Author Topic: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021  (Read 86473 times)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #510 on: March 22, 2021, 10:44:08 am »
Sisters Royale (EU)

Lode Runner Legacy (EU)

Rejections on these item numbers are a little more peculiar as I wasn't completely sure which Item number is the "parent" one. I tried adding the TSA-HAC one in the Description field for Sisters Royale and swapping/adding it for Lode Runner but those got rejected. The regular HAC with dashes for Sisters Royale got approved. I went and looked at other SLG titles in my collection and it's a mix of the TSA-HAC, regular, or no Item number.

Using Sisters Royale for example, the two numbers are:

In this case, the one with the country code should be used. It was a long agreed upon (unwritten) rule to use the one with the country code, and it is in the Adv Guide although perhaps it isn't fully clear.

See "Items with multiple item numbers on the back",10837.msg178223.html#msg178223


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #511 on: March 22, 2021, 12:47:27 pm »
This exchange and the post directly responding to it explain what information to supply for entries relating to online-exclusive titles that ship out at later dates. In short—if you don't know the specific date for which an item has been released, don't enter information into the field. That being said, all of these entries can still have be supplied with Month and Year information as they do eventually ship, which, honestly, is sufficient information for most items. This is better than entering blatant wrong information.

Admittedly it was a shaky argument at best and I know it's basically swimming upstream at this point so no real sense in pushing further and settling for "sufficient". Now I'll get to see how many rejected edits there are when I try to remove the "Day" from entries.  :P  ;)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #512 on: March 22, 2021, 12:52:31 pm »
Using Sisters Royale for example, the two numbers are:

In this case, the one with the country code should be used. It was a long agreed upon (unwritten) rule to use the one with the country code, and it is in the Adv Guide although perhaps it isn't fully clear.

See "Items with multiple item numbers on the back",10837.msg178223.html#msg178223

I did see something about country code but I couldn't determine which one qualified for that so I went with the safer (to me) choice of the one that's more consistent with other regions. For these I didn't know if the "TSA" or "UKV" identified the countries as I can't determine which one is associated with "Germany".  :P

Now that I have some clarification I can put the correct ones in going forward.  ;)


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #513 on: March 23, 2021, 09:44:22 am »
Using Sisters Royale for example, the two numbers are:

In this case, the one with the country code should be used. It was a long agreed upon (unwritten) rule to use the one with the country code, and it is in the Adv Guide although perhaps it isn't fully clear.

See "Items with multiple item numbers on the back",10837.msg178223.html#msg178223

I did see something about country code but I couldn't determine which one qualified for that so I went with the safer (to me) choice of the one that's more consistent with other regions. For these I didn't know if the "TSA" or "UKV" identified the countries as I can't determine which one is associated with "Germany".  :P

Now that I have some clarification I can put the correct ones in going forward.  ;)

NOE is Germany, but Nintendo in Europe is a huge mess. Here it a guide I tend to refer to (it matches the color triangles to country codes)
It is not complete.


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Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #514 on: March 26, 2021, 11:11:42 am »
I got a few rejected edits, I wish we had a "notes" section in the "Submit an item" tab, a section where we can leave notes to admins that explain or justify the edits we make. Anyway, here are the rejected edits that concern me:

When I created this entry I entered the wrong barcode by mistake. When I attempted to edit the item with the right barcode it was rejected :/
The right barcode should be 805529105799

Second issue, this listing:

There are 2 versions of the Day One Edition. One in a steelbook and one in a regular PS4 box. This item is the regular Day One Edition but it still has the picture, barcode and item number of the steelbook version. Once again, my attempt to edit these things were rejected. In comparison, here is the listing for the steelbook version:

« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 01:37:00 pm by tripredacus »
Freeze iou imperialist pig! Zat is ze propertay of ze Gouvernement Français. Hand eet over!


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #515 on: March 26, 2021, 01:40:10 pm »
Edits to barcode where it is obviously not just a case of missing digit, will always be rejected. Post into this thread if you want to change a barcode.

Couldn't make a change to 180350 because it was in collection besides you. So put (steelbook) in that title.
Removed (steelbook) from the dupe you made (you made both entries btw), removed front art and item number. Put in correct barcode.

Also refrain from using a text in description such as "has spanish on some inserts". If you want to include this info, put in the specific inserts. That text has been removed from both descriptions.

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #516 on: March 26, 2021, 07:02:49 pm »

I just proposed edits to two games, which will likely be rejected due to lack of understanding of the subtle differences: to "Blaster Master Zero (includes all banner)" to "Blaster Master Zero II (includes all banner)"

Please do not reject. These are Best Buy sold variants to Blaster Master Zero and Blaster Master Zero II on PS4. The originals do not have entries here on VG Collect (as far as I can tell) so I just created for Blaster Master Zero (PS4) for Blaster Master Zero II (PS4)

These two new entries are the Limited Run Games direct versions that do not have the little banner stating "includes all playable DLC characters".


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #518 on: March 29, 2021, 04:12:53 am »
Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War should be Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War... Black Ops Cold War is the subtitle.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2021, 10:20:49 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #519 on: April 07, 2021, 01:00:01 am »
Empty | Empty | Empty | Empty | Empty

Gris (Art-Bundle) - Nintendo Switch [NA]
I believe the artwork is incorrect, according to this post. (I can't find the artwork to make the appropriate edit.)

Super Hero Sakusen - PlayStation [JP]
I accidentally submitted Cart/Disc/Media art to the wrong entry, and it was approved. The entry the art belongs to is here.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2021, 10:24:09 am by tripredacus »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #520 on: April 08, 2021, 10:23:27 am »
Gris (Art-Bundle) - Nintendo Switch [NA]
I believe the artwork is incorrect, according to this post. (I can't find the artwork to make the appropriate edit.)

This is what it looks like:

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #521 on: April 19, 2021, 12:30:09 pm »
Edit: Item was edited

Posted about it in another thread but was told to post it here.

Front Box Art:
German version (SNSP-AXOP-NOE). It has the gray "PAL VERSION" printed beneath the red "SUPER NINTENDO"

Back Box Art:
French / Benelux version. It's the only one with two languages

Cart/Disc/Media Art:
French / Benelux version. There are two lines printed above the item number

Item number:
SNSP-AXOP-NOE -> German version
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 01:00:38 pm by pfogel »


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #522 on: April 20, 2021, 09:48:29 am »
Yeah I did take care of it yesterday after reading your post. :)

Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #523 on: April 20, 2021, 09:53:46 am »
I got a rejected edit (which I was totally fine with because I realized after the fact that I did the wrong thing because the UPC lookup website tricked me) but the thing I expected to get rejected didn't get rejected and the thing I expected to not get rejected got rejected, so I looked at the style guide again and now I'm confused because all of my changes should have been rejected.


Books generally have ISBN-10, ISBN-13, UPC and occasionally more info.  Most listings on the site have Item number populated with the ISBN-13 (Sometimes ISBN-10) value, style guide says this is wrong.  Barcode is hit or miss with some listings with ISBN-13 (with ISBN-10 in item number), an actual UPC, or no value.  Very rarely do I see description used for ISBN values, which is what the style guide says to do.

Style guide says put ISBN for for barcode, Advanced Style guide says put ISBN in description.

I'm trying to gather what I should be doing.  There are cases where strategy guides have ISBN and UPC (seems you'd do ISBN in item number and UPC in barcode) since ISBN is an international standard book number (not company specific, used internationally, is the standard, and is in fact an item number).  There are cases where the item has no UPC on the product itself (presumably there is a UPC if you can find a picture of a sealed copy that has the UPC sticker on the cellophane wrapping), which seems like a situation to do ISBN-10 for item number and ISBN-13 for barcode. UPC lookup sites for books like these will list the ISBN-13 as the barcode (

Like honestly, maybe I should've made a new post suggesting a look at how Strategy Guides/Books are handled.


Re: Error Listings and rejected edits 2021
« Reply #524 on: April 20, 2021, 10:09:28 am »

The reject was due to you trying to put the ISBN and/or UPC into the item number field. And as the edits came through, it showed that you tried to put 9780744016383 into both fields.

Style guide says put ISBN for for barcode, Advanced Style guide says put ISBN in description.

I do not think there is a mixup with the two style guides, if there is, outline it here specifically. If this is about how the original style guide uses two different header sizes making "Barcode / UPC / EAN codes" look to be a sub-section as item numbers, we can fix that.