Author Topic: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?  (Read 3565 times)


I hesitated to create this topic. But I wanted to let people know that as far as I know people in my home town are still driving their cars and going shopping in spite of the world wide sickness that I don't want to say because I'm pissed about it. and what caused it.

I seem alright so far and vary few people are wearing masks around where I live, and people seem fine in my city so far. a lot of stores are still open, but the big mall is mostly shutdown now. Even when I'm out gathering things like food and such with my family nobody seems to be sick or even coughing in the stores.

I don't know about you but I'm pissed that this happened in the first place, not because things are shutdown but from all the news of people dying and the said eastern world leader that caused this.

I don't know if anyone else heard about this thing was supposed to be some kind of chemical war weapon that was being designed to kill off people

Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 05:40:25 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2020, 06:18:38 am »
I hesitated to create this topic. But I wanted to let people know that as far as I know people in my home town are still driving their cars and going shopping in spite of the world wide sickness that I don't want to say because I'm pissed about it. and what caused it.

I seem alright so far and vary few people are wearing masks around where I live, and people seem fine in my city so far. a lot of stores are still open, but the big mall is mostly shutdown now. Even when I'm out gathering things like food and such with my family nobody seems to be sick or even coughing in the stores.

I don't know about you but I'm pissed that this happened in the first place, not because things are shutdown but from all the news of people dying and the said eastern world leader that caused this.

I don't know if anyone else heard about this thing was supposed to be some kind of chemical war weapon that was being designed to kill off people

Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

if was at some fish market named wuan, one of the few places in wich eating bats was still legal.

Bats carry tons of infections and diseases hence why it is banned almost everywhere, yet is is tradition to eat those in wuan. also keep in mind people buy them alive and kill them at home. Apprently the bats had those virusses at the time and at the start around 100 people got sick before it spread like mad.

The market had tons of exotic species compared to other markets. hygiene was kinda at a low at that particular market aswell.

Chemical warfare was never the case really myth busted in this case.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2020, 06:21:07 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2020, 06:25:28 am »
I seem alright so far and vary few people are wearing masks around where I live, and people seem fine in my city so far. a lot of stores are still open, but the big mall is mostly shutdown now. Even when I'm out gathering things like food and such with my family nobody seems to be sick or even coughing in the stores.

People shouldn't wear a mask unless they are symptomatic.  Most people aren't, that's why they aren't wearing them.  People who are is why there is a shortage.

I don't know if anyone else heard about this thing was supposed to be some kind of chemical war weapon that was being designed to kill off people

Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

This is good general advice, but probably good to be extra heeded today: don't listen to Alex Jones.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2020, 06:48:41 am »
It's best not to give most thought to conspiracy theories, especially with everything going on these days with the spread of misinformation.  Nothing supports it and the only people who would push it, are never trustworthy.

As for how things are going, basically I don't leave the house other than once a week to stock up some fresh food at the stores and grab some other odds and ends as I'm trying to quarantine myself as much as possible due to living with an older family member.  A good bit is shut down right now I believe, though since Florida isn't in any notable lockdown, there are still a lot of people running around, really only prolonging the pandemic, because dumbasses are still trying to get to beaches that haven't officially been shut down.  It was already unrealistic for the country to get stuff sorted out in the next few weeks like people want, but with idiots like that, there won't be any turn around on this for a good long while.

Been interesting staying at home so much now, since I'm generally a pretty introverted person and I spend most of my time at home anyways, but actually removing just casual running around such as going to mall or hunting for toys and games at thrift shops, it's kinda worn me down more than I expected.  More lethargic than usual with the days sorta running together.  I am trying to do some stuff around the house to keep busy, and while I could take some drives, I don't really have much interest in that, as driving around where I live isn't relaxing for me, even if the roads were emptier, which they really aren't from what I've seen.

I'm not lacking for anything, so I'm in a better place than others, so I'll make it through fine and I hope everyone else is being as safe as they can be in this situation.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2020, 09:20:33 am »
We’re all going to die.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 11:35:06 am »
Honestly? I'm doing fairly good, all thing considered. My fiancé was concerned about my family's food/temperament situation (my dad & brother don't always get along), so I'm staying with him and his family for my state's two week lockdown. I brought a few consoles along, so my days are largely normal save for not working- I never did get out much to begin with.

As far as actual health- I don't have a fever. That sounds a little silly to focus on, but- I take medication that makes me cough, I'm prone to migraines (so headache/body ache/fatigue/nausea), and being Spring the mild allergies are kicking in. Quite literally, the only symptom of this thing I can't explain away is the fever!

I've read all sorts of theories about where it came from- Bats! Pangolins! Chinese bioweapon! American bioweapon! I'm seriously surprised I haven't found anyone claiming 'biblical plague' yet. My take it- we can worry about blaming someone later. Let's worry about prevention & a vaccine for right now.

We’re all going to die.

Maybe YOU are- I'm sticking around to see what the post-apocalypse is gonna look like. Fallout? Mad Max? Who knows! (Actually, probably just first-half Endgame but without the Avengers around. Lame.)

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2020, 04:47:02 pm »
Mostly fine, I’ve been inside for over a week now, so I’m basically fine. No C-Virus here. Getting a bit stir crazy though.


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Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2020, 09:49:30 pm »
So far im fine also but im forced to continue working instead of isolation.I try to keep my distance and wash my hands regularly.But worry about bringing it home to my family.


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2020, 11:13:03 pm »
For the most part, I am fine. Granted it feels like one change after the other with all of this. This past Thursday is when I continued my semester after the spring break but of course all of my classes have moved to an online format which is weird but it hasnt been a full week just yet to work out the kinks you know. On top of that, I am out of the job until further notice so there's that. Had to file for unemployment because of this so aside from a trip to the market and the pharmacy when needed, I have been hunkered down versus where I was a week ago working for 8 hours, coming home and staying there. Now I am just home at all times for however long this stays. Makes you really appreciate outside when you get a bit of air after being inside for so long. Im generally an introvert so this sort of hit me the other day and I was only outside taking out the trash.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2020, 12:38:18 am »
I seem alright so far and vary few people are wearing masks around where I live, and people seem fine in my city so far. a lot of stores are still open, but the big mall is mostly shutdown now. Even when I'm out gathering things like food and such with my family nobody seems to be sick or even coughing in the stores.

People shouldn't wear a mask unless they are symptomatic.  Most people aren't, that's why they aren't wearing them.  People who are is why there is a shortage.

I don't know if anyone else heard about this thing was supposed to be some kind of chemical war weapon that was being designed to kill off people

Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

This is good general advice, but probably good to be extra heeded today: don't listen to Alex Jones.
What's wrong with wearing a mask? I have a couple N95 masks I got two years ago that I've been wearing.

Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2020, 08:24:12 am »
What's wrong with wearing a mask? I have a couple N95 masks I got two years ago that I've been wearing.
Specifically disposable masks.  If you wear it for no good reason and throw it out, you're only contributing to wasting precious resources.  Especially if you're buying up stock.


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2020, 08:51:45 am »
The #1 way to prevent the spread of Coronavirus is by washing your hands and not touching your face. So even if you wear a mask you can still pick up germs from other locations on your hands. You're likely not wearing a mask 24/7 so you still haven't eliminated the largest risk of infection. The mask will only protect you if someone is like coughing directly at you, and even then, it can get through your eyes. Keep your distance from people and you should be fine. As ignition said, leave the masks to the people who are actually sick and healthcare workers, there aren't enough to go around as is.

I actually saw a woman in the grocery story wearing gloves while shopping and then she touches her face anyway!  Like what's the point. >:(

N95 masks are for respiratory borne illnesses anyway, which the coronavirus is not, it's a droplet infection, so the particles that carry the illness can be stopped by a standard surgical mask. You also have to get fitted for the N95 masks (I have to do it every year), because they need to form an airtight seal around your face (again, for respiratory infections that travel via smaller particles). It's likely that it's not fitting your face properly.

« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 08:53:16 am by telly »
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Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2020, 09:12:42 am »
Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

A man-made weapon that you release on your own homeland that kills 1% of the people infected, the vast majority of which are elderly citizens?
Sounds like a pretty dumb weapon to me...


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2020, 10:48:02 am »
Doing ok here just at home, only go out when needed like groceries or meds, I worry more for my family to be honest. I just hope this ends soon because my brother still has to go to work everyday then my father has to make his monthly trips to the doctor for his checkups... Wife still has to work on occasion, I'm the only one who is fully working from home all the time looking after my daughter. So I'm really hoping people take this social distancing thing seriously, even though I still see people hanging out in groups having coffee or going to the gym, it blows my mind..

I don't know if anyone else heard about this thing was supposed to be some kind of chemical war weapon that was being designed to kill off people

Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

That's a bold claim oldgamerz, we should get some facts first before we start pointing fingers.

  l    l 


Re: World Wide Sickness Discussion How Is Everyone's Health Doing?
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2020, 11:52:24 am »
Yes the coronavirus was made by people on purpose to kill off a lot of people that is what I heard,

A man-made weapon that you release on your own homeland that kills 1% of the people infected, the vast majority of which are elderly citizens?
Sounds like a pretty dumb weapon to me...

I mean it literally murders the economy even if it doesn't affect the majority of the population quite a potent weapon

That being said it was just a very dirty animal market in wich they even sold bats alive wich carried the corona virus

Bats even in china where they eat almost anything where banned in pretty much all of china for carriying many diseases yet it's a tradition to eat those in wuan as one of the few spots where it was still legal.
Your Stylish Sword Master!