Author Topic: What Do You Think Of Any Of The (Call Of Duty) Game Single Player Campaigns  (Read 4074 times)


I only buy a Call Of Duty game for it's single player campaign. If I want to run around in an arena  levels and shoot things then I'll play all the other games I have. Like "Unreal Tournament" or "Duke Nukem 64" with bots, I've got a ton of other arena based fighters in my collection.

I love pretty much every single Call Of Duty Single Player Campaign I'm guessing there is (edit) 28 different games totally meaning they are more then 30 if you include all the platforms but as far as a different experience it's now at 30 games totally. I think feel free to correct me on this.

I started playing as a teenager on the GameCube Call Of Duty Finest Hour and eventually Call OF Duty 2: Big Red One. I just found out today that Call Of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360 and Call Of Duty: Big Red One for the PS2 and GameCube are entirely different games with a different single player campaign to enjoy.

If you like the consoles Call Of Duty games I'll name my all time favorites in order.

World War 2 battle Games I finished

1: Call Of Duty: Big Red One for the PlayStation 2
2: Call Of Duty 3 for the PlayStation 2
3: Call Of Duty World At War: Final Fronts for the PlayStation 2
4: Call Of Duty Finest Hour: for the PlayStation 2

need to finish
1: Call Of Duty 2 For Xbox 360 (Campaign is surprising different from the PS2 and Gamecube versions)
2: Call Of Duty World At War for the Xbox360 (Campaign is also different from the PS2 Version)

Modern fantasy Call Of Duty Games. I like Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 1 the best

1: Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
2: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2
3: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3
4: Call Of Duty: Ghosts

never played

1: Call Of Duty 1 PC
2: Call Of Duty: United Offensive PC
3: Call of Duty: Roads to Victory PlayStation Portable
4: Call Of Duty World At War for Xbox 360
5: Call Of Duty World At War For the Nintendo DS
6: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Mobilized Nintendo DS
7: Call Of Duty Zombies for IPhones/IOS
8: Call of Duty: Black Ops – Zombies for IPhones/IOS
9" Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified PlayStation Vita
10: Call of Duty: Strike Team IPhones/IOS
11: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Xbox One or PlayStation 4 or PC
12: Call Of Duty: WWII Xbox One Or PS4 or PC
13: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare (remake) PS4 Xbox One PC

14:Call OF Duty Advanced Warfare

15:Call Of Duty Black Ops
16:Call Of Duty Black Ops 2
17:Call Of Duty Black Ops 3
18:Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 for PS4 Xbox One Or PC
« Last Edit: March 12, 2020, 08:19:52 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Too short for my taste.  I prefer fps that take longer, like the Bioshock or Half-Life series.

I actually liked the Bad Company games, they made me laugh, but again, they felt too short.


There is no advanced warfare 2 or 3 (Games 15-16 on your list) and you have World at War (360 on your to finish list, and unplayed list.

I've beaten
1/2 of COD Classic (Hit a part I couldn't pass, even on easy) on 360 and PS3.
COD 2 (360)
COD 3 (360)
Modern Warfare 1-3
World at War
Black Ops 1
Modern Warfare remastered (On PS4 and XB1)
Modern Warfare reboot

Black Ops 2 in the next one I want to play.

I've enjoyed them all, I think they are a decent length. I like open world games that are lengthy, but if they are linear (Like COD's are) I feel they are just right.


I've played very few Call of Duty games... that I have owned. I have played some at other people's houses, but I do not consider them "played" since it wasn't me just sitting down to play the single player or focusing on the multiplayer.

Casual gameplay:
- World at War Multiplayer/Zombies on Wii: terrible controls!
- I have some memory of the Estate and Wasteland maps from years ago, but I do not remember what game I played them in.

Single player completed:
- MW2 (where my memories of Estate and Wasteland cropped up) and some of the extra missions. Single player was pretty good but has the (as I understand it) classic failings of COD games. And that is that the game requires you to complete objectives in the way it is designed. It actively punishes you if you try to get creative. If you don't do it correctly, the game will kill you, either with a kill screen or with an unkillable sniper. Another reason why I just put "pretty good" was the fact that I was also playing the Battlefield 4 SP at the same time and that was amazing with great presentation.

Single player not completed:
- COD4: Didn't even get off the boat. The one thing I hate the most in any game is timed missions. And this one is right in the beginning of the game which makes it worse. You have to get off the boat before it explodes. I would die in the same spot on the catwalk every time, just inches away from where the checkpoint was. There seemed to be no way to get past it, I watched tutorials and everyone can just run across that thing and make it except for me.

Multiplayer played:
- COD4: I originally bought this game to play MP on the Vogon Ares server. I was a former admin on the Vogon Quake 3 servers when COD4 was added and wanted to try it out. For some reason I was never able to get it to connect, at the time perhaps it was because the server was in UK. I never really got it sorted. I had tried the MP on regular servers but it wasn't what I was into.
- MW2: played it for a bit. I had got this because a co-worker played and it was on sale. He only played hardcore S&D which wasn't my cup of tea. On my own in regular MP I wasn't that good. The UI is terrible.
- Black Ops 4: This one I played for almost a year and just in multiplayer. I think I ended up around Master Prestige 211, with perhaps ~60% challenge completion and 7 gold weapons. Definately my favorite multiplayer game since Quake 3 and it was due to the speed of the game. A lot of people complained that the game was too fast, but for me, the faster the better. My mouse speed was set for 36/legacy ads and the mouse was 400dpi.


Partial quote

Single player not completed:
- COD4: Didn't even get off the boat. The one thing I hate the most in any game is timed missions. And this one is right in the beginning of the game which makes it worse. You have to get off the boat before it explodes. I would die in the same spot on the catwalk every time, just inches away from where the checkpoint was. There seemed to be no way to get past it, I watched tutorials and everyone can just run across that thing and make it except for me.

I often find myself cocking my head sideways like a bird to see where I'm going, through that part, with a little patience that mission can be completed by going the correct way and pressing the run button or as the game calls it the sprint button. I think the sprint button is done by pushing down one of the analog joysticks on the PlayStation 3 (not sure about the Xbox 360 one though) after you run out of the boat the game requires you to press a button in a quick time event vary fast or do the thing over again. I would try to play the PlayStation 3 version if you can.

From what I rememember that mission is the only timed mission in that game, once you are past it, the rest of the game is just trial and error like all the rest of the Call Of Duty games seem to be

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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I love the mindless gameplay of FPS story campaigns.  I don't remember many of the ones I played though.

CoD4 MW, no clue, don't really remember.
CoDMW2, I remember the story being interesting and I look forward to playing it again some day.

Battlefield Hardline, I remember the gameplay being great, but I really don't remember the story that well, I just remember it being mildly interesting.

I don't really remember from any of the Medal of Honor games or CoD/CoD2/CoD3, WW2 stuff just kind of blends to me.  I don't remember the story for Sniper Elite or Sniper Ghost Warrior either.


I love the mindless gameplay of FPS story campaigns.  I don't remember many of the ones I played though.

CoD4 MW, no clue, don't really remember.
CoDMW2, I remember the story being interesting and I look forward to playing it again some day.

Battlefield Hardline, I remember the gameplay being great, but I really don't remember the story that well, I just remember it being mildly interesting.

I don't really remember from any of the Medal of Honor games or CoD/CoD2/CoD3, WW2 stuff just kind of blends to me.  I don't remember the story for Sniper Elite or Sniper Ghost Warrior either.

The world war 2 games don't have a story except maybe on Call Of Duty: Finest Hour for the PS2 Xbox and Gamecube, all the world war 2 Call Of Duty games I've played have real footage videos taken from the real war, in real life.

 the makers of most of the WWII Call OF Duty games tried their best to focus on real battles or re-enactment of real life battles, there is no story in those games.

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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What about Call Of Duty 3 for the PlayStation 2? has anyone else played it? I usually don't hear anyone talking about Call Of Duty 3 on the PlayStation 2

From what I gather, Call Of Duty 3 was one of the vary first first person shooter campaigns to, not include a health bar, and has auto generating health, the only time you die in Call Of Duty 3 for the PS2 is if you get shot too many times all at once.

Many people I've heard on the internet hate the idea of auto generating health, but it don't matter to me. I mean as a level designer myself of some first person shooters. I almost never liked to have to  put the health packs down everywhere, because it's a lot of work and it's time consuming for most level creation teams or person. Call of Duty 3 is a great game by the way on single player mode for the PS2 but I never played the Xbox Xbox360 or the PS3 and Wii release

Out of all the single player campaigns Call of Duty Finest Hour for PS2 and GameCube's campaign is the most difficult, but I beat it multiple times.

updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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I played COD3 years back on the PS3 and I honestly found it to be the easiest one I played. Normally I would die a few times throughout the campaigns but with 3, I didnt find myself doing as badly as I would. Not to say I breezed my way through it but less dying in this game than others.

Also I did some digging because I vividly remember Call of Duty 2 having regenerating health and found out that 2 introduced regenerating health years before 3 did.


Regenerating health. Boy, if only such a thing existed during all those wars throughout history...

Gotta love video games.

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Re: What Do You Think Of Any Of The (Call Of Duty) Game Single Player Campaigns
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2020, 03:15:43 pm »
I haven't played too many.  I remember playing Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company.  Both were a little too short for me.  I like my fps to be the length of Half-Life 2 or Bioshock.  With a good story.  Let me feel like I earned my victory.


Re: What Do You Think Of Any Of The (Call Of Duty) Game Single Player Campaigns
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2020, 05:00:38 pm »
I haven't played too many.  I remember playing Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company.  Both were a little too short for me.  I like my fps to be the length of Half-Life 2 or Bioshock.  With a good story.  Let me feel like I earned my victory.

Soooo....basically the same thing you said above?

Edit: I did finish Black Ops 2, enjoyable. Not sure what I'll do next. Probably Ghosts.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2020, 05:02:20 pm by wolff242 »


Re: What Do You Think Of Any Of The (Call Of Duty) Game Single Player Campaigns
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2020, 11:31:45 pm »
I haven't played too many.  I remember playing Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company.  Both were a little too short for me.  I like my fps to be the length of Half-Life 2 or Bioshock.  With a good story.  Let me feel like I earned my victory.

Soooo....basically the same thing you said above?

Edit: I did finish Black Ops 2, enjoyable. Not sure what I'll do next. Probably Ghosts.

Ghosts is good but the story is left on a hangnail and I sadly don't know if they will ever make another Call Of Duty Ghosts, I love Call Of Duty Ghosts. Just remember not to use the dog for a lot of combat maneuvers because. the dog is a notorious for getting killed because it's sometimes the only thing the CPU will shoot at and if the dog dies you have to redo that checkpoint over again
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

Clearer Sound Quality for Half the internet data Usage
over 28,000 song playlist and 100 automated DJ talk and history lesions "commercial free" "No subscription needed"

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Re: What Do You Think Of Any Of The (Call Of Duty) Game Single Player Campaigns
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2020, 02:25:20 am »
I've played mostly all the COD games my favorites are COD2,Modern Warfare and Black Ops.Least favorites are COD3,Ghosts and Advanced Warfare. Also I liked the Medal of Honor games too but I think the Battlefield games are the best with the exception of Hardline hated that one. Also if you have a original Xbox Men of Vallor and Shadow Ops Red Mercury are worth checking out.

Re: What Do You Think Of Any Of The (Call Of Duty) Game Single Player Campaigns
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2020, 04:03:15 pm »
I haven't played too many.  I remember playing Modern Warfare 2 and Bad Company.  Both were a little too short for me.  I like my fps to be the length of Half-Life 2 or Bioshock.  With a good story.  Let me feel like I earned my victory.

Soooo....basically the same thing you said above?

Edit: I did finish Black Ops 2, enjoyable. Not sure what I'll do next. Probably Ghosts.

LOL, I forgot I replied to this thread before.  Whoops.