Author Topic: Your Focus on Collecting?  (Read 7859 times)


Your Focus on Collecting?
« on: March 30, 2020, 04:56:27 pm »
What console are you currently collecting for primarily? What was your last addition to this collection?

Im still mainly focused on NES. I recently picked up the NES Satellite and Bionic Commando. Also 2x 8bitdo N30 controllers. Even over the Dogbones I use N30 now. No cables to yank your modded top loader off the shelf. Oh wait that was just me /facepalm

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2020, 05:11:48 pm »
The majority of growth in my collection comes from new releases on the PS4 and Switch; I'd say 4/5 games I pickup are on one of these two consoles. While there is definitely some collectorism feeding into this, this is mostly just me wanting to play newly released games that come out.

In terms of retro my focus at the moment is split between Saturn, and getting CIB copies of loose Genesis, SNES, and N64 games I own. Some games on those last three consoles are games I don't own loose or otherwise, but the vast majority are. Essentially I'm mostly collecting cardboard right now lol. The Saturn stuff I'm after is all new to me, and is probably the final frontier of me collecting retro games before I'm essentially done with it.


Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2020, 05:25:29 pm »
What console are you currently collecting for primarily? What was your last addition to this collection?

Im still mainly focused on NES. I recently picked up the NES Satellite and Bionic Commando. Also 2x 8bitdo N30 controllers. Even over the Dogbones I use N30 now. No cables to yank your modded top loader off the shelf. Oh wait that was just me /facepalm
Are those NES controllers any good?


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Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2020, 08:23:44 pm »
I focus mostly on nintendo right now cause im close to completing a few collections.

1.Battleship,cliffhanger,might and magic are the last 3 nes games i bought.
2.forman fo real,sonic blastman II i think are the last snes games i got.
3.super bowling was the last n64 game i got.
4.gotcha force and the ASCII keyboard controler were the last gamecube items i got.

Although im concentrating on nintendo i won't pass up a good deal on other systems but my reason for even looking is fueled by me searching for Nintendo at the moment.

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2020, 10:05:38 pm »
I mainly focus on getting racing, golf, and First Person Shooters,

I love playing with the origional NES controllers rather than the new stuff because the origional NES controllers are vary well built and as had as a rock or at least the ones I have
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Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2020, 12:40:21 am »
I don't really have one right now- between the various shutdowns & the new consoles on the horizon, I'm kinda in a holding pattern prepping for a busier year next year. I pick up stuff from my wishlist from time to time, but I don't really actively search at the moment.


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Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2020, 01:27:30 am »
PS1 has been my main focus on collecting for a while, but now that I'm close to done with that, Saturn, Dreamcast, Genesis, 3DO and Jaguar are my current favorites to collect for, and I've been slowly finding boxes for my nes and snes loose carts.  Just got a box for super turrican and super mario world the other day!

I also got a Game Gear recently and it's been fun checking out games for that, never had one as a kid.


Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2020, 01:42:44 am »
What console are you currently collecting for primarily? What was your last addition to this collection?

Im still mainly focused on NES. I recently picked up the NES Satellite and Bionic Commando. Also 2x 8bitdo N30 controllers. Even over the Dogbones I use N30 now. No cables to yank your modded top loader off the shelf. Oh wait that was just me /facepalm
Are those NES controllers any good?

Yeah, I really like them.

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2020, 07:25:18 am »
Only for games, that I'm interested in.

Mostly Playstation, as that is, what I grew up with. Goes for Wii as well, although not as much.

I also collect older pc games. Newer physical games with DRM are useless to me.


Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2020, 08:27:38 am »
The vast majority of games i get come from trading-up random junk for what I want, since I can't hunt junk I can't get new stuff without paying for it, which I don't want to do. Used up all my CEX credit to help my wife get an iPhone and used up my game shop credit to pick up some PS4 games and Snack World for the Switch before the virus lock-down, so apart from figuring out how to get my mitts on a copy of Resi 3 on Friday I'm pretty much done for the immediate future. If I can stretch to buy any interesting ZX Spectrum Next games getting released on SD card, then I'd like that too.


Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2020, 09:03:58 am »
My retro focus is the Sega Game Gear. I pretty well stopped collecting for other systems a while back but continue to add to my Game Gear collection. There's a stopping point for me though. I'm still looking for a handful of games, but after those are collected, the rest of the Game Gear library will go onto an Everdrive.

Right now I have a few projects that I'm tinkering with. I am at the start of learning Z80 Assembler programming to start the process of creating my own Ninja Turtles game for the Game Gear. I've already created the box art, cartridge label, and full instruction manual to use as a blueprint. I've also put together mock gameplay footage of what I'm wanting it to look like once completed. It's essentially a combo of the original on NES and the 16bit games; Hyperstone Heist and IV. With having done that video, I have much of the sprite artwork completed for animation purposes. I also have a good chunk of one of the level's artwork completed.

My next project is how to get the Ninja Turtles game onto a Game Gear cartridge when complete. Luckily, I have a couple options. First option is the Everdrive cartridge. Second is to buy a PCB board and flash an eeprom with .gg ROM once it's done. I'm also looking into creating custom Game Gear cartridge shells.

Lot's on my table at the moment and almost all revolving around Game Gear.

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2020, 02:38:16 pm »
I just get games I'm interested in, whether it's PS2, Gamecube, whatever; I don't focus on one particular system because I don't buy games just to own them. That said, I do sometimes impulse buy at the local thrift store when it has something mildly interesting which is not often

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #12 on: March 31, 2020, 03:13:44 pm »
Not anymore tbh. At this point its just a matter of getting what I want between whatever consoles I currently own. Because of this my gaming purchasing has significantly gone down for the first time in some years.

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2020, 05:05:59 pm »
Not really focusing on one particular console, there's only a few games I truly want right now (for Mega Drive, Xbox, NES). All of them are unfortunately pretty uncommon, at least here.

Ninja Gaiden III on NES, wanted this for over 6 years. I speedrun NG1 and love NG2 - definitely my two most played NES games.

Re: Your Focus on Collecting?
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2020, 08:23:49 pm »
For the longest time, my focus has been the Xbox 360, but that's waned in recent years. I still do want to get the complete set, but what's left is pretty much just the dregs of sports and kinect titles. So, right now, I'm more on building up my Switch library, trying to get games that aren't overlapping with my other systems.
I do also collect Unusuals for Team Fortress 2. Right now, I'm only about half a dozen hats away from being able to claim the largest single-effect collection in the world.