Author Topic: Your Dreams While Sleeping  (Read 6280 times)


Your Dreams While Sleeping
« on: June 17, 2019, 03:10:19 pm »
I always dream when I sleep, The some of the most interesting of my dreams that I can remember are dreams about playing or seeing video games that I don't think exist. One time I dreamed briefly that I was playing a Mortal Kombat like video game but it had 2 fighters on screen. that I never seen in any fighting video game in real life. It included some human and my opponent was a goat man demon.

another time I dreamed I was playing a game like PONG. Except it involved keeping the ball in the square instead of pinging the ball back and forth I've only seen one real life game for the Atari 2600, like that. that involved defending a fortress "warlords"

but never heard of an Atari 2600 graphic game that involved keeping the ball inside of a square making sure that the ball never touches the edge of the game screen before

Last night I dreamed I was buying a Nintendo 64 game that was 2 Donkey Kong games on one cartridge, one of the games was called "Krankeyer Kong" and the other was another Donkey Kong related video game
and I saw another 2 games on one cartridge one was another Donkey Kong like game and the other looked like an anime game Both cartridges were going for about $18 USD in this dream

How many of you believe that there are video games that are in a spiritual like world? and only people who pass on to another world when they die or dream get to play some of the games that don't exist yet on the Earth? I believe that there is more out there than what in in this life. and to me these strange dreams of video games that I don't think exist yet on the earth today are proof. :-\
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 03:13:28 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2019, 06:07:06 pm »
How many of you believe that there are video games that are in a spiritual like world? and only people who pass on to another world when they die or dream get to play some of the games that don't exist yet on the Earth? I believe that there is more out there than what in in this life. and to me these strange dreams of video games that I don't think exist yet on the earth today are proof. :-\

Normally, I just dream the usual stuff: I'm either inside of a falling elevator or I forget to wear clothes to go to work... Haha


Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2019, 06:26:54 pm »
If I dream about games, it's usually some really weird looking games and I can't recall the titles. I want to buy them, but there's always some reason that I can't.

Aside from games, I usually have just bad dreams about taking long journeys through very strange places and getting left behind, lost, or stuck somewhere. Although I would say that my day dreams are usually a bit more disturbing than anything during sleep. I have tendency to ruminate about what it would be like if some really bad things happened to me, or people I know and I have a really vivid imagination.  :-\


Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2019, 06:58:51 pm »
If I dream about games, it's usually some really weird looking games and I can't recall the titles. I want to buy them, but there's always some reason that I can't.

Aside from games, I usually have just bad dreams about taking long journeys through very strange places and getting left behind, lost, or stuck somewhere. Although I would say that my day dreams are usually a bit more disturbing than anything during sleep. I have tendency to ruminate about what it would be like if some really bad things happened to me, or people I know and I have a really vivid imagination.  :-\

Normally, I just dream the usual stuff: I'm either inside of a falling elevator or I forget to wear clothes to go to work... Haha

I originally didn't want to mention but now that both you said. I too have more nightmares than good dreams and no I don't watch or read or play things that would cause it.

 But like the rest of you guys. I can get shot, stabbed, or burned but the good news it I have a lot of strength in my nightmares. and my attackers can never officially kill me even though I usually wake up after being shot to death in my dreams
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 07:03:42 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2019, 07:09:05 pm »
I literally forget my dreams 98% the time as soon as I wake up, even if I just woke up from that Dream. The other 2% are memorable either because they are terrifying, amazing, or for whatever reason they just stick with me.


Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2019, 08:59:17 pm »
Often times I don't dream. I know that technically it's just you can't remember it but if I do it's just darkness or black, anything to a degree where I can't see and it's silent.

If I DO dream it's either a geographically rearranged version of the city I live in or a nightmare of some sort.

8 out of 10 times I just fall asleep and then my alarm goes off and the next day begins. There is no intermission for me :(

Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2019, 11:13:12 pm »
I have had multiple dreams of me getting good deals on games, though most of my dreams could be turned into horror movies.


Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2019, 03:49:46 pm »
If you have a lot of nightmares than the solution to the problem can be just pray to God or Jesus before sleeping, I don't mean to get religious on people that are probably not, but I found out if I just believe in God or/and Jesus it is not frighting.

 and no there is  no catch, you don't need to go to church every Sunday. you can listen to whatever music you like and play whatever game you desire, watch whatever you want or read. God and Jesus are not as picky as some churches or some preachers try to make them look like

It is good to pray, it's also the best advice I can give because I care.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 07:52:59 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2019, 10:40:55 pm »
When I was younger, I had a long gaming session with Rush n Attack on my NES. That night, I dreamed I was in some kind of school gymnasium alone during sunset, dressed in a military uniform and armed only with a knife, hiding out from bad guys.

I’ve had other dreams about games, usually after I’ve played one game for hours, but I normally can’t recall the details. This Rush n Attack one just stuck with me for some reason.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 10:43:42 pm by undertakerprime »

Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2019, 07:20:31 pm »
Usually in my dreams the world is suffocated by an impending death, a darkness like a cloud sometimes.  It isn't visual but it's a feeling and it's extremely cold.  The world envelops you and makes you feel at home with it but it's kinda like being in a warm blanket in a serial killers garage.  It's inviting but you know you rather not be there.  Usually the world is in a darkness, and sometimes things are normal, even happy, happier than my actual life but sometimes their is monsters or pain.  I would consider my dreams extremely active and very vivid.  I dream a lot because i have sleep disorders involving my breathing. Sometimes I kill things that hurt me (my uncle) or sometimes they kill me.   

When I was 6 it was halloween time,  and the serial Killer "Ghostface Killer" from the movie scream came to me in my sleep.  It was so vivid it was like he was really standing in my room.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  It couldn't have been a dream.  Sometimes I think that universe and my universe are intertwined.  Like i'm already dead and all this is a different world than where I'm from. He crept and I screamed but he drained the life out of me and I was helpless and I began to float.  I woke up choking and I thought I died.  All of this was probably a hallucination brought on from choking in my sleep from acid reflux and sleep apnia.  A horrible night terror as you can envision things that arent there.  Some people consider it communicating with other parralel planes of existance with your mind during a sleep REM cycle, and your mind sees whats on the other side from being deprived oxygen.   From that day on I was always scared of the movie scream and him. 

He comes only rarely in my dreams now, usually impossible to stay strong and fight him,  I usually run in terror.  Lately as I get older I stand tall. The last time I saw him he came to me with my dead grandmother.  I think he's my grim reaper and represents some sort of frequency with the place we go when we die. 

As a whole night terrors "Sleep Paralysis" is common with people,  and it happens at least 5 times per year for me.  Usually I don't see things.  And sometimes it's not too scary. Sometimes I do see monsters or feel the presence of a evil monster.  But I use a sound or a static from a tv or a wind to guide me back to my room and then i'm home and i'm free.  But sometimes it's a struggle to break free from my dreams. 

This is what it feels like,  shadow man standing behind me usually. I wiggle out of it.  Not scared of him though. 

As for good dreams, which can also be very good.  Usually envolve winning lottery or doing fun things like conventions or being successful in talking to a crush and things.  Those are always great :)

To keep on the topic of game related dreams though,  when I used to play call of duty 10 hours per day and I really no lifed it,  I used to see online players running when I closed my eyes,  i'd twitch out of a deep sleep because I was trying to shoot targets in my head.   The images were engrained in my muscle memory.   People experience this with tetris and it's actually called the tetris effect.  From playing tetris so much they'd see blocks falling in their sleep.  Pretty neat :) 

Thanks for sharing OldGamerz,  this is a interesting topic.  :D

« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 07:29:46 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #10 on: June 19, 2019, 09:18:09 pm »

(PARTUAL QUOTE FROM marvelvscapcom2)
As for good dreams, which can also be very good.  Usually envolve winning lottery or doing fun things like conventions or being successful in talking to a crush and things.  Those are always great :)

To keep on the topic of game related dreams though,  when I used to play call of duty 10 hours per day and I really no lifed it,  I used to see online players running when I closed my eyes,  i'd twitch out of a deep sleep because I was trying to shoot targets in my head.   The images were engrained in my muscle memory.   People experience this with tetris and it's actually called the tetris effect.  From playing tetris so much they'd see blocks falling in their sleep.  Pretty neat :) 

Thanks for sharing OldGamerz,  this is a interesting topic.  :D

I read your full  post Marvelvscapcom2 and one way I am the same way as you. is the fact that after a long and tough gaming session. I am exhausted and sometimes especially if I push my mental fatigue from many many hours of gaming and ignore my body's sign to go to sleep.

the same exact thing in the bold happens to me, when I try to go to sleep, after being up for a long time and usually If put in a lengthy gaming session for a many hours non stop. I am still twitching my reflexes and still playing the game inside my head briefly before I finally sleep.

But the following is unhealthy I know many may say. One thing I hate about being human is the fact that I need to sleep to feel good and most of all have a shot at getting better at my video games :)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 09:22:04 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2019, 01:38:29 am »
Oh man, I hate the feeling of being awake while your body is paralyzed in sleep and the fight to snap out of it. Or the feeling of falling while you sleep and just as you sense you're going to hit something you jump. Why, oh why did human biology dictate that the brain gets to have a field day with wild thoughts and senses while you're out cold. It makes no sense. Why does it think of the stupidest, most non-sensible things? Why does the brain have a "mind" of it's own anyway? Doesn't your own mind belong to you? So then how does it do things that conscious you would disagree with? Weird.

Once had a dream I was being haunted in my house. Then I woke up and realized it was all a silly dream. But no, there comes the apparition in my doorway, it wasn't a dream! Then I wake up in my bed, only for real that time.

Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #12 on: June 20, 2019, 03:37:04 am »
I quite often dream I am running a project for work  :(

It's really irritating, because when I wake up, I have to run a project for work  >:(


Re: Your Dreams While Sleeping
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2022, 10:00:27 pm »
I just woke up from yet another dream, were I live in an apartment and in this apartment complex people run rampant, they carry guns, they shoot or stab random people in the hallway, the elevator is always crowded, and my apartment is on the 3rd floor of some kind of internal building with multiple people running the halls at all hours of the day and night, when I open my apartment door everyone notices and piles into my apartment and sits on the couch, goes, through the refrigerator, and more people enter through a back door.

I tell them to get out and they just sit there and ignore me and stare in space, in the back room of my apartment in the dream I had a PC and some big box PC games, with a man looking through my collection for something he can steal and sell for drug money I try to stab him with a pencil but the lead goes everywhere and he is now somehow too tall for me to harm him in any way still browsing for something he can take for useless pot money or crack money.

Does anybody else have these kind of dreams? and on my way up the elevator I had a gun to my back the whole time by some guy that looked Mexican with a tether tied to his ankle.

The dream started off as a scenario that I live in a place where the government found me and I keep waking up in different apartment complexes and group homes some nice some not so nice, I think I've woken up from sleeping in these dreams in this particular apartment complex in my real dream 3 times already, and something similar always occurs and something is always getting stolen, some dreams I have different collections and never can play the games because I wake up too fast
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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