Author Topic: Category/Platform Requests 2.0  (Read 57199 times)


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #195 on: May 09, 2024, 10:09:32 am »
That Ohio Art item, is it not the console?

For the Sharp and NEC items, we already have a similar situation with the Psion Series 3. So I can make categories in PDA section for the games but the systems won't get entries. And to make sure we are clear, only the games can get entries and not the non-game software.

Famicom Network System would be treated no differently than say the Sega 32X. The add-on goes into Accessory and the software would get their own sub-cat. You think "Famicom Network System" is a good enough name for those cards? And in the case of the non-game cards, since the Famicom is a console (and not a computer) you can make the entries for the non-game cards.

I was referring to the third image in the link, which I should have clarified.

Got it.

I knew the situation was similar to Sega 32X but misremembered, forgetting that games only have categories. Doesn't this only apply to the Family Computer Network System add-on itself? The Dataship 1200 is its own console dedicated to reading Family Computer Network System cards only and not Famicom cartridges, so submitting it to the existing NES/Famicom Consoles sub-cat seems incorrect. Since the name is actually spelled out fully on the peripheral and cards, I think that a category name of Family Computer Network System would be more ideal.

As an aside, I'm not really sure why the existing NES/Famicom category is abbreviated like that, since no other major category abbreviates (e.g. PlayStation 2 isn't PS2.) Neither "NES" nor "Famicom" is used on box packaging for those systems. It becomes complicated with SNES/Super Famicom, though, because "Super Nintendo Entertainment System," "Super NES," and "SNES" is used interchangeably. "Super Famicom" does seem to be the only term used in Japan, though.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 11:21:21 am by dhaabi »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #196 on: May 09, 2024, 12:07:06 pm »
Added the category for Ohio Art Accessory

Can't make changes to Nintendo category naming conventions, Jason reserves this right. So this is why I'd say Famicom Network System should be used because we aren't going to change the other cats to match if we called it Family Computer. I have made the "Famicon Network System" sub-cat in NES/Famicom.

Also, I'd put the Dataship 1200 into NES/Famicom Consoles section. I don't think the fact that you can't put carts into it matters as it is still a Famicom. If the add-on comes with a game, then it would be put into the game category and not the accessory category.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #197 on: May 10, 2024, 09:36:46 am »
Can't make changes to Nintendo category naming conventions, Jason reserves this right. So this is why I'd say Famicom Network System should be used because we aren't going to change the other cats to match if we called it Family Computer. I have made the "Famicon Network System" sub-cat in NES/Famicom.

Not a problem.

Apparently, there are specific Sharp and NEC pocket organizers with game capability and game cards.

Mentioning this again in case it was overlooked (since I have been requesting many categories, so it's easily possible.)

Requesting Funsation Off the Wall Projection Console and Games categories.

Requesting Decathlon parent category, sub-cats for Domyos Interactive System.

Requesting Tomy Data Battle Virtual Simulation Consoles and Games categories.

When searching for the above Data Battle Virtual Simulation, I also came across a number of Rockman EXE systems and "chip" cartridges, which I am having a difficult time understanding. Below are the three types of cartridges I've identified so far, for various systems:

The items in the above third link seem to be the same as the following link which includes an accessory for Game Boy Advance:

I've found two wiki articles for mentioning some of the items, but since they share the same name of a much larger video game franchise, finding information for someone unfamiliar to Mega Man EXE and Mega Man on a general level is challenging.

If I can understand what these items are exactly, I'd have no problem submitting them to the database.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2024, 10:46:53 am by dhaabi »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #198 on: May 10, 2024, 12:36:19 pm »
LCD Games
Funsation Consoles

Decathlon (new)
Decathlon Consoles

Data Battle

The Data Battle systems can be put into Tomy Consoles
THe Bandai Plug-In Pet console can be put into Bandai Consoles

It may be incorrect, but this was a search term I was able to get results for
ロックマンエグゼ プラグインペット 熱斗
We need more information before making the games category because it seems there is a regular and Advanced version but I do not know if that means the games are different. Here are some YAJ links
And of course YAJ is better at matching to related items right on that page


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #199 on: May 12, 2024, 07:11:49 pm »
Requesting categories for Franklin Bookman, a system which includes games and non-games software (which only the former would be submitted, unless told otherwise.) This system may fall under what you mentioned in another topic, so if that's the case, let me know.

Requesting a section for Bright Things Bubble.

Requesting a new sub-cat for My Life Accessory. The two original entries in the current Games category also belong in this proposed section.

Regarding the existing My Life section, I have information and questions. From what I've read, the manufacturer is Giochi Preziosi, so perhaps that could be the parent category name. The name is also found on the system itself and packaging. Also, how should "My Life" be formatted? The term is inconsistent, as it's either formatted as My Life and MyLife.

Also, was it correct for me to have submitted TV Jack 5000 entries to the PC-50x category? The system itself is listed in its Consoles category and also on a wiki list, but I'm just double-checking since their entry names are formatted as SystemName - GameName.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2024, 09:23:52 pm by dhaabi »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #200 on: May 13, 2024, 10:30:13 am »
Made Franklin Bookman sub-cat in PDA.
The system isn't applicable to be put on the site, as it is not a console or a computer.

For Bright Things, it seems the manufacturer is Bandai and Bright Things only handled the software side. I can make the Bubble section in Bandai but then the system(s) would go into Bandai Consoles. LMK if this will be ok.

Added My Life Accessory.
The packaging back image you provided shows "My Life" with the space in it. It is hard to tell is a space is used or not in the logo. It is usually difficult to search for this system in general due to how most classified sites besides Ebay doesn't support quotes in their search field. Either way, you may decide to put "MyLife" in alt-name for the system and/or accessory entries.

For PC-50x, here is the list,6782.msg198590.html#msg198590
Ideally there should not be a PC-50x game category and the only entry that was in there is ambiguous, the PC-501 Supersportic which has a confusing release history and when I tried to figure out where it goes, I wasn't able to get enough information to put it somewhere else.
Bandai TV Jack 5000 already has a sub-cat in PC-50x, so they should be put into there. It has Stunt Cycle in there too, so the one you made is a dupe.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #201 on: May 13, 2024, 11:15:37 am »
Requesting a Games sub-cat for Sharp Pocket Organizers. Whether it be under the PDA or Sharp parent category doesn't necessarily matter to me, although the former would probably make more sense.

Requesting a Games sub-cat for NEC Pocket Organizers. See above.

For Bright Things, it seems the manufacturer is Bandai and Bright Things only handled the software side. I can make the Bubble section in Bandai but then the system(s) would go into Bandai Consoles. LMK if this will be ok.

For PC-50x, here is the list,6782.msg198590.html#msg198590
Ideally there should not be a PC-50x game category and the only entry that was in there is ambiguous, the PC-501 Supersportic which has a confusing release history and when I tried to figure out where it goes, I wasn't able to get enough information to put it somewhere else.
Bandai TV Jack 5000 already has a sub-cat in PC-50x, so they should be put into there. It has Stunt Cycle in there too, so the one you made is a dupe.

Bandai Consoles and a Games sub-cat for Bubble is fine.

I overlooked the existing section. It's been taken care of.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #202 on: May 13, 2024, 12:39:46 pm »
Need to know what the Sharp thing is called. I see that some games are PA-7000, but are they all for that? Or what is the actual system called?

NEC Electronic Tool sub-cat created under NEC Computers

Bubble sub-cat created under Bandai


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #203 on: May 13, 2024, 02:29:18 pm »
Need to know what the Sharp thing is called. I see that some games are PA-7000, but are they all for that? Or what is the actual system called?

I'm now realizing this isn't as straightforward as I had hoped. Here is everything I've learned:

From my understanding, games can only be played on certain models. For instance, here is Backgammon IQ-8A02M, which lists that it may be played on IQ-7000 and IQ-8000 series devices. However, there are several series of devices, but they aren't the same between Japan and EU/NA. This post mentions how Hatris PA-5C01S is only for the PA-9500 device. Oppositely, here is Organizer Hatris IQ-8A01, which lists that it may be played only on IQ-8000 devices. The same information is also reported on a Tetris wiki.

Here is a Wikipedia article which references the entire line of organizer known as the Sharp Wizard. Here, it explains how the NA devices are OZ-#### and EU devices are IQ-####. However, it does not mention that Japan's devices are PA-####. Just for reference, here is a photo of many of Japan's Sharp organizers.

Unfortunately, compatibility for Japanese cards isn't listed on the item itself, but it fortunately is listed on the packaging. But, there is a post in the HP Museum forum topic which does mention Japanese software compatibility based on item numbers, though. It is nice information to gain, but verifying specifics by analyzing the actual product obviously should still be done.

Also, I came across these pages, which I feel like you will find beneficial to some degree later on, if more work is put into these sorts of items and categories.

I'll also mention this nice Muuseo gallery of Japanese cards (games and non-games) which someone's curated.

So, at this time, I believe that categories for 7000, 8000, and 9500 are needed. I don't think there is any one broad term used across all regions, but Sharp Wizard seems closest. If not that, then something generic like Sharp Pocket Organizers may just need to be its own parent category with the individual series as sub-cats.

Made Franklin Bookman sub-cat in PDA.
The system isn't applicable to be put on the site, as it is not a console or a computer.

After looking at the Franklin Bookman more in-depth, I've found that all of the below systems either include a game cartridge or mention that they have built-in word games.

To demonstrate, here is a video featuring the MWS-840 system which shows the "Games" button being selected that loads a list of games.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 09:09:45 am by dhaabi »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #204 on: May 14, 2024, 10:24:26 am »
Sharp Wizard for NA/EU however I cannot find any examples of game cards in those regions.

For the Japanese version, it is just Sharp Denshi Techou / Sharp 電子手帳. So I have added a sub-cat for those games under PDA.

You'll have to document and archive those Bookman systems for future you, as I said we currently will not track those types of systems.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #205 on: May 14, 2024, 10:39:36 am »
Sharp Wizard for NA/EU however I cannot find any examples of game cards in those regions.

You'll have to document and archive those Bookman systems for future you, as I said we currently will not track those types of systems.

Here are previously supplied links. To clarify, IQ-#### is EU, PA-#### is JP, and OZ-#### is NA, regarding systems. To my understanding, PA-#### cartridges are JP only, and IQ-#### cartridges are for EU/NA.

That's a shame, especially since some bundles contain actual game cartridges. But, based on our rules, hardware including games belongs in Hardware categories, so I suppose that's the reason why they can't be added at this time.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #206 on: May 14, 2024, 11:58:41 am »
Made sub-cat for Sharp Electronic Organizer for the EU games under PDA.

The systems cannot be added at this time because they are neither Consoles or Computers. There is more involved than just adding a type, it needs to also show up in reports. So we kick that can down the road as the priority is low.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #207 on: May 14, 2024, 03:31:13 pm »
To clarify, IQ-#### is EU, PA-#### is JP, and OZ-#### is NA, regarding systems. To my understanding, PA-#### cartridges are JP only, and IQ-#### cartridges are for EU/NA.

Made sub-cat for Sharp Electronic Organizer for the EU games under PDA.

I was wrong about IQ cartridges being for both EU and NA (which makes sense, but I do believe I read that somewhere.) I've identified an OZ game released in NA. Can this item also be submitted to Sharp Electronic Organizer, or do the categories now need to be divided by region since you mentioned the existing category as for EU only?

Requesting Visicom C-100 sub-cat within RCA Studio II parent category.

Requesting Konami Picno sections.

Requesting Milton Bradley Omni sections.

Requesting Video Cassette Rock sub-cat under PC-50x parent category. The name is incorrectly listed on Wikipedia (and your forum post) as "Lock," when that it actually an instance of mistranslation. Here is one instance of the correct term "Rock" being used.

Requesting Interton Electronic parent category and Video 2000 sub-cat. I don't think this item is related to the VC 4000, and there are other systems including the 2501, 2800, and 3000. For the latter three systems, I'm not sure what their compatibility is, though.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 08:28:57 am by dhaabi »


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #208 on: May 15, 2024, 10:00:54 am »
I was wrong about IQ cartridges being for both EU and NA (which makes sense, but I do believe I read that somewhere.) I've identified an OZ game released in NA. Can this item also be submitted to Sharp Electronic Organizer, or do the categories now need to be divided by region since you mentioned the existing category as for EU only?

There is no region on the sub-cat. Any game for "Electronic Organizer" can be put into there.
This is true of any sub-cat that doesn't have a TLD in the name.


Re: Category/Platform Requests 2.0
« Reply #209 on: May 16, 2024, 10:43:50 am »

RCA Studio II
- Visicom COM-100

- Konami Consoles
- Konami Picno

- Video Cassette Rock

- Interton Consoles
- Interton Video 2000

Milton Bradley Omni is not a video game.