Author Topic: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games  (Read 15818 times)


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2021, 08:05:05 am »
01. Sonic Triple Trouble
02. Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya
03. Mortal Kombat II
04. Jurassic Park
05. Ristar
06. Streets of Rage 2
07. F-15 Strike Eagle
08. Road Rash
09. Defenders of Oasis
10. Ecco the Dolphin
11. Sonic Spinball
12. Land of Illusion
13. Castle of Illusion
14. Judge Dredd
15. X-Men
16. Lost World: Jurassic Park

Lost World was the last Game Gear game released. I didn't even know of its existence until the 3-5 years after it released as I had moved on to other systems for a while focusing on PS1, Dreamcast and then PS2. When I discovered it, I immediately grabbed a copy on eBay, but sadly, all I could find was the cartridge only. The graphics were slightly improved but the fun twist was that they took a page from the Genesis game and allowed you to be a dinosaur. Sadly, not a raptor but a compy. I'm guessing that their thought process was that you're on the smaller Sega, so you get the smaller dinosaur. Still fun to play though. As the manuals are nearly impossible to find by themselves and I don't have room to collect all the boxes, I had the manual reprinted for it which turned out really good.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2021, 04:29:43 pm »
17. Battletoads - This is a faithful port of the NES game into the handheld space. It's obviously not a 1 to 1 but it is really close. The game plays quite a bit faster than I would have expected it too. While I haven't beat this version of it, the game is still quite a bit of fun. The only down side that I've experienced in it thus far is that you can't ride the dragon creatures that try to knock you down like you could in the NES game.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2021, 08:50:45 am »
Was hoping for a bit more participation on this one but I'll keep it trucking until I hit 50 by myself if I have too I guess.

18. Incredible Crash Dummies - This was my third game for the system. It's very simplistic in nature... more akin to many of today's cell phone games minus the ads. You cycle through about five different mini games over and over with each round of cycles getting more difficult. I'm honestly not sure if there's an end too it or not. I think the best I did was 5-6 rounds of cycles. The mini games included jumping off of a roof, crashing a car, skiing, hammering explosives, and flying a rocket. The hammering game was the most boring.

Sorry for the large pic. It was either this one or one so small you could barely make it out.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2021, 05:17:15 pm »
19. FIFA International Soccer

It's the last one I can remember playing on my SEGA Game Gear. I think that the SEGA Game Gear was  and underrated handheld, But I guess Many people probably didn't own a SEGA Game Gear. Since everyone liked the longer lasting battery life of the Nintendo Gameboy Handheld.

10.62 million unit were sold according to Wikipedia today. And according to google the SEGA Game Gear had 364 games some games I don't even think are in the Database here. although I didn't count how many games were listed in this site current database.

a lot of the old Game Gears today are so old they have a screen problem :-\ 
I heard somewhere
« Last Edit: January 31, 2021, 05:19:08 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #19 on: January 31, 2021, 05:33:22 pm »

a lot of the old Game Gears today are so old they have a screen problem :-\ 
I heard somewhere

That's quite accurate. Sega used cheap capacitors in their construction. Most Game Gear systems today have had their capacitors leak causing issues with the video and/or audio. With mine, the audio was completely shot. I had capacitors replaced on both the audio and video card but the guy that did it missed that the capacitors had leaked onto the main mother board and the leak eventually ate through it causing total failure. I managed to later get the motherboard completely replaced with modern capacitors and changed out the tube backlights with LEDs. I may eventually get an upgrade to the McWill mod, but time will tell.

Glad to say there's a large revival for the underappreciated handheld.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2021, 09:30:37 am »
20. Sonic Chaos - Sonic was the bread and butter of Sega back when Game Gear was at the height of its lifespan. I remember getting Chaos and loving every second of it. The graphics were improved, you could be Tails if you wanted. They even made it so you could do the standing spindash from Sonic CD. The level design and music were great as per usual, however, the emphasis on rocket shoes and the odd bouncer that would stick to Sonic for a while made the game frustrating at times.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2021, 08:28:59 am »
21. Streets of Rage - While not as good as the sequel the game was still incredible fun on the Game Gear. Being able to beat the heck out of street punks will always be top notch in my book. Sadly, I didn't get to play these games until I was an adult as they were seen as too violent by my parents. Incredibly fun games though and glad to have both in my collection.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2021, 08:32:28 am »
22. NBA Jam - This is probably the only sports series that I enjoyed. I'm not a huge fan of sports in general, but the over the top action of being able to do insane dunks and break backboards and have the ball on fire and burn the net. It was all done so well and done at the right time. Then you had all the hidden unlockable characters and codes such as allowing you to dunk from half court. Fantastic. The handheld version is far more difficult to see but just as addicting. I dumped tons of hours into the original title and lived to shatter that backboard with an insane dunk.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2021, 12:13:06 pm »
23. Star Trek TNG The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial - While not as cool as the Genesis game as you never got to beam down to planets on this one, it still kept you engaged via ship battles and rescue missions. There was also a story to go with it, but it wasn't as good as one of the regular episodes as they were trying to constantly push the gameplay portions into being coherent. That said, the graphics were insanely good for the handheld and the soundtrack and effects were nearly spot on. Very impressive.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2021, 07:58:22 am by telekill »


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2021, 03:29:07 pm »
24. MegaMan - This title works really well on the Game Gear as the series was conceptualized for a two button system. The graphics are on par with what you would expect and the gameplay remains the same as the NES games. There are only four levels to play I'm guessing due to size restrictions on the small for the time cartridges. That said, I'm not sure these levels are on any of the other versions of MegaMan. These levels could have been built specifically for the Game Gear release. Sadly, I don't have this one in my collection due to how expensive it is to collect and I didn't know about it until around 2015.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2021, 11:26:01 am »
25. Earthworm Jim - This is actually an amazing port of the Genesis game as there's almost no slow down but still looks great. Just like the Genesis game, this is very difficult. Granted, many games back in these days were difficult. I believe a majority of the game is intact. On a side note that's a plus, if you have the instruction manual, there's actually a full color comic explaining the story in it. Quite a bit of fun to read back in the day.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2021, 11:12:54 am »
26. Micro Machines - While I primarily played this on NES back in the day, the Game Gear version is incredibly well done and matches the NES version in most ways. I believe it's lacking a couple characters and probably a couple tracks, but other than that, it feels identical. Another cool aspect is that you could play two player on one Game Gear system. A very odd thing to do as you essentially are sharing a screen and each person has half the system. Using three buttons to essentially go forward, left and right, are all that it required.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2021, 04:00:27 pm »
27. Gunstar Heroes - A well developed port of the Genesis game. There are times it slows, but the action is still intact. Luckily the Game Gear is not region locked as this was a Japan only release. The biggest issue I have with the Game Gear version is the music is just atrocious. Luckily, you just have to turn down the volume and you still get the fun gameplay.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2021, 07:19:34 pm »
28. Primal Rage - A fantastic fighting game. Basically King Kong vs Dinosaurs. The Game Gear version is missing a single character, Vertigo. Other than that the game is on par with the 16bit versions with the exception of one thing that made the game even more fun on the Genesis.... eating the worshipers for extra health. Fatalities are basically all intact which is great. I was usually Blizzard or Sauron. Good times.


Re: Top 50 Sega Game Gear Games
« Reply #29 on: February 11, 2021, 08:08:06 am »
29. Paperboy - A strangely addictive game. They did a great job putting this in handheld form. It feels really close to the NES game but wow is the soundtrack horrible. Also, the papers themselves look very odd when being thrown... something they fixed in the sequel. Still, the game is quite a bit of fun as you dodge the craziness of the neighborhood.