I don't think we'll be reaching 100. Here's the list so far:
01. Moto Racer
02. Resident Evil
03. Gran Turismo 2
04. Ehrgeiz
05. Tekken 3
06. Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee & Oddworld: Abe's Exodus
07. Omega Boost
08. Silent Hill
09. Wipeout 3 - Special Edition
10. Dino Crisis 2
11. Vagrant Story
12. Crash Bandicoot
13. Klaymen Klaymen: Neverhood no Nazo
14. Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage
15. Quake 2
16. Final Fantasy IX
17. Heart of Darkness
18. Delta Force: Urban Warfare
19. Legend of Dragoon
20. Boku no Natsuyasumi
21. Rayman 2
22. Chrono Cross
23. Driver 2
24. Metal Gear Solid
25. Alien Resurrection
26. Tomb Raider 3
27. Destruction Derby
28. Lost World Jurassic Park
29. Soul Blade
Resident Evil 2
RE2 continued the prerendered backgrounds of the first game, but they were improved significantly. So were the character models. There were now different versions of zombies and quite a few different enemy types with more of them on screen at once. Animations even improved which is always a good thing.