose, but they still have that fresh "like new" smell that leads me to believe that either the boxes were not in the best shape or the seller thought the packaging wouldn't survive the trip given all the cushion was already taken up by the games. Either way, gift horse, so...

These are from the Power Rangers Lightning Collection series, and from left to right we have: Cybervillain Blaze from Beast Morphers, Shadow Ranger from S.P.D., and Magna Defender from Lost Galaxy.

It's been a good while since I last saw a Power Rangers show, but these look really nice. I'll be going over my room soon to do some reorganizing, so I'm definitely going to display these three.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #130 on: December 09, 2020, 04:02:05 pm »
I've been tempted to pick up the classic Mighty Morphin team as they look great in this line, but I'm holding off since it's not super easy to get a few of them right now, and I'm sorta hoping they do the 1995 movie figures as I really like their armored look.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #131 on: December 09, 2020, 04:45:03 pm »
The Lighting collection line has its issues, but overall they are very solid figures for the price point. Great proportions and detail for the most part to the original suits, sans some bad apples. Hasbro avoids the roided out muscle look that BoA always seem to go for as well, which I'm grateful for.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #132 on: December 09, 2020, 07:16:50 pm »
Most of the figures I've come across look really cool; I've actually considered getting some of the figures in the series, but I never pull the trigger on any, but after getting these I will definitely reconsider whenever I come across any of them again.

Walmart is constantly stocking up on these, so I'll be on the lookout...

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #133 on: December 10, 2020, 12:53:58 am »
Keep an eye on Amazon as they've been running quite a few sales on the Lightning stuff lately. The Jason, Goldar, and Drakkon I got a while back were only $12 apiece from a deal of the day. They do have a Tommy (Zeo Red Ranger), Goldar, and a few others on sale right now. I'll probably grab up a Ranger Slayer on my next payday to go with my Drakkon.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #134 on: December 10, 2020, 09:18:57 am »
That's definitely better than GameStop, even Walmart, so thanks for the tip. Like kamikazekeeg, I would also like to get the Mighty Morphin team, as well as Goldar, which the Walmart I frequent actually had and I never even bothered to get until just now that my interest has been truly piqued.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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