Author Topic: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread  (Read 10836 times)

The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« on: May 19, 2019, 04:01:23 pm »
We are coming up on E3 once again, a time of new game goodness, so figured we could talk about what we are excited to see shown off, possible wishlist items we'd like to have revealed, just whatever we'd like to talk about.

This is going to be a slightly odd E3 this year, as one of the big companies, Sony's, won't have their big showcase, being that they are readying for the PS5, but there is still a lot to look forward to.  I'll post up the known conferences right now and maybe some stuff I'm looking forward too...

Microsoft - With no Sony, Microsoft is probably the biggest one to look at this year.  Not really for their 1st part offerings (Other than maybe Halo Infinite, I have not been an Xbox fan this gen at all), but like last year, they were doing great with showing off multi-platform games coming up, so like we could see whatever the new game Capcom has planned, stuff like that.  It's weird being excited for a Microsoft conference lol They could show off something for their new Xbox, but I'm not sure on that one yet.

Bethesda - After the horseshit they pulled with Fallout 76, I probably won't even watch it this year.  I know we'll get Doom Eternal gameplay, which will be great, I wouldn't be surprised if we see Starfield revealed, probably some other good stuff, but man I think they pushed away lot of their fanbase with Fallout 76 and they are gonna have to work extra hard to build things back up, because that was a disaster. 

Devolver Digital - They always have their really silly, Adult Swim-esque, conference, and it'll be worth watching for that alone, but as a company, they are pretty fun with the smaller games they put out.  Would be nice to get a date for Metal Wolf Chaos XD so I can check out that goofy game.

Ubisoft - Ubisoft is Ubisoft, so not sure what to be interested in for this.  Maybe we see another Nintendo crossover, I know we aren't going to see anything on Skull & Bones, they could talk about the Splinter Cell game they hinted at, and there isn't much I'd personally be interested in with them.  Maybe they'll surprise me with something.

Square-Enix - This event is all about Final Fantasy 7.  Hopefully the reveal of Tifa, more gameplay, release date for the first part of the game, this is the excitement right here.  Hopefully there's other good stuff planned, but this is the only thing anyone is watching this for lol

Nintendo - I'm personally not very excited for it this year.  Normally I am, but the stuff likely to be shown off isn't personally something I'm not crazy about.  We'll probably get Animal Crossing reveal, which will probably just be what you expect out of Animal Crossing.  We'll get more on Pokemon, which will probably be what you expect out of Pokemon.  We'll see more on Link's Awakening, which will be nice even though I'm not a huge fan of the visuals.  I wouldn't be surprised if they announce Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for Switch, but thats not really big or important news.  We'll also get a Smash Bros character reveal guaranteed.  What I am excited for is Astral Chain and hopefully Bayonetta 3, making this event more about Platinum than it is Nintendo for me personally.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 04:09:29 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2019, 06:14:52 pm »
Since the PS4 is the only current-gen console I own and because I'm still very scepitical about the Final Fantasy VII remake (will it really be released in episodes or will we be able to have the full experience in one single release for a change!?), this is probably the E3 conference that I'm the least interested about in ages...
I think the only thing that could possibily catch my attention would be Nintendo announcing a new version of the Switch (which I don't believe will happen yet...).

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2019, 06:46:06 pm »
Since the PS4 is the only current-gen console I own and because I'm still very scepitical about the Final Fantasy VII remake (will it really be released in episodes or will we be able to have the full experience in one single release for a change!?), this is probably the E3 conference that I'm the least interested about in ages...
I think the only thing that could possibily catch my attention would be Nintendo announcing a new version of the Switch (which I don't believe will happen yet...).

Nintendo has stated that the show is all about "software", so I'm not expecting a new Switch.

I'm fine with FF7 Remake being in parts if it means it gets out quicker.  Like it being 20 to 30 hour chunks of game with more depth added into the experience and not taking however many more years it would take to come out is fine.  Mostly depends on the time between releases and cost.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2019, 08:58:35 pm »
Hell yeah! I look forward to E3 every year, it's like gamer Christmas lol. I go into every E3 with a ton of hype and high expectations. Many of those expectations are not met, however there are usually enough surprises and new info on other games where it doesn't matter that another year went by with no Half Life 3 announcement :p

But here are my thoughts, predictions and other things that I feel might happen at each of the big conferences this E3:

Microsoft - I feel fairly mixed about this conference. On one hand I am expecting MS to announce their successor to the XBONE with will a 100% digital/streaming platform. That's right, no discs or physical media. Unlike 2014 when they got a ton of backlash for their stance on no used games, I feel like a lot has changed in the industry since then, and I think as long as they present their console in the right way, more gamers will embrace it than shun it like what happened when the XBONE was announced. Other than that I can see them showing more about the new Halo, probably a new Fortza title, and some other titles that I can see being announced as exclusives on the new XBOX. I think we'll see some really good third party announcements on their stage as well, some I'm hoping for are more on Cyberpunk 2077 (hopefully with a third person perspective announced) and VtM Bloodlines 2. Other than that I'm pretty hyped for their conference, especially since last year was their best conference in years imo.

Bethesda - I think their main showcase game is going to be Doom Eternal, however I think that Starfield will make an appearance as a next gen title with a full on trailer (no gameplay though). I can also maybe see a sequel to Prey or Dishonored announced as well, and a very small chance we might get a new Wolfenstein announcement. My hype for their conference is fairly meh, but hopefully they'll surprise me.

Ubisoft - I'm not a big Ubisoft fan and never have been. Probably a new AC game will get announced, another cringe worthy announcement of the next Let's Dance game, and probably a new Far Cry game too. I really coudn't care less about what they show, but I'll watch it anyways just in case.

EA - This will be my least anticipated conference as it is almost every year. The only thing I am cautiously excited about is the new Dragon Age game, but if Bioware's track record over the last couple years is anything to go off of, and from the rumors I've heard about the upcoming Dragon Age title, I'll likely be in a worse place emotionally at the end of their conference than I was when it started. I hope I'm wrong, but I have no faith in the worst company in America.

Square-Enix - Currently FF7 Remake is my most hyped game and with the promise of more being shown off about it, I am very much so looking forward to Square's conference! I honestly don't care at this point what they do or don't share as long as I get more FF7 remake, with a release date too. I would also like to see FF8 get the remaster treatment that ff9 got a couple years ago. I can also see some sort of major DLC expansion for KH3 getting shown off too. Other than that I'm not sure what else to expect.

Nintendo - More than MS, this is my most hyped conference/direct of E3. I think Nintendo is going to unveil their new Switch model(s), which I personally believe will be a mini that you can dock, but the joycons are affixed to the console due to emphasis on mobile play. I can also see them announcing an upgraded model with a better screen and also more power as well. But either way I don't care much about that. What I am really excited about is I believe this will be the year they show off a lot of their teased franchises such as Bayonetta 3, the new Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem Three Houses, and Pokemon Sword and Shield. I can also see a new Splatoon announced since Nintendo said that they'd support Splatfests for Splatoon 2 for 2-years, with that mark coming up this summer, in fact I think Splatoon 3 will be their huge announcement this year. I can also see the next DLC fighter in Smash getting announced. I don't think that Metroid Prime 4 will get any mention since it's still in development. Aside from that, expect various third party announcements. I honestly think Nintendo will steal the show in 2019.

Sony - I know Sony isn't having conference this year and they will be absent from E3, but I think their next move will be based off what does or does not happen at E3. I think that the PS5 will almost certainly be announced in December at PSX, and I think if MS plays their hand and reveals their next console at E3 they will base a lot of their new console on the reaction from it. I don't believe the PS5 will be digital only like the new XBOX, but I do believe its emphasis on digital distribution will be based heavily on what happens with MS and their new console following E3. They will be sorely missed by me as they typically are my favorite conferences each year, but i think there will be more than enough to get excited about from the other big companies.

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2019, 09:12:49 pm »
I don't think Xbox will bring up a digital only console, but they'll absolutely have the option for it.  They know they can't have another screw up like the Xbox One reveal, so they'll definitely promote a totally normal console, pushing more games, while bringing up the option for a digital only system with more storage for those that want it.  Digital only will happen, it makes absolute sense to do, but don't think we are there yet where consoles will make digital the default option.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2019, 10:40:31 pm »
Interested in the FF7 remake but really only care about DOOM: Eternal. Can't wait for that game!


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2019, 10:48:40 pm »
I'm fine with FF7 Remake being in parts if it means it gets out quicker.  Like it being 20 to 30 hour chunks of game with more depth added into the experience and not taking however many more years it would take to come out is fine.  Mostly depends on the time between releases and cost.
Well, if they divide the game in like two or three (tops) physically released launches, I could consider it, but only if they don't cost full price (something like Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes).
Anyway, I'd never buy it until the Definitive Full- Experience Complete Version or some thing like that got a release.

Microsoft - On one hand I am expecting MS to announce their successor to the XBONE with will a 100% digital/streaming platform. That's right, no discs or physical media. Unlike 2014 when they got a ton of backlash for their stance on no used games, I feel like a lot has changed in the industry since then, and I think as long as they present their console in the right way, more gamers will embrace it than shun it like what happened when the XBONE was announced.
Since I usually only buy Xbox consoles after they get discontinued, I haven't even got an XBone yet.
Because of that, I have no plans of purchasing the next Microsoft console anytime close to its release, so my opinion shouldn't care for the company, but if they decide to go all in with this digital/streaming stuff, it's sayonara bye-bye for me.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2019, 09:49:44 am »
I'm curious in seeing which remaining Wii U titles will be gutted over and brought to the Switch next :^)

In all seriousness though, I would like to learn a little more about the new Pokemon game, and I'm hoping Nintendo puts some big announcement of an old franchise getting a new game or something.
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Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2019, 12:26:56 pm »
Very interested to see that bethesda are still holding their E3 show after their year they've had, but the good news is that must mean they feel they have enough content to make it worth while... :) i can't see there being a Wolfenstein III announcement with the upcoming Co-op game.

Still very dissapointed that there is no PS4 Showcase, that is the one I would always go out of my way to watch. I would do the same with S-E, but after last years absymal showing, I just can't bare myself to do it.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2019, 06:30:35 pm »
Is THQ going to be there? Thats where my interest would be. Biomutant, Darksiders 4 and possible remake of Kingdoms of Amalur. **Edit** Guess they will :

I am interested in FFVII. Regardless if they change the fight style or not. Am I disappointed that its going to be in episodes? Yes. Will that stop me from playing? No.

Oh and DQ Builders 2 info will always be welcomed.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 06:34:14 pm by soera »

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2019, 06:33:26 pm »
Is THQ going to be there? Thats where my interest would be. Darksiders 4 and possible remake of Kingdoms of Amalur.

I am interested in FFVII. Regardless if they change the fight style or not. Am I disappointed that its going to be in episodes? Yes. Will that stop me from playing? No.

Oh and DQ Builders 2 info will always be welcomed.

Think it's too early for Darksiders 4, but they are going to be there announcing something at E3 as they hinted at what seems like a Destroy All Humans return, and another franchise people are looking forward to, but I don't think it will be Amalur.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2019, 05:54:47 am »
Great Thread! Nice to read up on what people are excited about.

I'm hoping CD Projekt drop a new trailer and gameplay for Cyberpunk 2077.
  l    l 

Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2019, 11:29:18 am »
Great Thread! Nice to read up on what people are excited about.

I'm hoping CD Projekt drop a new trailer and gameplay for Cyberpunk 2077.

Me too, that's a huge game I'm excited for.  A shame we are still likely a year or two out from release at the least, but I'm glad they are taking their time.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2019, 11:51:38 am »
I haven't gotten swept up in E3 hype since the late aughties, but I am really hoping to hear more from Square about the Final Fantasy VII remake.

I want to know more about the combat, whether or not these episodes are going to be a thing, etc.


Re: The General E3 2019 Discussion Thread
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2019, 08:11:02 pm »
Really only excited for Nintendo as usual.
-They have the Smash/Splatoon Invitational where I'm hopeful we'll see a Smash DLC character reveal.
-As for the Direct, I predict we'll see a lot of new gameplay/details for upcoming titles such as Pokemon Sword/Shield, Luigi's Mansion 3, Animal Crossing, Links Awakening HD, etc. and possibly more new game announcements.

-I would say I'm excited for possible news on Ghosts of Tsushima buuuut we won't be getting that anytime soon.

-Possibly a very miniscule chance of Bethesda showing new details on the new Elder Scrolls.