Author Topic: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021  (Read 86384 times)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #150 on: June 22, 2020, 09:24:26 am »
What's our stance on entries for Youtube? it's not a game...
We had somebody add a bunch of pre-installed software for the Nintendo eShop category earlier this year and it all got removed since it wasn't really. YouTube isn't preinstalled software, but it isn't really a game either. Personally I'd say remove it, but perhaps we can wait until Tripredacus weighs in. I have a feeling it'll be allowed because it's technically an eShop offering

They are allowed for now until we can establish the following:
- find an example of a non-game on the platform that we should track
- find an example of a non-game on the platform that we should definitely not track

Youtube does not really fit into either of these categories.
For the "not track" situation, think about programs for other consoles (not computers) that we do not track such as productivity software. I have no idea what is on those storefronts.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #151 on: June 23, 2020, 01:33:18 pm »
A bunch of PSone Classics [EU] that are listed as PSN (PS3) [EU] games that are already on VGCollect.

We do not delete entries that are in-collection unless they are items that are not something we track. If these are dupes, post them as usual in the dupes thread.
So if I post the PS3 PSN games that have an incorrect platform and link their respective PSone Classics/PS2 Classics entries, that would be good to post in the Duplicates thread? Just making sure.

Yes, if they are in the wrong category, they can be merged with a dupe that is in the correct category.

Ah cool, I'll post in there sometime this week then!


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #152 on: June 25, 2020, 10:30:11 am »
« Last Edit: June 25, 2020, 12:00:35 pm by tripredacus »
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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #153 on: June 26, 2020, 05:11:12 am »
Aquarium: Nexus Dynamic Theme -  PSN (PS3) [NA]

Another entry that's just a PS3 theme.

Bayonetta - PSN (PS3) [EU]

Uses images from the physical release for it's back cover and disc art.

« Last Edit: June 26, 2020, 11:14:41 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #154 on: June 26, 2020, 05:48:49 pm »
Final Fantasy VII - Nintendo Switch [NA]
This is a digital item only with no physical release. An entry for its digital copy already exists.

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered - Nintendo Switch [NA]
This is a digital item only with no physical release. An entry for its digital copy already exists.

Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantasy VIII Remastered: Twin Pack [NA]
This is a physical item only for [CN] and not [NA]. An entry for its physical [CN] copy already exists.

Final Fantasy IX - Nintendo Switch [NA]
This is a digital item only with no physical release. An entry for its digital copy already exists.

Huntdown - Nintendo Switch [NA]
This is a digital item only with no physical release. An entry for its digital copy already exists.

Resident Evil 4 - Nintendo Switch [NA]
This is a digital item only with no physical release. An entry for its digital copy already exists.

« Last Edit: June 29, 2020, 10:37:23 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #155 on: June 29, 2020, 10:37:55 am »
All of those were merged as dupes with exception to the custom game entry. That one was deleted and a PM sent to the user stating we do not track custom or homemade items as individual entries.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #156 on: July 02, 2020, 10:09:07 am »
I have a physical British release of "Call of Duty 2 - Game of the Year," however, there's one in the database that exists already:
and it is an EU non-UK release, since this existing release has PEGI ratings on it's cover art, while the one I have has a BBFC 15 age rating on the art. The description for the existing one also says "NOT FOR SUPPLY IN THE UK."

I would like to add my release to the database, but I'm not sure how to handle it, since UK releases don't need to be labeled as such according to the style guide and this existing one has no label, but isn't a UK release. The best information I could find about the potential country of this existing release is it being from Netherlands, according to some images from MobyGames:,244513,244514,244515.
These images seem to match the ones on the existing release, making me believe it is from the Netherlands as listed on those images, however, there's not much info on the country other than what was contributed with these images, so it could be another country too, but I'm fairly sure it is non-UK at least due to reasons listed prior.

The barcode and item numbers on my copy are also different from this existing one, but besides the barcode, item numbers and the age rating listed, the art is largely the same from what I can gather, with minor differences in regards of positioning of elements on the disc art. The disc of my copy has a BBFC rating, placed on the right, rather than left compared to this release.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #157 on: July 02, 2020, 10:39:53 am »
Ok the problem with that particular entry is that while Mobygames says it is NL release, and you can find it on Ebay NL, you can also find it in other countries. Without a clear indication that the game is an NL release and not a general EU release, we can't just put NL onto the name of that one. Perhaps there is something in the manual of that particular version that gives a better indication, or perhaps a sealed copy has a label that helps. Until it can be determined, that will have to stay that way.

So for your UK release with the BBFC rating on it, you can make a new entry and name it Call of Duty 2 - Game of the Year [UK].


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #158 on: July 03, 2020, 02:23:28 pm »
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Special Edition) - Xbox 360 [EU]

Shouldn't these images be two separate entries? 

« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 09:29:37 am by tripredacus »


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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #159 on: July 04, 2020, 04:33:44 am »
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Special Edition) - Xbox 360 [EU]

Shouldn't these images be two separate entries?
Maybe, but the bottom one is a provisionol cover.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #160 on: July 06, 2020, 09:33:31 am »
Yes, in general there should not be 1 entry to handle multiple variants.

The only time that we would allow an entry like that is to handle variants that are beyond the box and cart.
For example, when I was researching all of the Genesis variants, there was some releases that had the same box and cart, but had different inserts. Where there were two releases but the only difference was a different poster or a different registration card. Also some where same box+ cart but could be color or b/w manual. This is why there are Genesis variants on the spreadsheet that aren't in the DB. It is also why many of the EU releases for Mega Drive games are not in the DB, where the only difference between one country and UK release is a different manual... or an additional localised manual.

When it comes to variants, typically like to stick to the variant revolving around the box or the media itself. If it is something besides those two things, then it doesn't need another entry.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 09:35:06 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #161 on: July 06, 2020, 10:00:09 pm »

Back image is not appropriate quality

« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 09:27:19 am by tripredacus »
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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #162 on: July 07, 2020, 07:23:39 am »
Yes, in general there should not be 1 entry to handle multiple variants.

The only time that we would allow an entry like that is to handle variants that are beyond the box and cart.
For example, when I was researching all of the Genesis variants, there was some releases that had the same box and cart, but had different inserts. Where there were two releases but the only difference was a different poster or a different registration card. Also some where same box+ cart but could be color or b/w manual. This is why there are Genesis variants on the spreadsheet that aren't in the DB. It is also why many of the EU releases for Mega Drive games are not in the DB, where the only difference between one country and UK release is a different manual... or an additional localised manual.

When it comes to variants, typically like to stick to the variant revolving around the box or the media itself. If it is something besides those two things, then it doesn't need another entry.

Motel ... Motel... Motel ... broken neon arabesque

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #163 on: July 08, 2020, 04:59:34 pm »
This is kind of the opposite of what this thread is for, but I didn't think this was worth starting a new thread.

Please reject the edits that I posted for Nakayoshi Pet Series 2: Kawaii Usagi (
I wasn't paying close attention and mistook it for a different game, which happens to also have the words Kawaii, Pet, and 2 in the title. (かわいいペットショップ物語2)

« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 10:05:54 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #164 on: July 09, 2020, 09:58:11 am »
My edits to change the name of these Pokémon games was rejected

These games say Pokémon on the box in English, so that is what they should be called. They should not have been changed to Pocket Monsters.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 10:04:59 am by tripredacus »
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Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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