Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always - This was corny and cheesy; the acting felt like plywood in some places or straight over-the-top in others; the choreography was a tad messy; and the CGI part was risible; but man, I freaking loved every minute of it. These were the Rangers I grew up with, and while it was a letdown not having Austin and Amy, although understandable given the circumstances, watching this took me back. Overall, there's no doubt that it could've been better, but it was still a nice special with a good story and dialogue, serving as a great send-off to Trini (Thuy) both as an homage and seeing the character's legacy continue through her daughter. The tribute/memorial at the end—taken from Season 2 of the original series—where Kimberly (and Zack) sang "Down the Road" was very emotional, and then seeing "In loving memory of..." truly hit hard.
And speaking of down the road, I guess now we wait for the next special within a decade or so, where somehow Rita returns anew, managing to seduce Tommy back to the dark side, where we end up getting another kind of/sort of similar outcome, the special this time titled "Forever & Always". Or we'll just have another Fast and the Furious–type deal where, like Brian, Tommy retires to be with his family, which doesn't seem that far-fetched, and it was somewhat alluded to in this special, not to mention that JDF eventually retired playing the character.