Author Topic: I want to get into Sega systems which Sega system do you guys recommend  (Read 6288 times)


Re: I want to get into Sega systems which Sega system do you guys recommend
« Reply #45 on: October 08, 2020, 10:58:23 am »
back on topic,

why buy a mini console. just get an everdrive instead. cheaper and more content, at the end of the day most people emulate their mini console anyway what's the difference.

No they don't.  [...]

The OP isn't a regular joe though my guess at least.

That's not what was being talked about.

I meant collectors or gamers who bought them, my mistake there, where in a game collecting forum after all

Obviously if some average guy bought it for nostalgia emulation will probably not happen,
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: I want to get into Sega systems which Sega system do you guys recommend
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2020, 08:39:18 am »
Do you not even read my posts, bro?!

Emulate them or get a Genesis Mini.

Sorry. I just wanted to join the pointless walls of text arguing about stuff that no one even brings up.

I'll be honest, I skimmed through most of the responses, especially after semantic circle-jerk started.  :P

Re: I want to get into Sega systems which Sega system do you guys recommend
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2020, 11:28:50 pm »
Sure you should get yourself at least an original console of each but if you truly want the best way to play everything Sega without spending thousands of dollars, you can do the following:

• Buy Analogue Mega SG and pair it with a TerraOnion MegaSD (plus Analogue adapter set)
    - Plays Sega Card, Master System, Genesis, and Sega CD games
• Buy Sega Saturn with a Retrotink RAD2X cable (for RGB to HDMI) and pair it with a TerraOnion MODE
• Buy Sega Dreamcast with the DCDigital mod (for crispy HDMI output) and pair it with a TerraOnion MODE

This gives you the entire Sega library available at your fingertips all on fPGA hardware (so no software emulation) and you can play to your heart's content. Of course this doesn't preclude you from buying the actual games. If there are certain games you want to start with, you totally can!

As for some of the other ideas mentioned above, the Sega Genesis mini is pretty nicely well made considering it's development is by M2; they're masters so you can't go wrong there. It's a great collector's piece. The ATGames systems previously are total junk. Not even worth buying to include in a collection.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2020, 11:31:14 pm by eva01 »