Author Topic: Hardest games you've completed  (Read 9982 times)


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2011, 11:24:00 pm »
I just finished the original Mega Man.... it was disappointingly easy :P


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2011, 01:46:49 pm »
I just finished the original Mega Man.... it was disappointingly easy :P

Did you fight the yellow demon legit? Or pause cheat, ha.
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Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2011, 03:36:31 pm »
I just finished the original Mega Man.... it was disappointingly easy :P

Did you fight the yellow demon legit? Or pause cheat, ha.

Pause cheat, duh :P
I don't have the patience to fight him normally, even if I have no trouble avoiding his attack. It's such an annoyingly long battle >_>


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2012, 07:18:40 pm »
Anyone try to beat Night Trap with out cheating?  Good luck!


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2012, 07:57:09 pm »
Ninja Gaiden II.

And maybe Combatribes on the hardest setting. Now THAT was a hardcore game.

Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2020, 12:53:24 pm »
these are some hard core fun first person shooters I remember beating but not yet mastered on the highest difficulty

1: Halo 1 Combat Evolved (Xbox 360) I have yet to beat this game again on an original Xbox

2: Metal Of Honor: Vanguard (PS2) last level can be a pain in the ass but this is a great first person shooter

3: Call Of Duty: Finest Hour (PS2 & Gamecube) the american campaign is even more difficult especially the first american mission. The last mission you're pretty much on your own, and if you die you go back to the beginning of the level. But I highly recommend completing Call Of Duty:Finest Hour if you can, the music and background story is epic in my opinion.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2020, 12:57:38 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2020, 09:15:42 pm »
For the nes

Ninja Gaiden
Blaster Master
Fester's Quest (I found this game quite fun once you learn what wepon to use in the sewers)
Castlevaina 1-3
Clash at demonhead
Kid Icarus
Double Dragon 1-3

On the snes

Contra III
The 7th saga

Sega Genesis

Ghoul 'n Ghosts
Phantasy Star III

These were some pretty tough games to beat for me.


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2020, 09:35:55 am »
Shinobi on the PlayStation 2 on the hardest difficulty is the first one that comes to mind. There are plenty of others, but I'm still the most proud of that one.


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #23 on: February 13, 2020, 10:02:40 am »
- Medal of Honor Frontline on hard
- Castlevania Dracula X
- Spelunky (getting through hell specifically but just beating the game is an accomplishment)
- Silent Hill 2 ten star run

Was trying to get this list to five but that's all I can think of right now

« Last Edit: February 13, 2020, 10:06:01 am by telly »
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Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #24 on: February 14, 2020, 11:16:55 am »
Holy necrothread, Batman!

Among the hardest games I’ve beaten (legit, on original hardware, with no codes or cheat devices)

Ninja Gaiden 1-3 - I could blow through NG2 easy. I beat the other 2 but I found them much harder.
The Adventures Of Bayou Billy - an exercise in patience and perseverance.
Blaster Master
Batman (NES)
Fester’s Quest - again, took a LOT of patience.
Mega Man 1-9 - First one is still the hardest.
Castlevania 1 & 3 - first one is hard as balls. I could beat CV3 regularly, though. Didn’t include Simon’s Quest because I only beat it on an emulator.
TMNT (NES) - beat it once using the “collect a shitload of scrolls” trick.
The Revenge Of Shinobi - beat it on original hardware with the good ending. Not easy.
Shadow Dancer & Shinobi 3
Contra, Super C, Operation C, Contra 3, Contra Shattered Soldier
Mega Man X 1-3


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Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2020, 11:54:42 am »
Most recently completed Bucky O' Hare which is a pretty difficult game IMO. It was one I loved as a kid but never made it past the 4 beginning levels. I just sat down one day a month ago and just beat it all the way through.

I've also beaten Mega Man 1-6 and Mega Man X1-X5.

Nothing else really sticks out as being super hard that I've beaten.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2020, 11:56:34 am by astralsoul13 »

Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2020, 03:08:21 am »
Call of Duty 2 (X360) on Veteran Difficulty. I've beaten most CODs on veteran but a lot of people say this is the most difficult to finish on Veteran difficulty. That's all I can think of ATM.


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2020, 10:59:38 am »
I think that the biggest feather in my hard game completed cap is probably the first Ninja Turtles on NES.

It's a personal favorite as you can probably tell by my avatar. I used to be good enough at it to beat the game in 30 min without loosing a single Turtle. It was all about memorization or knowing when to use which Turtle. Keep in mind, I was probably around 12 years old, had a ton of time and very few other games to take my interest away from it. It was essentially the only game I played for like 6 months straight.

I've also beat Battletoads on NES a couple times which is a great game.

One of the more difficult games I own and simply couldn't beat was Judge Dredd on Genesis. It was given to me as a gift after participating in the Blockbuster Game Tournament where you had to play NBA Jam TE and the new Judge Dredd game and get as many points as possible. To this day, I really enjoy the game, but it gets to a point where it stops giving level passwords. Even with Game Geini I can't seem to beat it.


Re: Hardest games you've completed
« Reply #28 on: May 09, 2020, 05:18:55 am »
Ghosts'n goblins (Amiga) and Ghouls'n Ghosts (Md) those are probably the hardest I've beaten!