I have to admit that I usually do this. When a game is re-printed with added content, the cover art gets compromised in the process with all kinds of writing, badges, and revisions. For example, Nier Automata GOTY is on sale right now for as little as the first print edition, but the cover is kinda crap in comparison. This is usually the situation for most GOTY, or deluxe editions. They kind of look like a greatest hits afterthought that muddles up the packaging.
So the question becomes, do I want that supposed bonus content that comes with it, or do I want better looking shelf-trinket? I can still download the bonus content if I really wanted it. This is what is currently keeping me from jumping on this deal for Nier, it's that lackluster re-worked art. Looks like crap. Would rather just have the first print of the game.
I've no clue what you're talking about; they actually used the Japanese cover art for the GOTYE, which only has two logos, by the way. This version of the game also changes the naming scheme to "YoRHa" instead of "Year", so both the name and image go in hand. Not to mention the artwork was done by Akihiko Yoshida (Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy series, Vagrant Story, A.S.H., Bravely Default). It dumbfounds me that you call that "crap".
I mean, look at this:

I digress.
Anyway, you're essentially more of a collector, so I guess shelf candy would be more important. Personally I'd rather have a complete edition instead of the original release, so long as the content is on the disc, otherwise I'll stick with the original release. With that said, though, price was the only reason I bought the GOTYE of Spider-Man, and for the aforementioned NieR: Automata is actually the artwork.