Mike, I'm in love with your work!
As a big box PC collector myself, there's VERY FEW options to protector our treasured cardboard
, so I thank you my man!
Will you be offering any cheaper options in the future? Something less sturdy, but more affordable, similar to the many options available now for console games.
Keep up the great work, and look forward to seeing what you whip up in the future
Thank you alot for your kind words!
I started making acrylic boxes, as this is a material and hardware i use on daily basis (plexi glass and CO2 laser) - those cheaper solutions are made of thin PMMA (similar to water bottles) and i think there are many sellers doing those (maybe not custom sized..)
Price is calculated according to few important factors, which are:
- you get a custom box sized just for your game,
- i only make my cases with original Plexiglas from Germany
https://www.plexiglas.de/en/products/plexiglas/plexiglas-gs-xt- which is UV resistant,
- and can be engraved (you can engrave anything you want on your box, from developer logo to your own custom text) - check my pictures!
- gluing one box takes aprox. 40 minutes
- and is a PAIN
- ofcourse i have to pay for laser, materials etc.
BUT there are discounts for larger orders, there will be SALES with price lowered etc. So i think you can get my case cheaper in near future

Stay safe,
Mike from RetroBoxed