Is it too much to ask for Nintendo to just make a proper, modern, HD console?
I know, I know. Nintendo is unique. Nintendo doesn't care about power. Nintendo wants to pursue innovation...blah, blah, blah. We all know the way they spin it.
But as a Nintendo fan, I just really want to see big, impressive first-party titles; AND I want to see third-party developers really want to return to Nintendo without having to sacrifice power and performance on their games when they choose to throw Nintendo a bone.
I mean imagine an brand-new, 4K, 60 FPS modern Metroid masterpiece. Or a photo-realistic, big, open Hyrule to explore. Imagine the thrill of racing at hyper-velocities in a new F-Zero game but it looks as good as Forza Motorsport.
Not to mention that if they had that power, then many third-party companies wouldn't hesitate to release their games on a Nintendo console. You wouldn't necessarily need to have an XBox or PlayStation along with your Nintendo console, if you didn't want to.
Don't get me wrong, here. Graphics ARE NOT everything in gaming. Gameplay is king. But Nintendo has the gameplay down to a pat. Coupling that engaging Nintendo gameplay with modern graphics and framerates would be an amazing experience.
I'm pretty sure that's because of the fear of a to high retail console price.
It would be far to expensive to compete with both sony and microsoft
Nintendo is the only 1 who makes a profit while selling consoles, both microsft and sony always suffer some losses with each console sale, hoping the game sales will be enough to get them in the profit that's their strategy.
We've seen what happened with sega,
Sony had the budget to get a console out for almost half the price of the dreamcast while having 2x the power plus a dvd player in just 1 extra year. Both sony and microsoft can give good value for specs, that could be the issue why nintendo tries to be it's own thing. Because both sony and microsft are willing to give the best specs on a console with a loss on each console sale.
While sony and microsoft where newer than nintendo or sega, their origins are from other sources in wich the amount of money made is far greater than even the golden era for sega and Nintendo. It might be a death sentence to enter that war for nintendo, making them same mistakes as sega did with being to ambitious in terms of console specs. Sony and microsft have far more money than sega or nintendo ever had. it's a different kind of animal.
Big nintendo titles are made by a couple hundred people. Big microsft or sony titles are made by 500 or 1000+ people, they have more employees compared to nintendo aswell. Nintendo can't compete with specs they don't have the funds to make it profitable.
Still microsft always has to kiss sony's feet in the process, always having to pay those royalties for blue ray discs for every game made, aka the reason why the wii u could not play blue ray discs because they used a different kind of disc simular to blue ray to avoid those royalties. Maybe the reason why they moved on to a cardridge instead of disc based like wii u.