Author Topic: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?  (Read 33531 times)


Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2019, 12:59:15 pm »
My XBONE collection is about 1/10th the size of my PS4 one and would probably be smaller if I had found cheap PS4 versions of dual system releases instead of XBONE ones.

I was a big original XBOX collector until it became my first system to fail (drive read errors). I replaced it with another XBOX that barely got any use and ironically enough, it too failed on me for the same reason. This already soured me to the idea of getting a XB360 but what solidified that decision was working at GameStop and dealing with the rampant RROD/E-174 errors. It took till 2013 before I felt confident enough that MS had worked out all of the issues for me to buy a XB360.

The only reason I own a XBONE is a guy on another forum had a bundle for a killer price and I had leftover tax refund money burning a hole in my pocket. I have searched out the exclusives but only bite the bullet on them if they're DIRT cheap. If there's dual system releases, I'll hold out for the PS4 version unless like I mentioned above it's much cheaper for the XBONE version and even then it's a mental debate of waiting/buying sometimes.  :P

Long story short, the damage has been done by MS (at least to me). Granted they've come a long way but I still have a slight trepidation over their hardware. The shenanigans over the XBONE launch regarding used games and at the time Kinect being always on pushed me over to the Sony camp rather easily. They also just released that all-digital system with no drive which IMO is an expensive doorstop. When the next gen systems come out, it will be EASY to determine which one I'm going with.  ;)

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2019, 01:11:30 pm »
I'm mostly a PC player any more, however I do enjoy the Xbox One, it probably gets more play time than my Ps4. Playing original Xbox and 360 games with better framerates and sometimes higher resolutions on the One x is really neat. I'm not anti-backwards compatibility, but I will say this, it's kind of sad that the most exciting thing about the Xbox is playing old games on it. I also think it's great that Microsoft is very open to allowing their properties on other platforms, now had the Xbox one sold well I'm sure they wouldn't be. But I'm glad they are.


Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2019, 05:29:05 pm »
I think both systems have positives and negatives. As far as what I like better about XB1/

As mentioned above, the controllers. Dualshocks are for smaller hands and feel flimsier...but that a;; fine. What I don't like (Though many see it as a positive) is that there are no batteries. I was charging my 1st dualshock and accidently walked through the wire, yanking it out of the controller. This damaged the port, making my controller not charge anymore. Now that it's charge is dead, I can't use it anymore. had it used batteries...I could still use it.

The biggies for me are storage.

1. PS4 only allows you one external device. period. In this day and age of large games, that sucks. To use a 2nd you have to reconnect your 1st and clear it, at least last time I tried.  Xbox allows you as many externals as you want. You can only have 2 hooked up at a time, but you can use others freely by just disconnecting whatever you already have there. This allows you as much space as you could ever want. With PS4 I have a ton of games uninstalled because I can't use a 2nd HD. Due to storage limitations, I have quit buying PS4 games.

2. Stability. The stability of External seems better on the XB1....If my PS4 had an error and needs to shit down, or there is a power outage, the external needs to be "Fixed" I was downloading something with my PS4 in low power mode last summer while I ran errands. There was a power outage at my house, and my HD got corrupted.

That leads me to the last thing, that some of you will find weird. I like that the physical and digital files are the same on XB1 (Since they were originally going to just use the disc as an installer anyway) If I get a digital copy of a PS4 game, I have to uninstall the disc and the DLC to reinstall the digital copy. As a collector who likes the convenience of digital, that makes Xb1 stand out.
When my PS4 had it's corrupted external, I had to download the full games of anything I had digitally, since If I had the disc it's a different file. When I had to replace a HD for my XB1, I simply installed the games from the disc, and Dl the patches. A handful of games have patches the size of the game itself (Doom, PUBG, a few others) so it doesn't matter there...but If I need to reinstall say... Fifa 19... it's easier to Install 45GB from the disc and DL the 3BG patch instead of having to DL the 45-48GB game in it's entirety. Since I own the digital rights, Once this disc is installed I can put it away. For those of us with Data Caps....this is HUGE for me.

That made me think of one more... file management. With PS4 you have to uninstall everything or nothing. With XB1 you can choose exactly what you want to uninstall. PS4 does let you choose to install larger DLC when you install the game or not, which is OK, but that's all you get to choose.
Why is this important to me? Well I own a digital copy of the one of the battlefield games. If I want to uninstall my physical file I HAVE to uninstall all the DLC as well. The DLC is like 40GB- I want to uninstall the Game, so I can reinstall the digital copy...but not have to uninstall the DLC just to reinstall it. Xbox allows you to just uninstall the game, or specific DLC if you want...of course since it's all the same file it doesn't really matter as much there. 
« Last Edit: July 07, 2019, 05:30:50 pm by wolff242 »

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2019, 06:37:28 pm »
Reasons to buy an Xbox One:

- Picture perfectionist. the Xbox One X outranks the PS4 Pro on raw processing power, so multi-platform games look best on it. If you must have the best looking version of your games, you'll want an Xbox.

-Capable controllers. Not only does the standard Xbox controller have a huge following as arguably the best controller ever designed, but the Xbox adaptive controller allows many folks who happen to be unable to work a regular controller well to be able to play. If you need the best controls available, Xbox is top dog.

-Full on fanboys. Some people grew up on Xbox exclusive* franchises like Halo and Forza. If you're still in love with the favorite titles from your youth, you'll want to keep an Xbox around.

-Complete collectors. Do you already have a PS4 & Switch? Why not get an Xbox One & finish out the generational set?

-Bargain buyers. The Xbox one goes on a lot more sale than the PS4, & usually better ones. the Mejier chain just did a sale where Xbox Ones were $200 off, for example. The Xbox version of multi system games can often be found on closeout long after the PS4 copies are gone. The price-minded buyer can save a lot of money by going for an Xbox.

I, personally, am a combination of the last two.

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2019, 10:34:16 pm »
My main reason with the initial purchase was to carry over my achievements. I’ve grown a little apart from hunting those down these days though.
I like the Xbox controller over the PS4. It fits my hands a little better and I favor the position of the analog sticks on the Xbox. I also don’t play games on PC, so those titles are still exclusives to me.
I’m using 12TB of storage right now. It’s close to filling up. Like others have said, you just need to plug in another external.
I only buy the exclusives on the PS4. There are so many games that get released these days, there’s nowhere near enough time to play them all. My PS4 seams to get the least amount of action. It’s really whatever you preference is.


Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #20 on: July 08, 2019, 12:46:29 am »
I also prefer the Xbox One controller over the PS4
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Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #21 on: July 08, 2019, 09:29:21 am »
X1X is the performing best of the generation.

X1 controller is arguably the best controller

Game Pass is cheap consistently, so cheap massive library of revolving games.

Backwards compatibility allows folks to have a larger library of cheaper games.

Folks had 360, so they just continued along.

Combination of the last two specifically for folks who probably grew up on CoD on 360, can now keep playing those games on X1.

X1S/X1X are the only console based 4k blu-ray players out there.

Xbox had a slew of features that PS4 either never implemented, half implemented, or implemented late.  External storage devices, changing username, media player, etc

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #22 on: July 09, 2019, 09:19:34 am »
Before the Switch took off I chose X1 over PS4 simply due to needing to keep my Rockband song licenses going into Rockband 4. I played Doom 2016 all the way through on the X1, otherwise I barely use it. I am now firmly in the Switch bandcamp.

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #23 on: July 17, 2019, 11:55:50 am »
First,  I own a PS4 for 4 years and it is my main console for this generation.

I own a original Xbox since 2002 (40 games), and a Xbox 360 since 2006 (80+ games), so I was a big Xbox fans and they were my favorite consoles. 2013 Xbox One shit show released showed that Microsoft didn't care about their fans and gamers, so I moved on...

Until 6 months ago, I bought a Xbox One S on boxing day for really cheap, so I could play the latest Gears of War and Halo games (2 of my favorite series).

The few titles I own:
-Halo 5
-GOW Remaster
-GOW 4
-Rare Replay
-Killer Instinct
-Tekken 7

With the exception of GOW5 and Halo 6, I don't see myself buying more games for it. I do play a lot of old Xbox and 360 games on it (revisiting all the GOW), and that is a great feature the Xbox One has over the PS4. But again, Microsoft recently pissed me off, they mentioned at E3 they won't make more backward compatible games for the Xbox One, and instead focus on the new "Scarlett". What about people that support your current console? Should they not have access to more exclusive games and support? Now I really don't want to buy any more of their future console and stick with Playstation.

So really, if you see a Xbox One at a really good price, get one, there is few good games, but the PS4 offer so much more.

Retro ARCADE games news, review and gameplay Youtube channel.


Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2019, 02:50:16 pm »
I got mine when Microsoft had the zero-down, zero interest for two years financing deal. I'm mostly a retro gamer and mostly a Nintendo gamer. So, basically I've always had all the exclusives I ever wanted. But, I wanted something better to lay multi-platform games. Xbox One X is arguably the best place to place most multiplat games. It was kind of a no-brainer for me. Also, stacks of backwards compatible original Xbox and access to 360 (I skipped that console generation) games now in 4k? Sure!

I've had zero issues with it and loved my experience with Xbox. I guess I could have gotten a PlayStation, but other than "exclusives" I've yet heard anyone give me a compelling reason to get one.

When the next console generation comes around I may grab one when they're sub $100 just to play Bloodborne and maybe FFVIIR if it actually releases in time for PS4. 

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #25 on: July 29, 2019, 02:42:33 pm »
4k, 60fps, HDR + 4K Blu Ray

But yeah, that's about it lol.  I am a graphics snob and XB1 is the pinacle of console gaming graphics, and performance.  It loads faster, renders frames better, handles HDR better, color pallets better, gives better textures, aliasing and does 4k movies and media better than the pro.  I could never need another reason to justify Xbox.

But I also love the controller as others has said, it's universally considered the best controller of all time by many and it's even used on PS4 with 3rd party companies trying to make a XB1 controller style for PS4.   They made the PS4 controller even longer which is odd, it feels wierd in the hand.  And the thumbsticks are in the wrong place where you have to bend your thumbs uncomfortably.  It really needs a redesign.

and of course Forza, which I love and adore.  It's the standard for racing games.  If you like racing games, you need an Xbox. 

XB1 is better imo for FPS.  Xbox always was a FPS console.  COD, Halo, Battlefield, Gears, Racing games.  All play better on Xbox imo.

PS4 is way better for library of 1st party content but outside of that the well runs dry,  3rd party games play way better on Xbox and those are the games with infinite replay value typically,  online shooters play smoother, most competitive communities play on Xbox.  Action games, fighting games ect are good for PS4... .  That is no doubt.  But I choose Xbox for my reasons listed.  :D

I hope you do buy an Xbox One X and give it a honest go.  You might love it.  :)


PS4 doesn't have any good racing games

« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 02:49:31 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #26 on: July 29, 2019, 10:47:11 pm »
To be fair, the system does have the majority of same third party games as PS4, minus the niche Japanese franchises. I guess it comes down to which exclusive franchise you really prefer. Personally, I don't prefer either, PlayStation or Xbox's exclusive IPs. I only have a handful in my PS4 collection. I mostly bought it because niche third parties publishers tend to favor it over Xbox. Most of my PS4 collection consists of indie games, budget titles, and obscure stuff.

I would still consider buying an Xbox if the price was right. Like maybe sub-$200, throw in a physical game. If interested in Killer Instinct, Sea of Thieves, the Ori games, Lucky's Tale, ReCore... and not much else.

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2019, 11:31:49 pm »
I recently bought a controller styled after the x box controller so thats no longer a issue.

What controller is that? I also favor the Xbox controller over Playstation's.

Microsoft left a sour taste in my mouth after my Xbox-360 Elite got the RROD; I thought that version of 360 eliminated that problem. Then before X-Box One came out, Microsoft was going to make the system have to be online to play games, even if playing by yourself! They came to their senses later on, but the damage had already been done.

Not to mention the paltry selection of exclusive games makes it a no-go for me.

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2019, 01:51:38 pm »
I recently bought a controller styled after the x box controller so thats no longer a issue.

What controller is that? I also favor the Xbox controller over Playstation's.

Microsoft left a sour taste in my mouth after my Xbox-360 Elite got the RROD; I thought that version of 360 eliminated that problem. Then before X-Box One came out, Microsoft was going to make the system have to be online to play games, even if playing by yourself! They came to their senses later on, but the damage had already been done.

Not to mention the paltry selection of exclusive games makes it a no-go for me.

Their are two options for Xbox One controller layout for PS4.  One is by hori and it's fairly affordable. The other is by Astro and is a tad pricey.  Both are essential for the avid PS4 fan. Because imo it's a far superior controller layout.  :)

Their are actually many more options but all seem to be lowly rated.  From the Razer company and such.

As for durability.  I would like to state, that in my years of gaming. I have never met a more durable disc based console than the Xbox One.  And that is from someone who went through SEVEN xbox 360s due to RROD :(.   They really did turn the ship around :)

Re: Serious Question: Why would anyone buy an XBONE over a PS4?
« Reply #29 on: August 07, 2019, 03:41:33 pm »
To be fair, the system does have the majority of same third party games as PS4, minus the niche Japanese franchises. I guess it comes down to which exclusive franchise you really prefer. Personally, I don't prefer either, PlayStation or Xbox's exclusive IPs. I only have a handful in my PS4 collection. I mostly bought it because niche third parties publishers tend to favor it over Xbox. Most of my PS4 collection consists of indie games, budget titles, and obscure stuff.

I would still consider buying an Xbox if the price was right. Like maybe sub-$200, throw in a physical game. If interested in Killer Instinct, Sea of Thieves, the Ori games, Lucky's Tale, ReCore... and not much else.
New Super Lucky's Tale is coming to Switch in November (physical) if you didn't know. Ori games are rumored to be ported as well.