Author Topic: The Toy Collectors  (Read 51688 times)

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2019, 12:34:01 pm »
Cool, I love toy collecting. Amiibos have been my crack lately even if I don't try to get them all. I love finding all the Animal Crossing amiibos on steep clearance sales XD. I have 8 of those total now. I'm also considering hunting down the world of Nintendo toys for Zelda and Splatoon. Maybe the old Harvest Moon Plushies? I have a couple of the small pre-order ones for SoS. I don't have flea markets around where I live rn so I have to be pretty purposeful to get anything.

That Sora though, omg, I can never buy American figures cause they always have to worst faces.

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2019, 12:55:10 pm »
That Sora though, omg, I can never buy American figures cause they always have to worst faces.

Funny enough, the best KH toy I've bought, is the Toon Sora one from the retro world in Kingdom Hearts 2, because he looks almost exactly like he does the game lol


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #17 on: February 20, 2019, 09:08:16 am »
Yep; other than video games, my room is filled with figures/statues. Like many during their childhood, I had plenty of toys as a kid, but began collecting them seriously (meaning they're no longer "toys") in tandem with comicbooks, as they both went hand in hand. I have since downsized my figure collection due to space, and made some regrettable decisions in the process, but it still takes a big chunk of my room. I don't buy as much as I used to, but I like adding a new figure to my collection, so I occasionally tend to get one or two in the least likely of places, like at a Walgreens for example. I just recently got a BILLY curio cabinet from IKEA to complement my glass stand specifically to display my collection.

Also, while I'm at it, I'd like to give a tip since OP mentioned opening figures due to the yellowed blister: don't take a figure out of its packaging if you don't intend to display it. Yeah, I reckon yellowed blisters look butt-ugly, but they protect the figure from the elements and keep them fresh. Alternatively, if space is an issue, but you still have no plans to display a figure, you can take it out of the package and place it in a zip-lock bag, or use bubble-wrap, especially if the figure is considerable in size.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2021, 09:56:14 am by pzeke »

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2019, 07:44:23 pm »
I was going to make a separate thread about being unhealthily addicted to Funko Pop figures but I think this might be the place  ;D.

Funko Pops have completely consumed me. I just came back from newbury comics and hot topic and I bought so many. The black souless eyes peering into my depth of what makes me human. Analyzing every mistake I ever made. Knowing my twisted perversions and keeping me in place as they are of the spirtual realm and I am only of physical property.  I love my gang of little plastic cute toys :D.   I think they go hand in hand with Amiibos and other game collection collectibles but they have diversity outside of games like TV shows, Movies and Prince. 

My favorite thus far might be Mary Jane.  She is holding a little spiderman doll and I think it's adorable.  I have a spiderman that goes with it and it reminds me of happy times playing the spiderman game for PS4.  I will share a pic.

My most wanted pops are Ariana Grande, Lil Wayne and Harry S. Truman

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2019, 08:01:46 pm »
I have a few Funko Pops, but I never really got into them.  I really only like them if they are designed in a way to not just be the same generic thing.  Like DVA and Reinhardt ones look cool because you can't see their faces or are mostly a vehicle.  The Godzilla one is cool because it's a mini Godzilla.  I got a Brotherhood of Steel one because it has a helmet.  Otherwise I mostly just ignore them though I had a few more that were gifts that I have actually been clearing out.

Something I picked up recently that I may or may not keep are these cool little WWF figures.  They are original ones from like 90/91 of all the classic sorts of WWF guys like Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Big Boss Man, The Mounty, Jake the Snake, etc...I got a flea market thing I'm doing next week, so I might just sell them there, but if I wasn't looking to earn some extra cash, I'd probably keep most of them as I use to be a big fan of the older era of WWF.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2019, 08:16:27 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2019, 10:29:07 am »
Hey Awesome thread! That House of the Dead figure looks nice, is it from the Palisades line?

I use to be heavy into collecting figures during the whole McFarlane / Spawn era, still have quite a bit but mostly in storage, only kept some of my favorite pieces out. I slowed down in collecting though, but recently I got a bunch of SHFiguarts Kinnikuman figures. I just had to get them since they were a huge part of my childhood.

I knew them as M.U.S.C.L.E. growing up in the US collecting the small rubber figures. Only later I learned of their Japanese name as Kinnikuman. I enjoy the games as well and import them when I can too :)

« Last Edit: March 03, 2019, 12:04:42 pm by mark1982 »
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2019, 08:29:50 pm »
Hey Awesome thread! That House of the Dead figure looks nice, is it from the Palisades line?

Yeah it says Palisades on it.  I'm not a huge House of the Dead fan, never had them growing up, just think they are kinda neat figures.  The one I opened unfortunately had a busted handle for the chainsaw and before i could fix it, I misplaced the handle, but the zombie can still hold it good enough lol  Not sure if I'm keeping the other one or not, but still a neat figure.


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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2019, 07:48:17 am »
Something I picked up recently that I may or may not keep are these cool little WWF figures.  They are original ones from like 90/91 of all the classic sorts of WWF guys like Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man, Big Boss Man, The Mounty, Jake the Snake, etc...I got a flea market thing I'm doing next week, so I might just sell them there, but if I wasn't looking to earn some extra cash, I'd probably keep most of them as I use to be a big fan of the older era of WWF.

I also see Ted Dibiase, Brutus Beefcake, Hillbilly Jim, Roddy Piper, Demolition Smash...
Based on the pink singlet, I’d guess the one behind Hogan is Mr Perfect.
Is the one with the US flag shirt Hacksaw Jim Duggan?
Also, I’m not sure who the one behind Piper is. Maybe Rick Martel?
And on top I think is supposed to be Marty Jannetty, though the likeness is so bad it could be Shawn Michaels as well  :P

Yes, I’m a wrestling nerd  ;D I’ve been watching WWF/E since the late 80’s. I used to have a bunch of figures but I sold them all to free up space.

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2019, 03:31:20 pm »
Ok, guess I can toss in.

Very bad, quickly taken image incoming.

Was actually thinking about cleaning things up, making it more orderly and deciding what I do and do not want to keep.
That's not everything, either, just what was small and easy to put up on a small shelf I happened to have.

Awesome setup :)

If you end up not keeping the jumbo Ganon let me know  ;D   


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2019, 10:09:19 am »
I do not remember where I have uploaded my toy collection pictures, I think some were nuked by Flickr recently, and the rest are in ye olde (terrible) photobucket. I have this one picture here that I can post:

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2019, 06:12:21 pm »
Sold at the fleamarket again this weekend and while I didn't find too much (And honestly I don't want to find too much, I'm trying to earn a few bucks lol), I did find these older GIJOE figures still in some nice packaging for cheap.  There were more there of this series, but they weren't of any good characters, so I passed on them.


Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #26 on: March 12, 2019, 01:40:17 am »
Nice GI Joe pickups, Battle Armor Cobra Commander and Destro are always good finds. :)  That Laser Viper looks a bit different from what I remember.

GI Joes were my thing when growing up, my brother was more on Transformers and M.A.S.K. I still collect some to this day but mainly the newer line or the Sideshow collectable figures. I should take some updated pictures one day, always putting it off to do other things, heh.
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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2019, 02:30:20 am »
Nice GI Joe pickups, Battle Armor Cobra Commander and Destro are always good finds. :)  That Laser Viper looks a bit different from what I remember.

GI Joes were my thing when growing up, my brother was more on Transformers and M.A.S.K. I still collect some to this day but mainly the newer line or the Sideshow collectable figures. I should take some updated pictures one day, always putting it off to do other things, heh.

Yeah I use to like GI Joe's as a kid, big fan of the ninjas in particular, especially Snake Eyes who's long been a favorite of mine.  Would love to get some of the high quality Snake Eyes figures, but can't afford to much of the high end stuff.  I'd rather grab more affordable things and I got my growing Godzilla collection to attend to lol

Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #28 on: March 12, 2019, 04:58:34 pm »
Stumbled across this and a 60's Godzilla vinyl figure at the comic shop and seeing that I don't have much in the way of non-Godzilla figures (I own most of the NECA ones), I had to pick up some classic Ghidorah as I'll probably be grabbing the new one from the upcoming movie too with that cheaper toy line coming out.


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Re: The Toy Collectors
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2019, 04:13:40 pm »
Ok, guess I can toss in.

Very bad, quickly taken image incoming.

Was actually thinking about cleaning things up, making it more orderly and deciding what I do and do not want to keep.
That's not everything, either, just what was small and easy to put up on a small shelf I happened to have.

Awesome setup :)

If you end up not keeping the jumbo Ganon let me know  ;D

I'd imagine they'd be pretty cheap, currently. I got that during the Toys R Us shutdown for $20 with a few other things.
TRU shutting down had the effect of dumping a lot of World of Nintendo products onto eBay and Amazon for cheap.