Author Topic: PS Network Categories Question  (Read 2221 times)


PS Network Categories Question
« on: January 01, 2021, 08:51:24 am »

I was wondering if it's possible to move the various Playstation Network categories under their respective systems? Example... Playstation Network (PS4) be moved under the PS4's main category, Playstation Network (PS5) be moved under the PS5's main category.

Same for Nintendo Shop (Switch) being moved under the Switch's main category.

Seems like it would clean it up a bit.

Thanks for reading and considering.


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2021, 04:59:07 am »
Seems like it would clean it up a bit.

On the contrary, it would be a mess, and that's wholly unnecessary.

Digital games should be kept within their own respective categories.

What I will say, though, is that both "Tiger LCD" and "Konami LCD" should be moved to the "LCD Games" category, because the former is standalone and the latter is under the "Other" category, which, quite frankly, doesn't make sense.

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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2021, 05:42:40 am »
Seems like it would clean it up a bit.

On the contrary, it would be a mess, and that's wholly unnecessary.

Digital games should be kept within their own respective categories.

What I will say, though, is that both "Tiger LCD" and "Konami LCD" should be moved to the "LCD Games" category, because the former is standalone and the latter is under the "Other" category, which, quite frankly, doesn't make sense.
Perhaps we should move the Game&Watch section there as well
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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2021, 07:55:17 am »

On the contrary, it would be a mess, and that's wholly unnecessary.

Digital games should be kept within their own respective categories.

My thinking is that a PS4 game is a PS4 game regardless on if it's digital or physical. You'd still have the sub category of PSN (PS4) under your PS4 tab so you could see what are digital and what are physical. I'm not saying move all the digital games into the same tab as the physical. Just move the sub categories under their respective systems.


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2021, 10:29:17 am »
So rather than have the PSN categories on their own you're suggesting that the PS4 category look like this?

PlayStation 4 Accessory
PlayStation 4 Demo
PlayStation 4 Hardware
PlayStation 4 [AU]
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 4 [CN]
PlayStation 4 [EU]
PlayStation 4 [JP]
PlayStation 4 [KR]
PlayStation 4 [NA]
PlayStation 4 [TW]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [EU]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [JP]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [KR]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]

Doesn't seem to me like that would change too much to be honest, feels like more of a lateral move rather than something that would clean up the site's look.
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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2021, 10:48:34 am »
So rather than have the PSN categories on their own you're suggesting that the PS4 category look like this?

PlayStation 4 Accessory
PlayStation 4 Demo
PlayStation 4 Hardware
PlayStation 4 [AU]
PlayStation 4
PlayStation 4 [CN]
PlayStation 4 [EU]
PlayStation 4 [JP]
PlayStation 4 [KR]
PlayStation 4 [NA]
PlayStation 4 [TW]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [EU]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [JP]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [KR]
+ PlayStation Network (PS4) [NA]

Doesn't seem to me like that would change too much to be honest, feels like more of a lateral move rather than something that would clean up the site's look.

And if we were to do it there, we should also do it for PS3 and Vita.  I'm in agreement that it would at best merely shift things, not really clean them up.


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2021, 11:53:20 am »
What I will say, though, is that both "Tiger LCD" and "Konami LCD" should be moved to the "LCD Games" category, because the former is standalone and the latter is under the "Other" category, which, quite frankly, doesn't make sense.
Perhaps we should move the Game&Watch section there as well

Makes sense; I wouldn't be oppossed to that.

On the contrary, it would be a mess, and that's wholly unnecessary.

Digital games should be kept within their own respective categories.

My thinking is that a PS4 game is a PS4 game regardless on if it's digital or physical. You'd still have the sub category of PSN (PS4) under your PS4 tab so you could see what are digital and what are physical. I'm not saying move all the digital games into the same tab as the physical. Just move the sub categories under their respective systems.

Believe me, I get what you're saying, but like I said, doing so would just mess things up. Digital and physical media are like oil and water, so they should be kept separate in their respective sections to maintain and keep proper organization. These games have their own section, and they're easy to access anyway, so why muddle that up.

Even if, for the sake of an example, the "PlayStation Network" section were to be implemented as a sub-section within each of their pertinent PlayStation categories, things would just look out of place, and, quite honestly, very fugly.

Non sequitur: While I'm at it, and I know this one doesn't particularly pertain to the topic at hand, but regarding the "Swag" section; wouldn't it be better to have each category named accordingly without having "Swag" at the beginning of each title? Both "Magazine" and "Strategy Guide" were migrated to "Swag" and weren't renamed, so I think taking "Swag" out from the rest would help for the sake of consitency, as well as keeping things aesthetically pleasing.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 08:51:13 am by pzeke »

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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2021, 10:47:32 am »
Would be in favor of changing Swag to Merchandise.
But each individual sub-cat does not need that title, just the main cat.


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2021, 04:11:23 pm »
Would be in favor of changing Swag to Merchandise.

I've never been a fan of the word "swag", so I wouldn't be oppossed to the name change if it were to be considered. Quite frankly, "merchandise" not only has a better ring to it, but a better connotation as well.

But each individual sub-cat does not need that title, just the main cat.

That's what I mean; each category doesn't need to have "Swag" at the beginning of their title if they're already within said section, as in "Soundtracks" and "Toys/Novelties" should be named just that, not have "Swag" as part of their name—it's redundant.

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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2021, 09:38:27 pm »
Swag to Merchandise is a good idea.

Breaking up the PSN section would be confusing because of stuff like PSone Classics and PlayStation Mini since those can be played on PSP, PS3 and Vita.


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2021, 08:11:08 am »
What about the idea of having the option of where we want them categorized under or have it show up both places? Obviously this idea doesn't sit well with a couple people, but again, a PS4 game is a PS4 game. *shrugs*


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2021, 03:48:30 pm »
Making it a feature that the user can switch on and off I guess sounds like a good compromise—hell, making the website as customizable as possible for the user sounds hunky-dory. But then again, when was the last time something substantial was done around here?

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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2021, 04:25:11 pm »
I'd much rather that there not be multiple categories for digital games at all. Having one per platform would be better, with the options to choose what system, language and region you have the entry for if you wanted to put in that info. Because ultimately, many of the games in the same platform but in different regions are actually the same data content. Same goes for GOG vs Steam vs PC Digital Downloads.


Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2021, 07:28:03 pm »
Wait, just to make sure I get what you're saying: you're proposing to merge all digital entries (GOG, Steam, etc.) and classify them under a single category?

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Re: PS Network Categories Question
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2021, 10:18:13 am »
Yes and no. It would be in a single category in reality, but wouldn't appear as such to a user. Basically, we do not need to have multiple entries for say... the digital version of Fortnite. There could be one entry that "appears" in multiple categories or under multiple contexts. Where the item entry itself, be it viewed in PC Digital Downloads, the various PSNs or XBL categories, all link to the same entry. It would appear in each category because it would be linked to them.