Author Topic: I get paid on Monday  (Read 2280 times)

I get paid on Monday
« on: October 25, 2019, 06:34:15 am »
What should I do with all the money?

Re: I get paid on Monday
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2019, 09:29:45 am »


Re: I get paid on Monday
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2019, 10:24:28 am »
*eye roll*

Remember when you were banned? That was funny.

Re: I get paid on Monday
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2019, 11:00:46 am »
Pay your bills.

Put a chunk of what's left in savings.

After that, no one cares- get a radio flyer wagon, fill it with bread & frozen corn, go freak the hell out of some pond ducks. Set up a gold panning operation at a local river. Clean out the toy department at a dollar store & donate it to give some poor kids the most disappointing Christmas ever. I don't give a flyin' flip.

Re: I get paid on Monday
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2019, 02:47:25 pm »
Jade, Limestone, and Uranium.   Two magnetic slabs.   5 point axis of copper conduits.  Acting as a center hub for a polarity inverter.   You need a frame constructed of ancient amber stone.  As it is the only rock in sync with the earth's core propulsion.   This method can and will alter the time space continuum.  But it's a matter of creating an expansion of energy strong enough to power it.   The power to create the worm hole through all of time can be gained through harnassing the power of tectonic plate shifts or lightning. 

Create the time portal.   It will glow purple with a protoplasmic worm hole.  Enter it.  Teleport to the year 1963.  You can dial the year by adjusting the frequency of the inconsistancies of the time waves.  And stop the gunmen from assassinating John F Kennedy.   Thus limiting the expansion of the liberalist deevolution into madness and the further perpetration of the Vietnam war by LBJ.   Martin Luther King will live.   With these two pioneers of civil rights activism alive through the 70s.   The earth would have avoided much of the cold war, and race riots.    This would in turn alter politicial divides that transcended modern man and would change the social climate that allows Greta Thunberg to rise to power and conquer half of easter europe in 2029 thus stopping world war 3. 

You can easily profit through manipulating stocks and predict the projections of certain businesses to gross millions upon your return to modern age which will by then have hover cars and have landed on mars due to the technological advances caused by freed up funds from not being as involved in the race of arms Reagan partaked in with Russia in the 1980s.  Gore would have won the presidency.  Funding a lot of work into ecology, scientific exploration with greenhouse energy and less funding on military.  Use your new found wealth to launch a campaign for president with the promise of curing autism.   Fly rocketcraft to Mars.   And begin step 1.   The resistance.  Build the base.

Contact a Doctor Liepold Steiner.   He'll take it from there.   He and I have worked on the genome of virus that the bot fly uses to take control over dead brain cells.  We have isolated it in it's purest form.  Have had great success with Hares but less Success with monkeys.   With your altering of time space,  by now we should have perfected the virus strand due to scientific wonders beyond our knowlege and be capable of creating zombie hoardes to declare intergalactic war against the UN and take over Mars.    We can conquer the world you and I.    I will give you the Oceans my son.   The Trees will seek their revenge. 

Meet at cordinates   (32.579647, -97.073395)


Re: I get paid on Monday
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2019, 05:42:37 pm »


Re: I get paid on Monday
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2019, 11:17:07 pm »
I’m just going to go ahead and lock this down before it gets out of hand.
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