Hello everyone

For everyone who is nostalgic of their childhood and all the immortalized memories of those saturday summer nights, irradiating neons glow your skin as you stand outside your favorite mall blockbuster store with your friends renting that New Contra Cart after waiting weeks. The smell of the fresh plastic surrounding you and the cheesy pop songs you hated at the time but act as a staple that holds the binding of the book that is your life together. Little jewels of yesteryear that make you smile in ponder of all those great time. All those late nights up during summer vacation with your friends taking turns passing the NES controller with the cricket chirps encompassing the background as the moon turned into a sun as you slept on the couch with your favorite can of soda still fizzing the next morning.
Although they are very unhealthy, nothing quite captures the feeling of teenage carelessness and fun like the memories of your favorite soda pop can. Cracking open a crisp can of New Coke while you lived life their was no tomorrow as only a child can. From Crystal Pepsi to Surge to Mellow Yellow. Their are so many different flavors and so much to choose from. It can be quite elaborate.
I wanted to let everyone know that New Coke from 1985 is back in extremely limited quantities. Not sold in stores and is exclusive to the Coca Cola store in a awesome stranger things retro 4 pack. It's fittingly 19.85 with free shipping. I highly reccomend it for the fanatic of 1980s lure and to recapture the memories you have associated with it. It comes packaged in a nice little black box and the cans are wonderful replicated to pay homage to the originals. Not only that, they have actually remade the exact New Coke formula. So it's not just regular coke in a new coke retro can. It's actually a chance to drink real new coke.

https://www.cokestore.com/new-coke-and-stranger-things-1985-limited-edition-collector-s-pack/I have bought 2. I drank one and saved one for collecting. The cans are already getting pricey as scalpers are taking them. So I wanted to give everyone a chance.
But with that said I move on to the meat and potatoes of the post

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SODAHere is my all time top 5

1. Baja Blast Mountain Dew (Taco Bell)
Before I get into it, I want to say that I can't have caffiene. So it basically eliminates this option completely. If I drink caffiene I can go into a shock and have major panic attacks. Which is a testiment to how delicious this elixer of the gods is. Because I still drink it lol. It's just so delicious. So flavorful and so vibrant and colorful. It tastes fantastic frozen and even makes an incredible float with vanilla icecream. It's versatile and fun. I love everything about Baja blast.
Caffeine free Diet Pepsi
As stated, I am very concious of my weight and also can't have caffiene. So caffeine free diet pepsi is really a saving grace for me. It is delicious enough to make any meal taste good. It gives you the effect of a yummy soda. But with none of the draw backs. It's a really great diet soda.
Tropical Berry Sprite
Delicious sprite, has a lot of sugar and calories. But it's so great.
Coca Cola Classic
I mean, what can be said. It's Coca Cola. It's literally as iconic as just about anything. Not my first pick. But sometimes you just simply need a classic coca cola in glass. It's very nostalgic.

Dr. Pepper
Dr. Pepper is the best tasting diet soda imo. It doesn't lose much when put into diet form. It still tastes great. It's got such a unique taste that I haven't found anyone who can describe it. It's just Dr. Pepper lol. It's so amazing.
What is your favorite effervescent black liquid that fizzes?