Author Topic: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread  (Read 10827 times)

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2019, 11:03:27 pm »
I don't think Xbox will bring up a digital only console, but they'll absolutely have the option for it.  They know they can't have another screw up like the Xbox One reveal, so they'll definitely promote a totally normal console, pushing more games, while bringing up the option for a digital only system with more storage for those that want it.  Digital only will happen, it makes absolute sense to do, but don't think we are there yet where consoles will make digital the default option.
Well, they already have one with the XBox One S All-Digital (or XB1 SAD), so it may be a discussion point, but to launch a new console as all digital at E3?  That'll land with a dull thud.  The only way to remove the sting would be to have too models, but even then I bet the one with a drive would feel prohibitively expensive.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2019, 04:00:54 am »
With Nintendo having done a Super Mario Maker 2 direct and soon a Pokemon one, I hope this means they are planning to push more new games coming up, like Bayonetta 3, now that they don't need to do info dumps on either of those games.  I'm still quite low on hype for their showing, but this perks me up a little more and hope they have some real good surprises.

Any guesses for possible new Smash Bros DLC? I may not play the game much, but I love kinda all the hype around the game, especially with the characters.  I feel at this point, with Nintendo and Microsoft being great with each other, I think Banjo-Kazooie have to be in.  I don't know if that happens at this event or down the road, but I want this to happen so much and it's the most likely its ever been.  I know they could also do something like Master Chief or Steve from Minecraft (Oh dear god no) for their more obvious and current popularity, but in terms of Nintendo history, and maybe a shift in better relations between Microsoft/Rare and Nintendo (I am desperately wanting Rare Replay on Switch), I think this needs to be.

Not sure who else would be good as generally I think the idea is that we'll primarily see most characters being from a Japanese company, so in terms of crossover potential with another franchise.   I want to see a Hunter from Monster Hunter like they did with Marvel vs Capcom Infinite.  Since that game is dead and Monster Hunter exists in Smash with the Rathalos, it makes a lot of sense to bring in a Hunter.  The moveset would be nuts and they could make numerous armor sets for the different versions.  Also Monster Hunter stage with rampaging monsters? That would be pretty dang cool.  Next to Banjo-Kazooie, this is my big pick.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2019, 07:25:33 pm »
We already getting info early about stuff we'll be seeing at E3 from certain companies.  We found out that Darksiders 4 was basically announced and will be shown off at E3, sounding like they are gonna maybe change up the gameplay quite abit as we likely get to play as Strife who could primarily be gunplay, so maybe less action hack and slash and more third person shooter RPG?  Either way, I'm hoping Darksiders 3 gets a sale this weekend so I can pick it up.

Dying Light 2 will be getting shown off at the Square Enix event now that they are publishing it and I'm pretty interested to see what new stuff they can bring to the game as the first one was pretty great with very well done developer support.

Signs seem to pointing to a Watch Dogs 3, which might be cool for some people (The first one wasn't good and didn't play the second).

Square-Enix also teased a new game from another outside dev called "Outriders", something scifi related (Lets hope that it's not another Quiet Man disaster).

Oh and I forgot, but for Square-Enix, they'll also have the reveal of the Avengers game they've been working on.  Add to that Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and I think Square-Enix and Microsoft are probably at the top of my must watch shows this year.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2019, 09:01:49 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2019, 07:43:29 am »
E3 hasnt even started and we now have :

A slew of D&D remakes
Darksiders Genesis (not quite DS4 but actually a prequel Diablo style)
Ni No Kuni remake
A new Tales game
7 new titles from Xseed (and thats not considering they could still mention any of the Ys titles going on currently)

Im good already! :D


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2019, 09:08:00 am »
A new Tales of? Nice. Love that series.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #20 on: June 08, 2019, 09:23:49 am »
E3 hasnt even started and we now have :

A slew of D&D remakes

Hell, just a load of remakes in general of have been announced, including Destroy All Humans! and Spongebob Squarepants - Battle for Bikini Bottom.  Gonna be an interesting E3 for sure.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #21 on: June 08, 2019, 01:08:48 pm »
I really hope E3 deviates from their normal programming and actually talks about something other than sports titles, a new Star Wars game, another battle Royal Game, and a 5 year old Sims game.

So far Star Wars Fallen Order actually looks awesome despite taking place in Disney's canon, but I literally have zero interest in anything else they've scheduled to discuss. I am really hoping for a Dragon Age 4 teaser, an official title even. Something else unexpected would be nice too. Then again, this is EA we're talking about, the kings of industry rot.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #22 on: June 08, 2019, 01:27:13 pm »
I really hope E3 deviates from their normal programming and actually talks about something other than sports titles, a new Star Wars game, another battle Royal Game, and a 5 year old Sims game.

So far Star Wars Fallen Order actually looks awesome despite taking place in Disney's canon, but I literally have zero interest in anything else they've scheduled to discuss. I am really hoping for a Dragon Age 4 teaser, an official title even. Something else unexpected would be nice too. Then again, this is EA we're talking about, the kings of industry rot.

You've got me excited about Dragon Age 4 now...that would be an excellent mic drop at the end of the presentation!

Fallen Order looks great...that's all I was hoping for from EA tbh.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2019, 03:33:03 pm »
EA Play 2019: D

I will start off by saying that if it weren't for Star Wars: Fallen Order this presentation would have got a huge F; the inclusion of the Star Wars game, which looks freakin awesome btw, is the only thing that made this thing worth watching. I just wish i had known that and turned the whole thing off after that game was shown off. We all knew EA would talk about their annual roster update sports titles, but the fact that the Sims 4 got a whole half hour designated to it tells me EA either has very little going on or more likely they are holding a lot back for next year in light of Sony and MS announcing new consoles soon, and releasing them in 2020. Sadly, I'm wondering if this is going to be the tone of E3 2019; publishers holding a lot back in order to reveal more for next gen. Regardless this was a crappy showcase, even crappy for EA whom usually has one of the worst if not the worst conference every E3.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2019, 08:38:00 pm »
Yeah I watched basically a short version of it afterwards and man, they knew what they were doing, front loading that conference with Star Wars and to a lesser degree, Apex, so people weren't sitting through the slog that is FIFA, Madden, and Sims.  Like it didn't seem to be cringey and I'm glad to get Star Wars stuff and a Battlefield V roadmap, but man this was a throwaway event.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2019, 03:03:37 am »
I'm not sure if it was at E3, but I am so happy for THQNordic's remasters of Spongebob battle for bikini bottom and Destroy All Humans.  Such childhood nostalgia relived in 4K :)  It's going to be incredible.

Nintendo Direct killed it as well.  Pokemon Sword and Shield look like the classic purists have been begging for on switch.  :D

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2019, 07:53:02 am »
Nintendo Direct killed it as well.  Pokemon Sword and Shield look like the classic purists have been begging for on switch.  :D

That was just a regular Direct, they’ve got way more coming in their E3 presentation. ;)

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #27 on: June 09, 2019, 01:49:12 pm »
Due to a seemingly credible leak of the different retail versions for Cyberpunk 2077 to pre-order, there's a high probability that they'll be announcing a release date for the game.  My guess is early next year, but I'm incredibly excited for this game.

Also to note, the Microsoft conference is at 4pm EST today and could be the best one of the show.  Usually I like doing the separate threads for these shows, helps to keep discussions better organized, but I'm so tired from a convention yesterday, I think we'll just keep everything nestled into one thread this time lol 

There's a high chance of a new hardware announcement for Xbox, lots of third party announcements, especially since Sony isn't there this year, and they said they have a ton of exclusives to announce, which could be good, and also could not...I mean when some of their exclusives were State of Decay 2, Crackdown 3, and the cancelled Scalebound, it's good to not get very excited about these ones all the time lol
« Last Edit: June 09, 2019, 01:58:40 pm by kamikazekeeg »

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #28 on: June 09, 2019, 02:44:45 pm »
I am incredibly excited, but also concerned about MS's conference today. On one hand I am expecting some crazy third party announcements, both on games that have been revealed like Cyberpunk 2077, but also on a lot of unannounced games that will make their world premier on their stage. One of these announcements will probably be the successor to the XBONE which I am still betting on being an all digital console with no place for physical media. The idea of this really sours my optimism for the future of gaming, however I could very well be wrong and they might continue to embrace physical media, but I see this as unlikely. Along with that I think they are going to come out swinging with a bunch of launch or near launch exclusives for the new system to get people excited. Overall it might be the best conference of E3, certainly the most interesting.

As for Bethesda I'm expecting very little from them this year. I think they'll spend 2/3 of their conference talking about the new Wolfenstein game and Doom Eternal. Doom Eternal is one of my most anticipated games and I'm very excited to see and hear more about it, including a release date. I do expect maybe one new game announcement, but it's anyone's guess what that will be. I do not expect anything new regarding Starfield or ES6, as I think Bethesda is gearing up to make these games their focus starting next year and beyond. I think overall Bethesda's conference will be okay, but nothing amazing.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2019, 03:53:46 pm »
I am incredibly excited, but also concerned about MS's conference today. On one hand I am expecting some crazy third party announcements, both on games that have been revealed like Cyberpunk 2077, but also on a lot of unannounced games that will make their world premier on their stage. One of these announcements will probably be the successor to the XBONE which I am still betting on being an all digital console with no place for physical media. The idea of this really sours my optimism for the future of gaming, however I could very well be wrong and they might continue to embrace physical media, but I see this as unlikely. Along with that I think they are going to come out swinging with a bunch of launch or near launch exclusives for the new system to get people excited. Overall it might be the best conference of E3, certainly the most interesting.

As for Bethesda I'm expecting very little from them this year. I think they'll spend 2/3 of their conference talking about the new Wolfenstein game and Doom Eternal. Doom Eternal is one of my most anticipated games and I'm very excited to see and hear more about it, including a release date. I do expect maybe one new game announcement, but it's anyone's guess what that will be. I do not expect anything new regarding Starfield or ES6, as I think Bethesda is gearing up to make these games their focus starting next year and beyond. I think overall Bethesda's conference will be okay, but nothing amazing.

Guarantee right now, no all digital system.  It'll be an OPTION, perhaps with a bigger SDD/HDD in it, but it'll optional for people who just want the game pass and no physical games.  As big as streaming and downloads are now, things still aren't in place for an all digital system right now, especially after we saw the Stadia full reveal and how insane it's data usage is going to be at the high end and how people weren't liking that as data caps is still a big problem right now for folks.

For Bethesda, I think that's pretty right on.   They'll probably have a new game or two, and I think they'll show off Starfield to some degree, because it's supposed to come out before ES6, meaning it's gotta be coming out within the next year or so.  I'm honestly pretty low on interest with Bethesda after they completely botched everything with Fallout 76 and how bullshit last years conference looks after the games reveal, but I'll still give it a careful watch.

Oh yeah, Cyberpunk 2077 is out in April next year and Keanu Reeves is a character in it! Woo!

Guh, "Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot" is a real lame game name lol Hopefully the game is good, even if it's annoyingly rehashing the DBZ story again for the 100th time.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2019, 04:50:50 pm by kamikazekeeg »