Author Topic: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021  (Read 86218 times)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #420 on: December 11, 2020, 03:25:07 pm »
Clean is not descriptive enough and it is also a fan term in relation to this game. It is a term to be read as "doesn't have the thing the other version has" and we do not want to be referring to other versions on an entry, at least in this case. So to indicate that the one has a devil on the cover is better, than to have one be marked as "doesn't have a devil on the cover" type of descriptor.

Of course, the physical description descriptors always leave something to be desired. It is preferrable to have something more concrete, such as an item number or text difference be used instead. If you know of a better descriptor to use than what is current present, let us know and we can tell you if it would be good to change the item title or not.

Also, using the term "variant" in an item title will be rejected unless that word actually exists on the item.

Back in 2018, I added the very rare Speed Devils "Clean" Variant for the North American Sega Dreamcast:

Originally, the standard release was simply named Speed Devils (as is expected), and I named my new variant Speed Devils (clean cover) according to the style guide.

However, I see earlier this year that Admin tripredacus updated the names of both games, changing the variant to simply Speed Devils, and changing the standard release to Speed Devils (devil cover).

This seems odd to me, since I'd think we'd want to highlight the much less common variants and releases with descriptors, and leave the standard release with the standard title.

Was this simply an oversight? If I re-edit the "clean variant" to add a descriptor in parentheses, will it be rejected? Since the Admin was the one who made these changes to both titles, I assume they are the expert and would not want to attempt to overwrite their change, but since it feels "off" I wanted to double check first.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #421 on: December 11, 2020, 03:43:39 pm »
Clean is not descriptive enough and it is also a fan term in relation to this game. It is a term to be read as "doesn't have the thing the other version has" and we do not want to be referring to other versions on an entry, at least in this case. So to indicate that the one has a devil on the cover is better, than to have one be marked as "doesn't have a devil on the cover" type of descriptor.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought it might be related to something along those lines, especially based on the Style Guide usually desiring something different ON the cover being included in the descriptor, as opposed to something different NOT ON the cover. So I assume a descriptor like "(censored)" or anything along those lines would fall into the same camp? Especially since we don't have any "proof" that's why the variant exists, and only have evidence of Wal-Mart receipts and Wal-Mart devil/demon censorship guidelines of the time.

It makes sense in that technical way, even if it does feel a bit "off" to add descriptors to the standard release and none to the the more oddball variants. I personally got confused when I saw the updated titles and forgot which was the standard release for a bit until I googled it a bunch, which made me reach out for clarification.

Also, using the term "variant" in an item title will be rejected unless that word actually exists on the item.

I saw that in the style guide and also assumed as much simply based on existing descriptors already on site. So I avoided a "generic" descriptor like that.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #422 on: December 11, 2020, 03:56:48 pm »
Yes the backwards nature of how the two entries look is also unfortunate. It happens a lot in recent times when the "clean version" is actually a reprint and not the initial (more common) release.

And as any collection site staff will tell you, you can't use pop to determine what is and what isn't common. The simple fact is that we do not require our users to be correct, or to prove what they actually have. So anyone can say they have something they don't. Even on other sites I am on, there are some items that are in more collections than exist. So I wouldn't put much thought into whether or not a person actually has the thing they marked in their collection. It is up to them about how exact they want to be, it doesn't really matter to us. We just want to make sure the information is correct, what you do with it is your business.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #423 on: December 13, 2020, 06:30:49 pm »
Does this entry need to be removed?

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Vita [EU]

I had thought that during development they canned the Vita versions of the game.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 10:25:48 pm by aliensstudios »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #424 on: December 14, 2020, 05:58:55 am »
These don't exist physically on PS5:
Destiny 2 Beyond Light

Destiny 2 New Light

Destruction AllStars (pretty sure physical release is cancelled..)

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition

« Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 10:59:10 am by tripredacus »

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #425 on: December 14, 2020, 06:09:20 pm »
Rejected edit to:

High School Musical: Sing It!

Barcode is for EU release:

Not for AU, edits were made to correct barcode and back image.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 10:54:43 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #426 on: December 16, 2020, 12:37:09 pm »
I have a question about the developer for this game that I'm submitting edits for

Obviously the original arcade game was developed by SNK, but this PS4 port was developed by Code Mystics. Publisher is Limited Run. So should the developer be Code Mystics, SNK, or both?
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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #427 on: December 16, 2020, 04:41:13 pm »

One TLD in the title is wrong and the title should read: Super Mario Odyssey [FI][NO][SE]

« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 04:45:55 pm by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #428 on: December 16, 2020, 04:42:11 pm »
I have a question about the developer for this game that I'm submitting edits for

Obviously the original arcade game was developed by SNK, but this PS4 port was developed by Code Mystics. Publisher is Limited Run. So should the developer be Code Mystics, SNK, or both?

From what I read, Code Mystics only made the front end and trophy integration. They did not make the game. It reads like the original ROM is present on the disc. If so then, SNK did not develop this release of the game, Code Mystics did and they are just using SNK assets.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #429 on: December 17, 2020, 01:00:17 pm »

This entry should have the title "Dragon Quest XI S: Ecos de un Pasado Perdido - Edicion Definitiva" as it is the spanish version. The barcode 5021290088900 matches too.

Please remove the [UK] TLD from the titles.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 10:56:06 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #430 on: December 18, 2020, 11:02:16 am »

This entry should have the title "Dragon Quest XI S: Ecos de un Pasado Perdido - Edicion Definitiva" as it is the spanish version. The barcode 5021290088900 matches too.

Spacebore created a franken entry with that Dragon Quest, by putting incompatible EAN with pictures and title. He will decide how to change the entry.

That Shadow Hearts game is not EU, it is AU. Fixed title, rating and category.
Here's the deal with a release like that. Italy imported that AU release and the only difference between the IT and AU version is that the IT version has the SIAE label on the back. I can confirm this, so the one on the entry missing this label does not have this label so it is not the Italian version. It is likely that the Spanish imported version also has some sort of label that I am going to guess only shows on a sealed copy. None of the ones on Ebay are sealed, and none of the opened ones sold in Spain have the SIAE label.

So this game can have an [IT] entry in EU category if a back art is used that has the SIAE label.
It can have an [ES] entry in EU category if we can determine that there is something that makes it different than the AU version.

Until then, it can exist in the [AU] category. You can add an [IT] version but not put the back image and put into description that the SIAE label is on the back cover.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #431 on: December 18, 2020, 01:39:24 pm »

This entry should have the title "Dragon Quest XI S: Ecos de un Pasado Perdido - Edicion Definitiva" as it is the spanish version. The barcode 5021290088900 matches too.
That Shadow Hearts game is not EU, it is AU. Fixed title, rating and category.
Here's the deal with a release like that. Italy imported that AU release and the only difference between the IT and AU version is that the IT version has the SIAE label on the back. I can confirm this, so the one on the entry missing this label does not have this label so it is not the Italian version. It is likely that the Spanish imported version also has some sort of label that I am going to guess only shows on a sealed copy. None of the ones on Ebay are sealed, and none of the opened ones sold in Spain have the SIAE label.

So this game can have an [IT] entry in EU category if a back art is used that has the SIAE label.
It can have an [ES] entry in EU category if we can determine that there is something that makes it different than the AU version.

Until then, it can exist in the [AU] category. You can add an [IT] version but not put the back image and put into description that the SIAE label is on the back cover.
My copy has the Sony Computer Entertainment hologram in the bottom-left corner on the back cover, otherwise the back cover is a match. The barcode search gives me Spanish and Italian sites, with no mention of Australia.

I also found an Australian release on eBay Australia with a different barcode (5037930070426) with an MA15+ sticker obscuring the ELSPA rating on the front cover. It's back cover is only in English. So, it is possible that the "official" Australian release is actually the imported English release with the ELSPA rating and they simply slapped their own rating on the front cover?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2020, 03:21:24 pm by Agozer »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #432 on: December 21, 2020, 10:45:59 am »

This entry should have the title "Dragon Quest XI S: Ecos de un Pasado Perdido - Edicion Definitiva" as it is the spanish version. The barcode 5021290088900 matches too.
That Shadow Hearts game is not EU, it is AU. Fixed title, rating and category.
Here's the deal with a release like that. Italy imported that AU release and the only difference between the IT and AU version is that the IT version has the SIAE label on the back. I can confirm this, so the one on the entry missing this label does not have this label so it is not the Italian version. It is likely that the Spanish imported version also has some sort of label that I am going to guess only shows on a sealed copy. None of the ones on Ebay are sealed, and none of the opened ones sold in Spain have the SIAE label.

So this game can have an [IT] entry in EU category if a back art is used that has the SIAE label.
It can have an [ES] entry in EU category if we can determine that there is something that makes it different than the AU version.

Until then, it can exist in the [AU] category. You can add an [IT] version but not put the back image and put into description that the SIAE label is on the back cover.
My copy has the Sony Computer Entertainment hologram in the bottom-left corner on the back cover, otherwise the back cover is a match. The barcode search gives me Spanish and Italian sites, with no mention of Australia.

I also found an Australian release on eBay Australia with a different barcode (5037930070426) with an MA15+ sticker obscuring the ELSPA rating on the front cover. It's back cover is only in English. So, it is possible that the "official" Australian release is actually the imported English release with the ELSPA rating and they simply slapped their own rating on the front cover?

I've typed out many responses and rewrote and deleted them all. For now, the ways we can have an [ES] entry is:
1. There is a sealed copy with some sort of label on it that indicates a release in Spain
2. There is a version that has a Spanish manual or other type insert that is not in the version released in Italy.

I have no doubt this game was sold in Spain, ACB rating and all. Unfortunately, the ACB rating puts it as an AU release and we cannot confirm it wasn't sold in Australia. So it has to be in the AU section and an entry in EU section that is no different would be considered a dupe.

There are also many instances where AU will import a UK or EU game and put a label on it, and then get a printed cover later. Or perhaps the order is different, but basically there are many releases that have a printed/unique cover and a label release... or sometimes AU will import different EU versions and put labels on them.


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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #433 on: December 23, 2020, 02:28:18 pm »
Snooker 19

Has been added to the Original Xbox section whilst being an Xbox One title.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 05:13:26 pm by aliensstudios »
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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #434 on: December 23, 2020, 07:22:22 pm »
Nihilumbra - Other
Submitted as Android title.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 05:13:55 pm by aliensstudios »