If I were to introduce video games to someone who hasn't played them before, I'd definitely pick a list of easy hand-holding games to get their feet wet.
1. Dark Souls
2. Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
3. Castlevania III
4. BattleToads
5. Ninja Gaiden
6. Super Mario Bros 2 (The lost levels)
7. Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
8. Ikaruga
9. Contra
10. Super Meat Boy
On a more serious note though, i'd probably set them up with some of the classics such as Super Mario World.
With that list newcomers will throw the console out of the window no questions asked
Those video games are not really that complicated only hard to master in fact in all seriousness newcomers might enjoy those kind of games,
but not any of the Atari 2600 or Mattel Intellivision Real Time Strategy games Uggg those are boring and I really have to go back to them after to research what the heck to do in those kind of video games.
i don't know man there aren't that many games in wich you can see the game over screen within 20 seconds losing all lives some of those games listed above fit that category literally even when your good but don't know the patterns yet.
I have played some games with my old parents and some semi friends at parties who never play games some time ago people who never really play games. my dad way back than did beat super mario world but he hasnt played for quite some time and apparently you can lose your skills if your a busy guy and you have no interest in playing games in your free time.
all these people old or young adult Having even trouble to press move left or right while jumping at the same time it's like teaching handicapped people how to play a game. you can see that they have a ton of difficulty holding a controller looking at their hands and facial expression
These aren't dumb people yet they play worse than a 5 year old kid who might just begin. I'm fairly certain this will be the case for the majority who do not care about playing games and do other stuff in their free time or are far to busy
Can I give an example of reggie at the smash 4 invitational against hungrybox. this guy ain't a dumb person and has top tier earnings compared to majority in the world considering his function at nintendo.
He probably practiced a bit but it still was terrible. he was far better than my parents or some semi friends who never played games though. newcomers who don't play games or havent played them in like 20+ years will most likely be handicapped bad. i reject your argument your underestimating how bad newcomers probably are especially the ones who never played games uptil now.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw8o-vV_3coAlso on a sidenote. jigglypuff is the only character in smash 4 wii u that did not receive a single buff in the updates wich happened allot to all other characters. jiggs is very notorious for that reason in smash 4. quite a group of people that wanted to buff the puff but it never happened.
Only a single nerf while already being near the bottom of the tier list. Reggie probably bribed sakurai to prevent Hbox of having succes with jiggs in smash after the slaughter during the invitational