Author Topic: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)  (Read 96382 times)

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #270 on: March 06, 2022, 08:11:10 pm »
The Jinx - Herculean (and frustrating) miracle that it made me kind of like Durst.

Devs - Decent sci-fi mystery miniseries from Alex Garland. Easily at least two episodes too long, just from all the looooong establishing shots set to "eerie" music.  Good stuff is all front-loaded, too.

Archer - Season 12 is back to more of the same. Fun show, and touching tribute to Jessica Walter at the end.

Wellington Paranormal - Silly Spin-off set in the universe of What We Do in the Shadows.  Super low budget, tiny cast, but mega charming.

Marcella - Pretty solid British crime procedural.  They feel need to make every little thing connected, though.  Like a side-character can't just exist on their own, they have to be involved in the major plot somehow.

Bad Vegan - What the producers think is interesting isn't, and they spend next to no time on the actual interesting stuff.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2022, 05:18:34 pm by Cartagia »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #271 on: March 30, 2022, 04:59:54 am »
Finally catching up on the last of the stuff I've set aside, just need to watch Arcane next, but with Moon Knight coming on, thought I'd go and get through Book of Boba Fett.  Definitely got a lot better as it went on, the first episode wasn't anything special, but it did become more of what I wanted, though I am definitely more than ready to move on from Tatooine lol What's the Obi-Wan show about? Oh yeah, more Tatooine stuff lol

Show was fun, I dig the path they are taking with Boba Fett, makes him a more interesting character, and I was fine with the show turning into a Mando extension for abit, Boba was a spinoff, I just wasn't expecting them to dedicate two episodes to Mando.  I'm interested to see what they are doing with Obi-Wan, though I'll be looking forward to a return to Mando proper in Season 3 so we can get more stuff that isn't on Tatooine and the Ahsoka will be cool too, but I am preferring much less Jedi stuff.  I know the Jedi stuff is what people tend to love most with Star Wars, but I was always more partial to Bounty Hunters and rogues, the ground level guys in this crazy scifi fantasy world, so the Mandalorian stuff has been great for me.

And couldn't sleep, so I watched the first episode of Moon Knight, which was good, I'm pretty interested to see where it goes as I know almost nothing about the character other than a few things I've heard about him.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2022, 05:44:43 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #272 on: March 30, 2022, 10:02:13 am »
Season 4 of Star Trek: Discovery is the best and most consistent one yet.  I've only got two episodes left, so it is entirely possible it craps the bed at the last moment (a big problem with new era Trek - Picard and every previous season of Disco has had a disappointing season finale so far).  I do think the show still has some structural and logistical problems in general, but it has slowly been moving in the right direction, so that these problems that were so glaring early on are now just minor annoyances.


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Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #273 on: March 30, 2022, 11:42:35 am »
Season 4 of Star Trek: Discovery is the best and most consistent one yet.  I've only got two episodes left, so it is entirely possible it craps the bed at the last moment (a big problem with new era Trek - Picard and every previous season of Disco has had a disappointing season finale so far).  I do think the show still has some structural and logistical problems in general, but it has slowly been moving in the right direction, so that these problems that were so glaring early on are now just minor annoyances.

OMG, season 4 was horrible, the worst yet. So much useless melodrama and crying. The plot was aimless, slow and plodding for a good portion of the season. And Burnham has to be the worst captain ever. I'm pretty much done with the series after this season and the last.

On the other hand Picard has been straight fire this season.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #274 on: March 30, 2022, 12:10:29 pm »
Season 4 of Star Trek: Discovery is the best and most consistent one yet.  I've only got two episodes left, so it is entirely possible it craps the bed at the last moment (a big problem with new era Trek - Picard and every previous season of Disco has had a disappointing season finale so far).  I do think the show still has some structural and logistical problems in general, but it has slowly been moving in the right direction, so that these problems that were so glaring early on are now just minor annoyances.

OMG, season 4 was horrible, the worst yet. So much useless melodrama and crying. The plot was aimless, slow and plodding for a good portion of the season.

I've heard this from a lot of people who watched week-to-week, but on watching as a binge I think it's perfectly fine and moves along at a decent clip.  Most importantly to me, though, it felt like a classic Trek plot - an unknown race that we can barely comprehend is doing something that we may or may not understand, and we have to race to figure it out.  I'd still put it at the bottom of my list for all the series, but it's working for me far better than it ever has before.

And Burnham has to be the worst captain ever.

The Seinfeld effect.  She's by far the least interesting (main) character on her own show.  And she should have never been made captain - she mutinied in the first episode.  The show really, really wants you to forget about it, but it just can't shake it.  Just like it tried to redeem a literal space Hitler into a lovable scamp in Seasons 2-3.

On the other hand Picard has been straight fire this season.

It really is.  The fact that they are basically doing a mishmash of Tapestry / Yesterday's Enterprise / Voyage Home and it is still working is incredible.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #275 on: March 31, 2022, 12:56:37 am »
Watched The Legend of Vox Machina and had a some great fun with it.  Great fantasy setting, good animation and action, fun crude humor and excessive violence.  It's pretty cool that it's the whole Critical Role gang doing this and it's based off a custom campaign they did.  Kinda makes me want to go and check out the original campaign as I only really watched their stuff starting with the...2nd campaign I think.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #276 on: April 06, 2022, 07:08:02 pm »
The first season of Mr. Mercedes is a solid as hell adaptation of the Stephen King novel.  Great cast and good behind the scenes crew.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #277 on: April 16, 2022, 04:56:30 am »
Got around to Peacemaker and had some fun with it.  I do think they kinda stretch the quirky, irreverent, dialogue stuff a little too far, it gets a tad overbearing when the jokes get dragged out abit to long.  Cena nails the character, like I feel if it was anyone else doing it, they'd either play him with the wrong tone or wouldn't be able to fully embrace the weird, broken, asshole he is, but he does great.  Looking forward to another season of this.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #278 on: April 17, 2022, 06:05:11 am »

Can always count on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure to be the weirdest show lol Finally got around to watching Stone Ocean and it doesn't hold back, with the oddest intro for a character ever.  Jolyne is pretty great though, I like her more in general than I did Giorno, though her stand powers creep me out abit, holes in flesh is uggh...unsettling.  Good stuff so far with just this first part, it's such a weird story and a weird setting. 

Always funny to see anime do American prisons, because its always the craziest version.  In this show, this Florida prison has explosive arm bands if they get to far away from the guard, and that guards will just shoot anyone at any point.  Like this isn't meant to be some crazy super max place for the most hardcore people, there are prisoners who are only doing a few years in it.  Reminds me of Baki in the prison arc when he gets sent to prison for kidnapping the president, just so that he can fight Biscuit and there's pretty funny stuff going on with the writing for it.

Very entertaining though, looking forward to the next part later this year.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #279 on: April 18, 2022, 08:16:48 pm »
The second season of Mr. Mercedes is way better than the book it is based on, but I hated the book, so I only took this as a minor win.  The third season is based on the second book in the series, which I liked way, way more.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #280 on: April 23, 2022, 06:27:40 pm »
Doom Patrol Season 3, it's still weird and goofy and while it doesn't have much action in it, it doesn't matter because there's always something interesting going on in the lives of these weird, broken, people lol

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #281 on: April 30, 2022, 03:09:03 am »
Raised by Wolves Season 1 - Figured since I had HBO for abit longer, that I'd binge through what I can and decided to check this out and I found it a reasonable watch.  It's dark and intense as hell, the premise is really engaging and the mystery definitely keeps me wanting to watch.  I'm not sure if I like the end of season 1 or not, it's not bad, it's just one of those things where it wasn't what I expected and it all depends on where it might lead.  Certain shows and games make me wary of really out there scifi plots, I have a type of story that drives me nuts if I come across it, so we'll see, I'll probably take a break for a few and then come back to the second season next weekend.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #282 on: May 04, 2022, 08:40:51 pm »
Moon Knight was fine.  Good cast kept it from being underwhelming.


PRO Supporter

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #283 on: May 05, 2022, 11:09:23 am »
Star Trek day, today!

We get both Star Trek: Picard's season finale today, and the premiere of the all-new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which tells the adventures of the original Enterprise before Kirk became captain.

I'm pretty excited.

Re: What TV/Netflix show are you currently watching? (Megathread)
« Reply #284 on: May 05, 2022, 03:21:06 pm »
Star Trek day, today!

We get both Star Trek: Picard's season finale today, and the premiere of the all-new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which tells the adventures of the original Enterprise before Kirk became captain.

I'm pretty excited.

What did you think of the rest of Picard season 2?  I think it still managed to put together a pretty solid story all around, even though it could have stood to have either A) jumped timelines one more time or B) have been 2-3 episodes shorter.