Author Topic: What Season Passes have you bought into?  (Read 2824 times)

What Season Passes have you bought into?
« on: May 08, 2019, 08:27:34 am »

I am often very reluctant to buy into Season Passes - I'd much rather have the content on disc, but sometimes the chance simply never arises and I give into a Season Pass when on Sale. I was curious to see what games others have bought Season Pass Content for & if you felt you got good value out of them. Here's mine:
Alien Isolation - Didn't even include all the DLC...
Batman: Arkham Knight
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
The Evil Within - Very Good!
Final Fantasy XV - A mess, I also got the Royal Pack, but have yet to get Episode Arydn.
Lego Star Wars VII - Was £3.19 for 3 Levels & extras, not bad.
Wolfenstein II - Soon to play
World of Final Fantasy MAXIMA - LATE Post game content.

Here are DLC Editions I have bought which include a Season Pass slip rather than content on disc - Not happy that I didn't get them on disc, so putting them in the same category as Seaon Pass purchases:
Fallout 4 GOTY - TBC, seems like a lot but would have preferred it on a 2nd Disc like Shadow of War.
Mafia III:Deluxe Edition - TBC
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - King's Edition - TBC
NieR: Automata - Game of the YoRHa Edition - Not worth it IMO.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole - Gold Edition (Got this one dirt cheap and it includes a digital version of the 1st game too!)
« Last Edit: May 09, 2019, 04:22:00 am by vivigamer »


Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2019, 09:07:26 am »
I don't remember to have ever bought a Season Pass...
I really hate all this DLC stuff and, because of that, fighting games, that used to be my favorite genre, turned into one of my most despised ones... I can'tn stand buying a game knowing it will be released incomplete and needing to buy all of its pieces later...
The last fighting game I bought while it was still new was Street Fighter V and, since then, I usually just wait a year or so to buy the complete version of the game with all the DLCs and for much cheaper than its original price (like I did recently with Dragon Ball FighterZ)

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2019, 09:43:04 am »
Ouch! Yes, I fully understand that, I too have stopped buying into Fighting games now due to multiple Season Passes - While Tekken 7's Story Mode was great, there was little else to enjoy, Not even Survival Mode! I will give credit to NetherRealm Studios, each one of their fighting games eventually gets a Complete Edition & it's the reason Injustice 1 & 2 are on myself shelf. Isn't Dragon Ball Z Fighers gettting more content? That's one I've been sitting on too.

But if I ever buy a Season Pass, it's always on sale, the only exception for me was Final Fantasy XV... & I've learnt from that the hard way...

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2019, 10:29:19 am »
I got the smash season pass recently since I tend to play it with friends and would rather just have a full roster so everyone gets whoever they want to play. I also got the built in season pass with Travis Strike Again. The third and final pass is for Fire Emblem Warriors, probably cause I was playing a ton when it came out and I really wanted Niles.

I'm fine with the DLC if it feels optional. Not too many games I pick up even have DLC though. The line where I'd be pushed away from a game with DLC is if the story content got locked.

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2019, 10:49:07 am »
I have a vague recollection of buying the season pass for Hyrule Warriors on Wii U. I tend to avoid most DLC entirely- if I can't enjoy your game out of the box, then you did it wrong.

I have a few Game of the Year-type releases: Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy XV, Nier Automata, Witcher 3. These are all for one reason: sales. In the case of Nier & Witcher, I didn't own them prior so buying the version with extra content cheap made sense. For the other two, I bought them on sale both times so the overall money put in is still low- if memory serves, Horizon was $40 and $10 (maybe $30 and $10?), Final Fantasy was $20 and $20.

I am likely going to buy the DLC for Asura's Wrath in the near future, but I'm not happy about it- I got the game used only recently & didn't know about the whole Chapter 4 thing. It's an annoyance to be sure.

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2019, 11:00:32 am »

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2019, 11:31:38 am »
The line where I'd be pushed away from a game with DLC is if the story content got locked.

Still to this day I have not played the Prince of Persia Reboot on PS3/360 because of this - The Epilogue is locked behind a £7.99 pay wall! I got the game for £1.99, yet year after year Ubisoft never puts it on sale

I'm also in a similar position with Asura's Wrath, yet to play it because I don't own the DLC.

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2019, 11:58:46 am »
i bought the season pass for Breath of the Wild and Smash Ultimate, that's it.

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2019, 01:51:04 pm »
The last one I bought was for Gears 4. Haven’t really played any of it either. I think I did the campaign and forgot about it.

The next one I get will prob be for border lands.

I agree, the fighting game season passes are a joke.


Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #9 on: May 08, 2019, 07:47:17 pm »
I think the only Season Pass I purposely paid for was the LEGO Batman 3 one. I don't recall how I got persuaded into getting it, probably some unlockables or something but I haven't been inclined to purchase any season passes since. The only exception I can think of is subsequent LEGO releases where the season pass was included with the purchase of the special edition versions.

Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2019, 07:50:50 pm »
I bought the season pass directly:
Watch Dogs - I actually just finished the Bad Blood DLC nearly five years later a few days ago. Great value for a $20 season pass.

I bought an edition that includes the season pass:
Watch Dogs 2 - I haven't played the season pass content yet.
South Park: The Fractured but Whole - I haven't played the season pass content yet.
COD Ghosts: I barely touched it but I paid like ~$30 for the Hardened Edition not long after release.
Mafia III - I haven't played the season pass content yet.

I think that's about it not including re-releases with the content included.

So I guess I should probably stop buying season passes unless I'll actually play it but I like knowing I have all the content. I have a lot of complete editions or whatever you want to call them.


Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #11 on: May 09, 2019, 12:12:17 pm »
Yesterday I bought the Fighter Pass for Smash Ultimate. That's pretty much it.

EDIT: Also the Breath of the Wild one. I'll update if I remember any other passes, but I think this covers it.


Re: What Season Passes have you bought into?
« Reply #12 on: May 09, 2019, 12:28:56 pm »
I will probably get the Black Ops 4 Pass, as now it seems to have enough content to be worth it.