I got an item I've wanted for my collection ever sense I found out it existed, but it was a tough road to get it.
I picked up a few other items but the last one stands out.
SWITCHA friend and fellow collector told me I should pick this up due to it was only going to get one run.
- The Wonderful 101
XBoneGot this from Best Buy for $3.
- NBA Live 19
WiiMy local used game store got this in and was selling it the same price as the normal controllers.
- Wii Pro Controller (Goldeneye Gold)
PS2Saw this at my local Used game store.
- Test Drive: Eve of Destruction
SNESI traded a copy of Mega Man 7 for this game I needed.
- Sparkster
SFAM- Sharp SF1 (Super Famicom built into a TV)
This system felt like a curse for me to get, The first time I almost got the TV was over a year ago, I won a bid for about $600 for one from Japan. Well four months pass and the seller during this time kept telling me "It was sent" or "I'll look into it" but it never came. I look up on Ebay and see the same SF1 I bought (same pictures and game that came with it) was relisted and now at a higher price then I won it for. I was mad. I had to contact Ebay and Paypal to get my money back and Ebay banned the seller.
I was searching for another SF1 that wasn't priced over a grand, One finally appeared with a make an offer, so I made an offer of $700 and the seller agreed and I payed him the $700 + $50 to ship it FedEx. A week passes and I don't see the seller sending it, I contact him and he tells me it will be shipped out soon. I finally see it was shipped and get a tracking number and think okay it's on the way.
Two weeks pass and a giant box shows up. YAY!! I open it up and can't believe what I saw, he shipped it with NO PROTECTION. Just shoved it in a box and mailed it. The outer shell was cracked up so bad it barely held together. There was a hole in the top, the inside board was rattling inside the TV it wouldn't even turn on. I was upset and contacted the seller and filed for a refund. He contacts me and gives me a full refund except for the shipping and tells me to keep it. Okay so I now paid $50 for a trashed SF1. I knew I had to try and save it. I took it to a guy I knew who repaired video game consoles, He was wasn't sure about taking on the project but took it as a challenge. Plus he was a huge Nintendo fan and he too wanted to see this TV saved. He got the board back in place and repaired much of the back and the hole in top. You can still see some scaring but its looks so much better. It turned on but the picture was messed up.
He was not a TV repair and couldn't repair the tube. So he found me a guy who repairs TVs and he thought I was nuts wanting to repair a CRT TV tube. lol I explained how rare this TV was and he said he could fix it. He not only fixed the tube to look great, but repaired a few more of the cosmetic damage that the other guy wasn't able to get to to fix. In the end with repairs and shipping cost this rare piece of gaming history cost me $275. Even with it's scars, I still would be willing to pay that for it.

It also came with two controllers, and five games, (three where in a pickup update post I made a few weeks ago, I listed them as "free")
The games where; Super Adventure Island, Final Fight 2, Super Puyo Puyo 2 Remix, Street Fighter 2 and Super Fire Pro Wrestling 2.
I already own the last two. Overall I'm happy to add this to me collection, just happy it was able to be saved.