Genesis used to be one of the cheapest to collect for. But it's been gaining steam the last few years. I think in 2020, he's right, Master System is cheaper to collect for.
And SNES cheap? Have you looked up Super Metroid or Link to the Past lately? And those are common titles.
super R type 8 to 12$ is cheaper than a cart only R type on master system, cheap as chips. Super r type on snes is actually pretty good, master system r-type while an impressive port is subpar. if you want a decent shoot em up on master system it's the common fantasy zone wich is 30$ cart only. you can get quite some shootemups cart only on snes for 10ish $ only. and don't get me started on the shootem up king that is the genesis, so how is the master system cheaper again

street fighter II 8 - 12$ snes one of the best 2d fighting games what comes close in master system for that value? again cheap as chips there are so many cheap games cart only on snes that are actually pretty nice. meanwhile pretty much all the go to master system games even cart only are more pricy than those options. and that's aside from the fact that the console or the adapter is more pricy than a genesis console.
metroid and zelda where always expensive but there have always been way cheaper options for snes. that's not a good counter argument same can be said for the popular master system games. still even though zelda link to the past USA is pricy at 20ish atm. if you want an inferior zelda experience on master system your spending 150ish $ for a lose cardridge of golden axe warrior
What is going to beat sonic classics wich is 3 sonic games including 2 for 7 - 10$ every sonic game on master system is more pricy and inferior in gameplay and you got 3 with genesis for the price of less than 1 master system sonic game
Name me some cheap cart only games on master system that are worth playing, what kind of budget per game we talking if your talking cheap.
I agree that the top is higher, but them consoles have a lower entry point for decent stuff than the master system in wich cheap stuff is bargain bin filler material
let's pick one of the cheapest but best cart only games for master system
Shinobi 18$ cart only in the US
Why the hell would you pay that compared to 12$ for either the superior revenge of shinobi classics release wich is literally one of the best 16 bit games of all time
or the sega 6 pack for 7 - 10$ $ wich is revenge of shinobi streets of rage and golden axe and 3 other titles. and that's aside from the acces to decent lesser platformers shootemups etc good stuff to be had, meanwhile with master system

How is the master system cheaper unless where talking dollar titles such as california games or sports titles in wich literally both the snes and genesis have plenty aswell. even snes beats master system hands down in terms of value.
These are cart only prices btw, also cib master system for those common games beats out genesis aswell so again volume is key.
master system console or powerbase in wich you also need a genesis console is more pricy. like seriously even the trash model 2 unit withouth a box in the US is twice the price compared to both the snes or genesis. Pretty nice start for the master system at being the
supposedly cheaper console to collect for.
Your cheap titles are trash
Higher price point before games start to get good.
and if you are going to say that a price point of 20ish $ is okay, what in the master system category is going to beat titles such as megaman x/super mario world snes or streets of rage II/sonic 3 genesis wich are all low 20ish or lower aside from the acces to pretty much all great games at that price point of all 2d genre's
The only cheap thing about master system is that the pricy games aren't as pricy but seriously most people won't get any at either consoles. and if your looking for cheap games full sets are out of the question anyway. Master system also has a fairly small library wich again is a big negative compared to genesis snes or nes.
Just because world cup italia, or california games on master system are found on the regular for peanuts doesnt mean master system is a cheaper console to collect for than genesis. cheap master system lots are absolute garbage there is a reason why it's so cheap. it seems to me that people look to much at only the expensive titles while they forget how many cheap titles the snes and genesis have that are decent to some of the best games on the system
It's not even a contest genesis is far cheaper and actually gives good value for entertainment. To collect and play master system at low prices, can be compared to eating bread crumbs while drinking tap water at thanksgiving. While you will actually eat like a king with genesis and snes at the same value.