Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2020  (Read 60566 times)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #285 on: December 18, 2020, 04:03:58 pm »
I'm hoping to beat Cyberpunk 2077 by the end of the year, which will put me at 54 games beat for the year. Another successful year I guess :)

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #286 on: December 18, 2020, 04:30:25 pm »
Won't be hitting 52 games beat, but I might be able to do 52 games played.  I was thinking of pushing through the story of Cyberpunk 2077 and then saving the rest of the game for abit later and then I was thinking of grabbing Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity after Christmas, of which I might be able to beat the story before the end of the year.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #287 on: December 20, 2020, 07:58:06 pm »
Game 45 - Kirby Superstar - SNESc - 7 Hours


This is such a charming and fun game. Loved the graphics are colorful and dynamic, and the game pops with a lot of  of distinctive quirkiness particularly with the animations and the fun/strange enemy design. It was really great to experiment with all the different copy abilities that Kirby had and figure out which ones were my favorites and which ones could be used to help you navigate through the levels. The controls are excellent as well, and while the game was pretty easy, it was still fun to play with some memorable boss fights. Lastly, the music is great.


I think the only thing that I wasn't the biggest fan of was the game's "8 different games" that you play. Spring Breeze, Dyanblade, and Revenge of Meta Knight are basically the same game, with Spring Breeze being finishable in about half an hour. I wish it was just one seamless adventure, because altogether the different game modes really don't change all that much.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #288 on: December 21, 2020, 09:17:08 pm »
50 - Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin (PS4 2015) - BEAT - This game ended up being kind of a mixed bag for me.  After enjoying Demon's Souls Remake and Dark Souls: Remastered, DS2 feels like a bit of a mess.  There's odd gameplay and camera changes, I'm not a huge fan of some of the levels, there's some real obnoxious areas, it's nothing big, just lots of little stuff that bugged me throughout.  That being said, it has some nice improvements from DS1.  Better inventory system, I like that Majula is sorta like this small town as it expands with people, and there were a few good fights.

It's definitely gonna be near the bottom of the Soulsborne list for me with what what I know of Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne.  It's Demon's Souls on PS3 at the bottom as I really didn't like the game back then, it just runs and plays terribly.  Then it would be DS2.  Then it would be Demon's Souls Remake, as while its a gorgeous game that plays very well, because it's just the original game updated, it does feel abit lacking in some areas, even compared to DS2, but I enjoyed the overall experience more.  Then it's DS1 as that game just stands out way more for me and was a pretty solid experience.  I'm gonna play Dark Souls 3 next and then whenever Bloodborne gets a PS5 update or a remaster, I'll play that and I'll be able to figure out which of the two will be at the top as I'm not sure at the moment.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #289 on: December 26, 2020, 02:33:10 pm »
Gonna start building my end of year stats post! Might add some more things as I see y'all make yours. This was my personal best year since I've done this challenge. While I wasn't able to beat 52 games, I have been able to at least play 52, which still feels like a big accomplishment for me.

Total Numbers
Total games played: 55
Total games finished: 45
Games played for the first time: 53
Games replayed: 2
Games released in 2020: 1 (if you count Shantae's PS4 port, otherwise 0)

Play Time
Longest game played: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Warzone (PS4) - 75 hours
Longest game beat: Tales of Berseria (PS4) - 65 hours
Shortest game beat: The Yawgh (PC) - 1 hour
Average to finish a game: 17 hours

Also made a little graph of the time spent. ;) Most of the games I played or beat ended up being less than 10 hours, which I think helped my numbers this year.

Games Played per Platform
PS4: 29
SNES Classic: 9
PC: 7
Wii U: 4
PS3: 3
Gamecube: 2
Switch: 1

2D platformer: 17
Adventure: 7
Strategy: 6
Action-adventure: 5
Action: 4
Racing: 3
Fighting: 3
RPG: 3
Other: 2
First person shooter: 1
3D platformer: 1
Action RPG: 1
Flight simulator: 1
Arcade: 1

Best and Worst
Top 5 Best Games Played in 2020
1. Journey (PS4)
2. 2064: Read Only Memories (PC)
3. Red Dead Redemption II (PS4)
4. Dark Souls Remastered (PS4)
5. Tales of Berseria (PS4)

Top 5 Worst Games Played in 2020
1. Uncharted (PS4)
2. Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution (PS4)
3. Broken Age (PS4)
4. Tales of Vesperia (PS4)
5. Mega Man Zero (PS4)

Like last year, these games aren't what I would consider bad, just mediocre.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2020, 06:50:26 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #290 on: December 28, 2020, 03:17:25 pm »
Main List

As is my tradition, time to close out the year's challenge with a stats post.

Top Games played that released in 2020
  • The Last of Us: Part II (PS4)
  • Resident Evil 3 (PS4)
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
  • Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)
  • Maneater (X1)

Top Games played NOT released in 2020
  • Atelier Ryza (NS)
  • Dragon Quest XI S (NS)
  • Judgment (PS4)
  • Clannad (NS)
  • Chrono Trigger (NDS)

Top Games played overall in 2020
  • The Last of Us: Part II (PS4)
  • Resident Evil 3 (PS4)
  • Atelier Ryza (NS)
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
  • Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)

Honorable Mention
  • Cat Quest (NS)
  • Death Stranding (PS4)
  • Doom Eternal (X1)

Console breakdown
  • X1 - 32 (7 BC)
  • NS - 27
  • PS4 - 15
  • PSV - 10
  • GCN - 8
  • GG - 6
  • PS1 - 5
  • 360 - 2
  • 3DS - 2
  • NES - 2
  • 32X - 1
  • Droid - 1
  • GBC - 1
  • Gen - 1
  • NDS - 1
  • NGPC - 1
  • PS2 - 1
  • PS5 - 1
  • PSP - 1
  • SNES - 1
  • SS - 1
  • TCD - 1
  • TG16 - 1

Platform with Most Beat Games: As expected from last year, X1 took the lead with 32 games beaten.  7 of those games were BC titles (all 360), so considering that, you could argue that Switch won with 26, winning by 1 game.  That said, I'm hoping to beat a game or two by the end of the year, likely on X1 so moot.

Platform with Most unfinished titles: It's a tricky one in that I didn't track quite a few games this year because I didn't intend to beat them (Playing for quick achievements or because Xbox said play this and we'll give you reward points)... but of what I've tracked this year... X1 with 4 games, 5 if you count that I played Fallout 76 on XSBC.

Current v. Retro v. Mobile/Handheld v. PC: 74 - 24 - 23 (I am considering anything not PS4/X1/NS/PS5/XS to be "retro")

Game that ate up the most time: Phantom Pain isn't getting the win this year either, even though I did play it a bit this year on X1.  I'll have to do some digging, might be Ring fit Adventure due to getting fit, might be Clannad because I did everything in that game, could also be Fallout 76, Nier Automata, or Animal Crossing.  Maybe even one of the POWGI games.

Quickest game beat: Probably Fisher Price: Perfect Fit.  I did everything that game had to offer in like 10 minutes.  Alternatively Sonic Drift was super fast too.

  • Best Racer: Forza Horizon 4 (X1)
  • Best Puzzle Game: Papers, Please (PSV)
  • Best Fighter: Oh god, the only fighter I played this year was Sonic the Fighters (GCN)
  • Best Party Game: Just shapes and beats (NS)
  • Best Platformer: Super Mario World (NSO)
  • Best RPG: Atelier Ryza (NS)
  • Best Action Game: Ghost of Tsushima (PS4)
  • Best Story: Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4)
  • Best Soundtrack: Chrono Trigger (NDS)
  • Best Shooter: The Last of Us Part II (PS4)
  • Best Independent Game: Minit (NS/X1) [Played it twice]
  • Best Handheld Game: Clannad (NS)
  • Best Xbox Game: Maneater (X1)
  • Best Playstation Game: The Last of Us Part II (PS4)
  • Best Nintendo Game: Atelier Ryza (NS)
  • Character of the Year: Shark (Maneater)
  • Studio of the Year: Gust Co.  Between Ryza being amazing, Ryza 2 coming, and Fairy Tail being ridonkulously priced on the market, Gust is having a year.
  • Game of the Year: The Last of Us Part II (PS4)
« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 03:19:02 pm by ignition365 »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #291 on: December 28, 2020, 05:33:40 pm »
23. Astro's Playroom (PS5) - 12/28

I really did a shit job playing games this year.. I spent too much time playing wow instead of other games. I am 100% going to fix that in 2021! going for the full 52 again.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #292 on: December 28, 2020, 11:26:25 pm »
58. Panzer Dragoon (Switch)

I've been super excited about finally playing the Panzer Dragoon remake ever since it was announced and after FINALLY getting my Limited Run Games copy I finally got to pop it in and see how it stacks up against the original. I have to say that this is one of the most faithful remakes of a game I can remember playing. I feel like everything was updated in all the right areas in order to make it look way better than the original, while also retaining its feel and look. Call me crazy, but I feel like the gameplay was also slightly improved over the original as well. The sound is pretty much the same as the original Saturn version, albeit more clear thanks to advancements in game audio. My only real gripe with this game is that for a modern remake the graphics still look about on par with original XBOX graphics, and maybe PS3/360 graphics, but certainly not with the better or even above average looking modern games. I figure a lot of this has to do with them trying to retain the overall aesthetic of the original game, but overall it's a relatively small gripe. It's hard to say whether I like the original or remake more, but for what it's worth I'm very pleased with the remake and the developer did a great job at capturing the originals very unique aesthetic. (12/28/20) [35/50]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #293 on: December 29, 2020, 02:26:12 am »
59. Panzer Dragoon II: Zwei (Saturn)

After playing through the remake of the first game I thought, what the heck! Let's play the other Panzer Dragoon game I haven't played yet! That would be Zwei. I had pretty high hopes going into Zwei since I've heard more than one person say it's their favorite in the series. Sadly, it's charm, at least relative to the other entires in the franchise, must have been lost on me. I certainly didn't hate Zwei, but found it to be significantly more frustrating given how cheap and poorly designed certain sections of the game are. Despite this I still was able to enjoy the game quite a bit and at least in terms of presentation and sound I'd say it's up there with the first. In the end I thought it was a pretty good game, just not as good as the others on the Saturn and of course Orta. (12/29/20) [33/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2020
« Reply #294 on: December 31, 2020, 06:50:14 pm »
Well sadly I won't be able to add Valkyria Chronicles to the finished list before 2021. But I will say that it's an excellent game and I've really enjoyed my time playing it so far (have put in about 20ish hours).
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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