Usually in my dreams the world is suffocated by an impending death, a darkness like a cloud sometimes. It isn't visual but it's a feeling and it's extremely cold. The world envelops you and makes you feel at home with it but it's kinda like being in a warm blanket in a serial killers garage. It's inviting but you know you rather not be there. Usually the world is in a darkness, and sometimes things are normal, even happy, happier than my actual life but sometimes their is monsters or pain. I would consider my dreams extremely active and very vivid. I dream a lot because i have sleep disorders involving my breathing. Sometimes I kill things that hurt me (my uncle) or sometimes they kill me.
When I was 6 it was halloween time, and the serial Killer "Ghostface Killer" from the movie scream came to me in my sleep. It was so vivid it was like he was really standing in my room. I remember it like it was yesterday. It couldn't have been a dream. Sometimes I think that universe and my universe are intertwined. Like i'm already dead and all this is a different world than where I'm from. He crept and I screamed but he drained the life out of me and I was helpless and I began to float. I woke up choking and I thought I died. All of this was probably a hallucination brought on from choking in my sleep from acid reflux and sleep apnia. A horrible night terror as you can envision things that arent there. Some people consider it communicating with other parralel planes of existance with your mind during a sleep REM cycle, and your mind sees whats on the other side from being deprived oxygen. From that day on I was always scared of the movie scream and him.
He comes only rarely in my dreams now, usually impossible to stay strong and fight him, I usually run in terror. Lately as I get older I stand tall. The last time I saw him he came to me with my dead grandmother. I think he's my grim reaper and represents some sort of frequency with the place we go when we die.
As a whole night terrors "Sleep Paralysis" is common with people, and it happens at least 5 times per year for me. Usually I don't see things. And sometimes it's not too scary. Sometimes I do see monsters or feel the presence of a evil monster. But I use a sound or a static from a tv or a wind to guide me back to my room and then i'm home and i'm free. But sometimes it's a struggle to break free from my dreams.

This is what it feels like, shadow man standing behind me usually. I wiggle out of it. Not scared of him though.
As for good dreams, which can also be very good. Usually envolve winning lottery or doing fun things like conventions or being successful in talking to a crush and things. Those are always great

To keep on the topic of game related dreams though, when I used to play call of duty 10 hours per day and I really no lifed it, I used to see online players running when I closed my eyes, i'd twitch out of a deep sleep because I was trying to shoot targets in my head. The images were engrained in my muscle memory. People experience this with tetris and it's actually called the tetris effect. From playing tetris so much they'd see blocks falling in their sleep. Pretty neat
Thanks for sharing OldGamerz, this is a interesting topic.