Author Topic: Why do you collect?  (Read 9664 times)

Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2015, 10:39:49 am »
There are several reasons, but it boils down to my love of video games and nostalgia. I seem to get just as much enjoyment these days out of playing some of my games as I do just staring at them on my shelf or holding a specific game and enjoying the box art, instruction manual or whatever.


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Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2015, 10:50:51 am »
Miss all my old systems, I foolishily sold off and wanted them all back. And I think it be cool to have a nice display off all my old games and systems. I dont wanna be 40 and be like, I miss N64 and they are impossible to find.
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Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2015, 04:04:51 pm »
For me, I've always enjoyed games and was bummed that I missed a ton of games from 6th gen since I didn't have many games as a kid. Over time, I read about other systems and decided to get games for those systems too and keep the enjoyable ones. I also like how they're fairly easy to display as well.


Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2015, 07:11:35 pm »
There have been games in the past that I either destroyed when I was young or gave away and regretted. Now I am afraid of getting rid of a game and regretting it, so I hoard all of the games that I have. As for why I continue to buy games, well, I love them!


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Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2015, 09:13:16 pm »
Simple, because I want to play them. And just like my CD, DVD/VHS, and comic collections; I want to have a library of material to choose from at any time.


Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2015, 09:26:20 pm »
To play them.

I consider myself a gamer rather than a collector. Since my primary focus is just to play games, buy games I love. Also have little interest in current, and next-generation games as well (although that is another subject). I've always leaned towards high quality original gameplay with colorful aesthetics primarily (imported) JPN titles. That has not changed. Focusing my interest, narrowing down to two consoles; PC-Engine and Sega Saturn.

Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #36 on: May 25, 2015, 01:43:26 am »
To play


Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #37 on: May 25, 2015, 12:46:02 pm »
As most of all people I do have different reasons, the first one without a doubt I collect to remember all those joyful moments that spent in front of the TV playing like as if there were no tomorrow even when my parents get angry for it, they were the happiest days of my life even my mom did some times a big sacrifice to purchase me those games that I really wanted, used to go with my uncle to the arcades to play titles like Moon Patrol, Pitfall or even Pac-Man, as a teenager spent all my weekends playing at the arcades with my two best friends, entered a lot of tournaments at my city, always enjoyed to see the face of my rivals every damn time that I beated them, the emotion of playing a new game, to master it can be only compared to the day that my daughter was born and this is the second reason why I collect, to share with her all those fantastic moments that I lived before I pass away, am collecting not for me am collecting for her, trying to create a link where she can feel as I do how fantastic is to play, to enjoy those amazing stories, to feel like the character and became part of the game also that she can see even when am old that I don't feel it this way cause playing makes me feel young, have to stop writing cause there's a fucking ninja cutting onions at the office.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2015, 03:40:45 pm »
Simple, because I want to play them. And just like my CD, DVD/VHS, and comic collections; I want to have a library of material to choose from at any time.

Ditto.  I built my collection (and still do) from the games that I wanted to play.  I just never got rid of any of them.  I am into multiple consoles because  of exclusives and now I am fully invested in being interested in the business as a whole and I like having a working knowledge of everything that is out there.


Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #39 on: May 31, 2015, 01:22:00 pm »
I like being able to have a large selection of games to play, and I find it really satisfying when I find a good deal or a game I've been trying to find for a long time. The reason I started was probably because I sold a few of my games once and regretted it, and decided I wouldn't sell any more of my games because I'd just end up wanting to play them again later.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


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Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #40 on: May 31, 2015, 01:47:48 pm »
Because I want to play them, I actually only buy games I want to play. Then the games go inte my collection because I don't want to sell any of them.


Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #41 on: May 31, 2015, 11:00:56 pm »
I collect cause I'm a gamer. I love playing games. Good, bad, mediocre, whatever. I want have as many experiences as I can.

On top of that I have a big desire to play games I missed out on as a kid. For example I had never even heard of the TurboGrafx-16 growing up. And I wish I had. It's an awesome system.

Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #42 on: May 31, 2015, 11:25:39 pm »
Most of it is about getting the games I use to have, but got rid of them for whatever reason.  I don't regularly play my retro stuff, but it also fuels my collecting habits I have, so if I'm collecting stuff that I want, it works out no problem! lol I like having shelves organized with cool old games.  I don't particularly collect games I'm not interested in, though I do want to get a full N64 collection some day since it's a fairly realistic collection to have.

Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #43 on: May 31, 2015, 11:49:33 pm »
nostalgia, love of video games, and a quick fix for my OCD

i then trick myself into thinking it's all for posterity, and so my kids have something rad to do when i eventually have 'em lol


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Re: Why do you collect?
« Reply #44 on: June 01, 2015, 09:54:58 pm »
I collect because for me, video games are such an interesting blend of technology, music, story, artistry (or not  ;) ) in an interactive package. It's unfortunate that video games are probably one of the most misunderstood forms of media out there. (Comic books maybe too, but I don't know enough about them to comment  :-X ).

In any respect, I think that video games can really provide a lot of unique experiences that cannot be found in other forms of media (books, TV, movies, etc.). My favorite games are the ones that can achieve that. I dream of collecting a diverse yet refined library of games that I enjoy and sharing them with the people I care about! That probably sounds reallllly cheesy, but think it would be pretty shweet haha