Author Topic: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.  (Read 5099 times)

Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« on: March 15, 2020, 11:02:20 am »

Would you be able to implement something where it tells a user that's collecting for a certain system, exactly what they are missing or what they have left to collect and how many in numbers is left for that system - without in search having all the collected games show up.
A bit like RetroCollect did.

I don't have any search option in my collection other than to scroll pages. - in order to see if I have a game , rather than searching it.
It does not tell me how many games are missing from the full set of the system I collect for [ Playstation 1]

It's all manual and it's not a complaint, I just think it would make peoples lives much easier in the long run, if under collection it had say 236/1240 games owned and showed the missing titles.

Kind regards.

Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2020, 12:03:08 pm »
I think the main reason this isn't done is because with variations and different editions, people's opinions of what makes a collection complete will greatly differ. For example, would you consider just having a copy of Final Fantasy IX for PS1 to be enough, or do you need the original release plus all 4 variations of the Greatest Hits line do be considered complete?

What I personally do to keep track of systems I'm going for completion for is making use of the wishlist feature. It does require a bit of manual work at first, but after adding everything I didn't have, I could just go through that and make use of the "move to collection" option whenever I made headway.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 12:06:19 pm by emporerdragon »

Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2020, 12:28:44 pm »
I understand,

I am from the UK and when searching for a game I see the same game name but with GER or FRA OR ITA, RetroCollect only had the basic PAL releases, and if you had it in a different language to English, you still add it as a PAL game if that makes sense.
There is however allot more items marked on this database for sure.
Consoles / demo discs / All variants [ unless not listed for some reason till someone submits ]

Maybe adding Language English/European version would solve that issue to each game then NA & Asia to American and Asian versions,
so people from every different country don't post loads of the same game in the database but with an added country code to it.

Saves time / saves space / less confusion.
I won't lie I was with RetroCollect for my Megadrive collecting I got 500/530 , now I am collecting PS1 PAL.
The website above ^ has been down for weeks , possibly months with them not posting any updates or letting anyone know anything.
I started PS1 collecting whilst they where offline, so I needed a place to stay, and found VGcollect.

Parts of the website are better, listings in the database seem allot better.
Things like Rarity from low to high etc I miss, this would be in missing games from your collection, you would get to see whats rare and what's missing.

It's all suggestions anyhow.

Kind regards.


Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2020, 11:21:14 pm »
Personally speaking, the current count/total count isn't a feature that I think is needed even if it were successfully implemented. I don't collect for a system to collect its entire catalog. I know several do, but I know that many do not. And for the ones that do, it doesn't seem like much effort on their part to research what the official release count is and to later on have some idea of how their efforts are coming along. I agree with emperordragon that the Wish List's function acts to solve your problem.

As for your suggestion to a rarity feature, it doesn't seem useful while also sounding like a lot of upkeep in addition to its subjective nature. How do you determine how scarce an item is, unless the item is known for a specific number known to exist? Value doesn't equate to rarity, whereas prices fluctuate regularly. Is Earthbound expensive? Of course. Is it hard to find? Not at all.


Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2020, 05:57:19 am »

Parts of the website are better, listings in the database seem allot better.
Things like Rarity from low to high etc I miss, this would be in missing games from your collection, you would get to see whats rare and what's missing.

Rarity can always change, most sites that do have them like say retro collect they are pretty inaccurate except for the most rare stuff wich most people already know anyway.

It's to much work for something that can change at any time and in wich rarity is really debatable there is no correct answer for most stuff.
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2020, 09:42:13 am »
Considering our database is fully user-submitted, there's no guarantee it's a complete list for any system to begin with. I've actually never run into a collection management site that did have a full database (big part of why I settled here is the user submits, lets me fill in gaps myself).

You'd probably be better served looking for a specific release list somewhere- I know other sites track that stuff for information purposes. You can cross-reference it against our database to both fill in gaps and make a wishlist of your missing titles. I'd probably try to find multiple lists, in case of inaccuracies.


Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2020, 03:40:45 pm »
I sometimes just browse through the database here and find what I am trying to look for by clicking on the
Browse bar. On the screen that pops ups as soon as I log in. I click then on PS2 [NA] for example I can easily see all the games that I don't have and are listed in the database currently.

Once you add an item to your collection the database will automatically tell you if you have a game or not, it should say "in collection" on every game or item you have added to your collection. while you are in the browse mode

Hope this helps, Oldgamerz
« Last Edit: March 21, 2020, 03:43:16 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2020, 02:09:51 am »
Hi everyone,

I just started entering my collection, and there is one thing which is really irritating: Either I'm too stupid or is it really not possible to seperate/differentiate between hard- and software? For example: I want to filter my collection so that I see all my games or all my hardware, I did not find this function yet. Or: I submitted a new item to the database, a PC-FX controller. When doing so, I could not enter the data, whether this is a piece of hard- or software. This is, in my point of view a basic, yet essential information. It would be very helpful for some help if this function is hidden somewhere in the database, and if not, it would be great when it would be added.   

Re: Collection what you are missing / in numbers / view list.
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2020, 08:13:53 am »
Hi everyone,

I just started entering my collection, and there is one thing which is really irritating: Either I'm too stupid or is it really not possible to seperate/differentiate between hard- and software? For example: I want to filter my collection so that I see all my games or all my hardware, I did not find this function yet. Or: I submitted a new item to the database, a PC-FX controller. When doing so, I could not enter the data, whether this is a piece of hard- or software. This is, in my point of view a basic, yet essential information. It would be very helpful for some help if this function is hidden somewhere in the database, and if not, it would be great when it would be added.   
When adding items to the database you are required to place the item into a category.  Categories are inherently software or hardware.  Adding a controller for instance would go under PC-FX Accessories, which would be a sort of hardware category.

When browsing your collection, you can browse by these categories individually, but no, there is no way to just say "Show me only all of my software" or "Show me only all of my hardware".  Could be a useful feature, not for me personally, because yikes, but I could definitely see it being useful.

As for your suggestion to a rarity feature, it doesn't seem useful while also sounding like a lot of upkeep in addition to its subjective nature. How do you determine how scarce an item is, unless the item is known for a specific number known to exist? Value doesn't equate to rarity, whereas prices fluctuate regularly. Is Earthbound expensive? Of course. Is it hard to find? Not at all.[/font]
Rarity could be driven based on how many people on VGCollect have this item in their collection.  1 of a kind items or items where only one person own it would be considered the rarest, games like Super Mario World with a high percentage of users owning it would be the most common.  Could be an interesting feature.